I have actually been looking into sheet music apps and page turners, but my research has raised a question I have not seen addressed on the sources I've come across. Besides playing a keyboard and piano, in the last year I have joined a group of 16 to 20 people that perform sea shanties acapella. Lately I have become the "keeper of the music." We edit the music almost weekly, and have to make it available to everyone. We are just making the move to going off-book when we perform, but often have new members who have not been able to memorize the lyrics yet. I maintain lyric sheets with large print used in both rehearsal and when performing. Currently we have a shared Dropbox folder with subfolders with our current set list and new music and lyrics that are in development for adding to our set list. I send out an email when I have updated the shared folder.
It occurs to me that an app on a tablet might serve us as well as a binder or two when performing. I'm already maintaining up-to-date PDFs of these large print lyric sheets that could be imported into an app. My question, finally, is do any of the apps have features to facilitate weekly updates to 20 different devices, or are there strategies to for doing this with the apps that are out there? I realize I could pretty much do what I am doing and let any member that wants to use a sheet music app to import the updated pdfs on their own, but wanted to see if there is the option of using the technology to do so automatically.
It occurs to me that an app on a tablet might serve us as well as a binder or two when performing. I'm already maintaining up-to-date PDFs of these large print lyric sheets that could be imported into an app. My question, finally, is do any of the apps have features to facilitate weekly updates to 20 different devices, or are there strategies to for doing this with the apps that are out there? I realize I could pretty much do what I am doing and let any member that wants to use a sheet music app to import the updated pdfs on their own, but wanted to see if there is the option of using the technology to do so automatically.