WK-3200 keyboard smart media card

May 2, 2020
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Hello. I hope someone can assist here. I'm having trouble with my smart media card that holds midi files and goes into the back of the keyboard. I found out the midi files have to be SMF0 format for the keyboard to read the card. The issue I'm having is that I find the manual difficult to understand and when I put the card in I push the 4 cursor buttons all over the place. The displays shows pls wait, load card, format, save, etc etc and other messages. I'm having trouble getting the keyboard to play the midi file from the card. Any ideas? Thanks
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.

It is usual to format a card in a keyboard, if you have not done this then I suggest that you do so then try again with compliant MIDI files.

Do check where the files should be located, some systems create specific folders during the format process and files may have to be located within a specific folder in order to be read and loaded.

Do also check on any card capacity and type limitations in the keyboard spec
May 2, 2020
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It is usual to format a card in a keyboard, if you have not done this then I suggest that you do so then try again with compliant MIDI files.

Do check where the files should be located, some systems create specific folders during the format process and files may have to be located within a specific folder in order to be read and loaded.

Do also check on any card capacity and type limitations in the keyboard spec
Thanks for your reply. I formated the card a week ago and there was nothing on it. I downloaded an SMF0 midi file and inserted the card into the keyboard. I pushed the 4 cursor buttons all over the place and could not get the midi file to play
Nov 16, 2012
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When you are pressing those "4 cursor buttons all over the place" you are actually working your way through a menu system that allows you to tell the keyboard exactly what you want it to do, so you have to pay strict attention to where the display is telling you you are in the menu system after each button press and before the next button press. Random stabbing at the buttons will get you nowhere. You want to load a MIDI file from the Card into an internal memory location and play it, so when you first come into this menu system, you will use the cursor buttons to select LOAD and press ENTER. In the next screen, you will use the cursor buttons to select the MIDI file from the card that you want to load into memory and press ENTER, and on the next screen you will use the cursor buttons to select the internal memory location that you want to load the file into and press ENTER. Once you have all that, you go to the MIDI File Player and and use its menu system to tell it which MIDI file in internal memory you want it to play.

The other option, if you have access to a computer with Windows-7 or older is to use Casio's IDES-3 Data Manager software to transfer the file, from the computer, directly into the keyboard's internal memory, but IDES-3 is not compatible with Windows 8 or 10.
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Nov 16, 2012
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Despite Casio's compatibility statements to the contrary, the old IDES Data Management software IS able to run on Windows 8 and 10, so have at it! Download and install IDES-3 on your system and load your MIDI file directly into the WK-3200's internal memory from your computer's hard drive. You can download the IDES-3 sofware from:

May 2, 2020
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Hello Ted. Thanks for the info. The frustration I was having with the cursor buttons is that that are not marked with "enter", "next" etc. That's why I was pushing them all over the place. After reading your post I went back to the cursors and worked out that the lower button is the "enter". I went right back to the beginning and formated the card in the keyboard, then put the card into a multicard reader the via usb to the laptop. I saw the casio_md folder and loaded 3 midi file onto the card, using a program called jazz to change them from SMF1 to SMF0. I then put the card into the keyboard, pushed the card button then enter. I saw the 3 midi files on the display, I pushed enter and the display screen said err no data. So I don't know where to go from here. Any ideas?

Despite Casio's compatibility statements to the contrary, the old IDES Data Management software IS able to run on Windows 8 and 10, so have at it! Download and install IDES-3 on your system and load your MIDI file directly into the WK-3200's internal memory from your computer's hard drive. You can download the IDES-3 sofware from:

I tried to download the above file, there seems to be 6 parts then the .EXE file. My laptop gave me an error and I couldn't load it


  • error.png
    293.8 KB · Views: 111
Nov 16, 2012
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Either the "parts" or the complete .exe file are options. You do one or the other, but not both. The "parts" are/were for the older, slower systems of yesteryear, where you downloaded a little at a time from a "metered dialup bulletinboard" site, and concatenated them (offline) into a finished whole. With today's equipment, you only need the complete .exe file, but after you download it, do scroll back up, just a bit, and grab the "Application Manual", as you will certainly need that too.

To download the complete .exe file: under the heading Batch Downloading the Application, left click on the boxed blue Download just to the right of Application + Windows® Installer (7.94MB). This is a Windows installer file, so you will need to tell your computer where to save it, so that you can run it from that location. It is a good idea to retain the installer, in case you need to re-install it at some time in the future. These are really old files, so there is no telling how long Casio will keep them available.

As for loading from the Card: sorry I did not warn you about the cursor button "non-labels". My WK-3800 is the same way. My problem is that I keep hitting the down arrow, by mistake, instead of either the left or right arrow, and end up "entering" (selecting) something I did not intend to, and have to back out and start all over again, so I certainly understand your frustration. I am a little suspicious that that "jazz" converter (?) program may be trashing your files. I was never able to get it to work. I recommend Jorgen Sorensen's MIDI Formatter utility:


Wait for the redirect from his Home page to his Utilities page, then In his "grid" of Yamaha Keyboard Software (give that page a few seconds to fully populate, then scroll back to top of page) it is in the third column from the left - second line down. Click on Download (Win). It requires Microsoft .NET Framework as a runtime program, but if your Win-10 is like mine, it already has .NET Framework installed. If not, you can download that from the Microsoft website.
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May 2, 2020
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Hello. I formated the card again and tried to put only 1 midi file on it, but before that I downloaded the above software and I couldn't seem to get it to work. I went to file, open folder then I clicked on the midi file but the converter didn't do anything. I tried a few options such as format and open midi file but the didn't do a thing. It wouldn't open or select the file. You may be right about the Jazz software, however it asks if I want to change the file from SMF1 to SMF0 and I can see it changes from a multi track file to a single track, weather it works is another thing. Any ideas?

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