Seeking new keyboard suggestions

Oct 9, 2011
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Hi all,

I recently purchased a Roland FA-08 after spending quite some time deliberating between it and the Yamaha MOXF8. However I'm not sure I'm completely satisfied with the product. What I was looking for was:

* An 88-note weighted workstation synth that weights less than the S90XS or Fantom G8 so is easier to transport around for gigs.
* The ability to import samples and play them on the keyboard (the FA-08 will only let you play samples via the pads)
* I don't want the sound to cut off when I move from one Performance/Program/Split/Layer to the next (this is an issue for me with the FA-08 and S90XS).
* Plenty of User storage area to store patches, splits, layers & performances that I create
* A decent user interface that lets me access favourite sounds/performances quickly without scrolling through numerous screens/options.
* The ability to create layers with up to 16 zones if necessary - 4 isn't enough

What sold me on the FA-08 eventually was the action. To me it feels much better than the GHS action on the MOXF8.

With all the above mind does anyone have any suggestions on what might best suit my needs? Perhaps I'm dreaming when I say I want something that's not as heavy as the S90XS/Fantom G8 :)

Where does the Kurzweil PC3K8 sit in relation to the above?

Thanks so much in advance,
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
It sounds like you need to have a serious look at the daddy of all keyboards.

Korg Kronos.

I will leave it to the guys who know far more about this keyboard than I.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
PC3K8 weighs 54 lbs. Weighs about 80 lbs total when loaded into Gator hard shell TSA case.

Keybed is Fatar TP-Something. Very similar to my Juno DS88 which is identical keybed to the FA08

Programming interface is a nightmare. Lacks dedicated Envelope Controls. However the community support is excellent. There's no shortage of pre made patches for every genre available for free download or nominal price from third party developers.

There is a patch editor/librarian available from Soundtower free of charge but it is worthless, buggy, crashes erratically and corrupts the memory when it does. :p

Has 128 MB of sample and user memory for patches and samples. No of patches it can hold is determined by memory usage per patch and samples. I have almost 1000 user patches stored on mine.

Has zones up the wazoo.

Sounds do not cut when switching patches/programs. Can store setups in intelligent fashion. Uses intelligent note stealing so polyphony almost never drops out.

Extremely well documented. I have over 3000 pages of documentation that I seriously intend to sit down and read thru entirely some day.

It's an acquired taste but I dearly love mine and probably will never sell it off.

I'd suggest downloading a few manuals and reading thru them to get a better idea of what they are all about.

Gary ;)

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