Kenton USB MIDI Host issues

Apr 3, 2018
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Be aware: Kenton claim that their MIDI Host will allow a USB device to be plugged into the USB MIDI Host mkII instead of into a computer. They claim that; "It provides MIDI In & Out sockets for USB MIDI keyboards and controllers which have only a USB B type socket. For example, used with a USB-Solo, it allows the USB-Solo to be used in a standard MIDI setup, just like a Pro-Solo. It has a USB Host port (USB A type socket), a MIDI In and a MIDI Out (both 5 pin DIN).
MIDI data received at the MIDI In socket will be sent to the USB device. MIDI data received from the USB device will be sent to the MIDI Out socket."
I have wasted money on this device only to find it will not communicate MIDI signals to my Yamaha, PSR S-670 keyboard.
Tech Support was appalling, telling me that I did not understand the problem. Perhaps that was why I contacted them?


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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It's supposed to work with devices that are class compliant, and I believe the PSR-S670 is supposed to be class compliant, so I think they should work together. I've never used either device, so the following comments are based on whatever information is available on the web and I can't test it out myself.

On page 93 the PSR-S670 Owner's Manual says you cannot use USB 3.0 cables, so make sure you're using a USB 2.0 cable.

On page 93 it also says that you cannot use a USB hub with the PSR-S670, so make sure you're connecting the USB 2.0 cable directly between the PSR-S670's USB TO HOST port and the Kenton's USB port.

As far as I know, the Kenton requires the included power adapter, so make sure it's plugged in.

What are you trying to use the PSR-S670 and the Kenton with? That is, what device(s) are you connecting to the Kenton's MIDI IN and/or MIDI OUT ports?

Are you trying to transmit MIDI data from the PSR-S670 to the other device, or from the other device to the PSR-S670? You mentioned that "it will not communicate MIDI signals to my Yamaha," so I assume you're trying to send from the other device to the PSR-S670, but I want to make sure.

In particular, what are you trying to accomplish? For instance, are you trying to use a keyboard controller as a second manual (keyboard) for the PSR-S670 in addition to playing on the PSR-S670 itself? Or are you trying to use another device to sequence MIDI data to the PSR-S670 so it will behave similar to a player piano-- that is, you won't be playing the PSR-S670 manually, just sending data to it so it can act as a sound module? Or are you trying to do something else?

I apologize if those seem like picky questions, but the PSR-S670 has a number of sophisticated MIDI TRANSMIT and MIDI RECEIVE settings, and I won't be able to recommend how to configure those settings until I have a firm understanding of what exactly you're trying to accomplish.
Apr 3, 2018
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It's supposed to work with devices that are class compliant, and I believe the PSR-S670 is supposed to be class compliant, so I think they should work together. I've never used either device, so the following comments are based on whatever information is available on the web and I can't test it out myself.

On page 93 the PSR-S670 Owner's Manual says you cannot use USB 3.0 cables, so make sure you're using a USB 2.0 cable.

On page 93 it also says that you cannot use a USB hub with the PSR-S670, so make sure you're connecting the USB 2.0 cable directly between the PSR-S670's USB TO HOST port and the Kenton's USB port.

As far as I know, the Kenton requires the included power adapter, so make sure it's plugged in.

What are you trying to use the PSR-S670 and the Kenton with? That is, what device(s) are you connecting to the Kenton's MIDI IN and/or MIDI OUT ports?

Are you trying to transmit MIDI data from the PSR-S670 to the other device, or from the other device to the PSR-S670? You mentioned that "it will not communicate MIDI signals to my Yamaha," so I assume you're trying to send from the other device to the PSR-S670, but I want to make sure.

In particular, what are you trying to accomplish? For instance, are you trying to use a keyboard controller as a second manual (keyboard) for the PSR-S670 in addition to playing on the PSR-S670 itself? Or are you trying to use another device to sequence MIDI data to the PSR-S670 so it will behave similar to a player piano-- that is, you won't be playing the PSR-S670 manually, just sending data to it so it can act as a sound module? Or are you trying to do something else?

I apologize if those seem like picky questions, but the PSR-S670 has a number of sophisticated MIDI TRANSMIT and MIDI RECEIVE settings, and I won't be able to recommend how to configure those settings until I have a firm understanding of what exactly you're trying to accomplish.
Apr 3, 2018
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I really appreciate your help in this. I would like to drive my AKAI EWI4000S Wind Controller into my Yamaha PSR S-670 keyboard. The Patchman site says that the Kenton USB MIDI HOST can handle the breath signals. That way, (I thought), I could use the woodwind voices from the Yamaha. I may well have got this totally wrong as I struggle with the terminology but the website does seem to promise it will work. I am using the separate power supply for the Kenton.
I can check the cables etc. as you suggest.. The strange thing is that when I select a voice on the keyboard and then play the EWI, it does try to play the correct note, albeit that the breath control is all over the place. However it plays with quite another voice than that one selected.
While I have an expert online, can I ask your opinion on the broader picture? I don't have to use the Yamaha keyboard for the EWI sounds. I have been looking at the Roland, Integra 7 as the MIDI controller. However, I don't want to risk the two not speaking to each other, especially the breath control. I can't find anywhere in the U.K. where I can do a trail run.
I can then run the Yamaha into an iPad as I want to use Mainstage 3 voices as well on keyboard.
I am also thinking of using the Behringer, FCB 1010 Pedalboard to select the voices on the Roland Integra during stage performances.
Any help you can give would be appreciated.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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If you're getting any response at all-- even if it isn't the result you're looking for-- then the cord and connections are okay and everything is working.

Based on your comment that "when I select a voice on the keyboard and then play the EWI, it does try to play the correct note, albeit that the breath control is all over the place. However it plays with quite another voice than that one selected," it sounds to me like the problem lies in the PSR-S670's MIDI settings. Now that I understand what you're trying to accomplish, let me review the PSR-S670 Reference Manual to see what options are available.

I'll also look for a manual for the controller to see if there are any settings (such as the MIDI transmit channel) that will also need to be set up as desired.

EDIT: As for your other questions, first let me see if I can help get you up and running with your current setup, then I'll think about the other questions. :)
Nov 16, 2012
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"I have been looking at the Roland, Integra 7 as the MIDI controller."


The Roland Integra-7 is a sound module. It can not be used as controller. Rather, it would be "played" by a controller.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Try the following basic steps to see if they work for you:

1. Connect the AKAI Pro EWI4000s MIDI OUT to the Kenton MIDI USB Host MkII MIDI IN.
2. Connect the Kenton MIDI USB Host MkII USB to the Yamaha PSR-S670 USB TO HOST.
3. Set the AKAI Pro EWI4000s MIDI OUT channel to 1.
4. Go to the Yamaha PSR-S670 MIDI RECEIVE tab and set the PART for PORT 1 CH 1 to RIGHT1.
5. Make sure NOTE, CC, PB, and AT are checked for PORT 1 CH 1.
6. Make sure PC is unchecked for PORT 1 CH 1.

Those settings should let you play the EWI4000s and have it control the PSR-S670. The sound used will be the one you've chosen for the RIGHT1 voice on the PSR-S670. Trying to send program changes from the EWI will have no effect because I don't think you want that.

You can of course use a different channel if you wish.

There are also settings on the EWI4000s for determining what types of messages will be sent, but I haven't tried to get into those yet. Once you're able to play notes on the EWI4000s and have them come out on the PSR-S670 using the voice you've selected, you can start experimenting with different settings on the EWI4000s.
Apr 3, 2018
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Thank you so much. I really appreciate your work and ability on this. I will try it. I am pretty tech savvy on many things but learning MIDI has been a struggle as the terminology is quite different.

best regards,
Jul 2, 2017
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Hi all, yes, the Kenton unit does what you require. A mate has one and it is linked to a Yamaha keyboard and works great. I was in the market for a unit like that a while back, but thought the Kenton was a little too pricey here in Australia, as we have no local dealers and would have to import one over from the UK. I located a little unit from Hobby Electronics, also in the UK, but it was a lot cheaper than the Kenton. I think by memory it was around 38 UK pounds. It works without a hitch with a Yamaha PSR EW400, out to my stand alone VST player, and Boss DR808 drum machine. I am having issues at the moment locating a decent midi splitter that actually works, as the Boss and many other units these days, do not have midi through, just in and out. I recently got burnt paying $70 aud for a supposedly workable 3 way splitter, only to discover it is a cheaply made bit of junk, with the totally wrong IC chip used for midi splitting. I should know better, being a retired electronics tech who is still able to build things from scratch, but sometimes it is just easier to purchase ready made than to go digging thorough years of leftover components. lol The only good part of the purchased splitter was the little dicast case. Will buy a Canadian made Midi Solutions splitter and be done with it. Gone off the original track here, but there is also another brand of usb to din midi unit I see on the web, a Keith McMillen unit, but I read somewhere that it may only work with his other products, as it could have some internal custom design that wont allow it to work with normal class compliant midi items, but it is much cheaper than the Kenton. Maybe someone can confirm or deny my thoughts on it. Regards. Geoff
Dec 12, 2019
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[QUOTE="SeaGtGruff, post: 191910, member: 6744]
1. Connect the AKAI Pro EWI4000s MIDI OUT to the Kenton MIDI USB Host MkII MIDI IN.
2. Connect the Kenton MIDI USB Host MkII USB to the Yamaha PSR-S670 USB TO HOST.
3. Set the AKAI Pro EWI4000s MIDI OUT channel to 1.
4. Go to the Yamaha PSR-S670 MIDI RECEIVE tab and set the PART for PORT 1 CH 1 to RIGHT1.
5. Make sure NOTE, CC, PB, and AT are checked for PORT 1 CH 1.
6. Make sure PC is unchecked for PORT 1 CH 1.

Those settings should let you play the EWI4000s and have it control the PSR-S670. The sound used will be the one you've chosen for the RIGHT1 voice on the PSR-S670. Trying to send program changes from the EWI will have no effect.[/QUOTE]

I'm using a sequencer app on an Android tablet to play MIDI files on a sound module, possibly a Ketron SD2 with 2 ports, 32 channels. I will play channel 1 of the sound module live from a Clavinova CLP-360 or similar. The sequencer app on the Android tablet will play pre-arranged MIDI files on the other 31 MIDI channels. I hope to change the patches on channel 1 of the sound module with an Android 10-key app via USB, but I do have a MIDI y-cable with 2 in and 1 out.

How do I go about setting up this 2-piece compact MIDI carryabout ?
Dec 26, 2019
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Hi, I didn't know it was possible to use Android apps as sequencer. Do you use it to play midi channels of your keyboard like a worksation sequencer? I thought only with IOS it was possible, please let me know if I was wrong. Thank you very much



I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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It's possible to do this in Android or any other operating system-- as long as you have a program or app that can do it. I believe the Android marketplace has tended to be far behind the iOS marketplace as far as high-quality MIDI apps, perhaps in part due to the fact that iOS has been ahead of the game in providing easy and reliable MIDI support, whereas Android has generally been behind in that respect. But things have gotten much better with the newer versions of Android.
Dec 26, 2019
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Excellent! Thank you for the help! If you or someone recommend any android app (I will look for it) that can be similar to a sequencer (allow to record or edit tracks that then can be played sounding in the Keyboard) will be very help full. Thank you again, I will share if I find something

Dec 12, 2019
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Using Android 5.0.2, Timidity AE works for me, playing back .MID files created with Cakewalk Home Studio. But I cannot imagine creating, arranging, etc., on a tablet! What a way to blind oneself.

I have also installed Synthesia for Android. I would try Sweet MIDI Player, but it appears to be IOS only.

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