I have owned an AkaI Pro MPK61 for 11 years but it hasn't been usable for 4 of those.
I loaned it one and ONLY time to a fellow musician in Boise Idaho and after chasing him down for a month he dropped it at my doorstep in the middle of the night.
I have the No Firmware on boot message. This happens when you try to update the firmware and don't have the syx file to actually upgrade it with. There is no failback, no safety net.
There is also no support or any firmware available that I've been able to find in all the times since it was returned years ago.
I have messaged everyone I have ever seen post one for sale or made a video of one in use but I don't get a reply or I get the attitude of an old Ham radio operator that just says mean stuff when you ask for help.
Akai (or that company that bought them) refused to provide any help then or now.
Current owners if they reply at all say to call Akai and call me an idiot for wiping it.
I do have a 1.0 version for the MPK88 and try every few months to convert the syx to hex and edit the bytes and have managed to install it but split function is broken as well as the pads and the midi values are not correct for the keys, pads and other tactile controls. So I have abandoned that for now.
I can't look at it without feeling disgusted with the guy that wiped it, the non existing support, lack of archived firmware by other owners and the general attitude of the replies to threads created about this subject by the two other people like me that I found in dead sites on archive.org and closed/abandoned threads. The lucky few that did get support fram Akai years ago never shared the file anywhere I've been able to find.
It's like a national f#$@&ng secret or the recipe for Coca-Cola or the dam Crabby Patty.
Can anyone help at all because I'm about to move into a new home and it is going to get filled with TATP and thermite just to get a 30-30 round at about 50 yards and be blown to bits from the explosion.
I'm not going to store it anymore and I'm not going to sell it as is or to some jerk that wouldn't dump a sysex for me but fix it and flip it.
If my tone is a little towards the cranky side well, like I said it's been 4 years of no replies rude replies and dead ends. I just don't get why the.... elitism that surrounds this controller.
I just want to use it with my DAW and/or microKorg again
I loaned it one and ONLY time to a fellow musician in Boise Idaho and after chasing him down for a month he dropped it at my doorstep in the middle of the night.
I have the No Firmware on boot message. This happens when you try to update the firmware and don't have the syx file to actually upgrade it with. There is no failback, no safety net.
There is also no support or any firmware available that I've been able to find in all the times since it was returned years ago.
I have messaged everyone I have ever seen post one for sale or made a video of one in use but I don't get a reply or I get the attitude of an old Ham radio operator that just says mean stuff when you ask for help.
Akai (or that company that bought them) refused to provide any help then or now.
Current owners if they reply at all say to call Akai and call me an idiot for wiping it.
I do have a 1.0 version for the MPK88 and try every few months to convert the syx to hex and edit the bytes and have managed to install it but split function is broken as well as the pads and the midi values are not correct for the keys, pads and other tactile controls. So I have abandoned that for now.
I can't look at it without feeling disgusted with the guy that wiped it, the non existing support, lack of archived firmware by other owners and the general attitude of the replies to threads created about this subject by the two other people like me that I found in dead sites on archive.org and closed/abandoned threads. The lucky few that did get support fram Akai years ago never shared the file anywhere I've been able to find.
It's like a national f#$@&ng secret or the recipe for Coca-Cola or the dam Crabby Patty.
Can anyone help at all because I'm about to move into a new home and it is going to get filled with TATP and thermite just to get a 30-30 round at about 50 yards and be blown to bits from the explosion.
I'm not going to store it anymore and I'm not going to sell it as is or to some jerk that wouldn't dump a sysex for me but fix it and flip it.
If my tone is a little towards the cranky side well, like I said it's been 4 years of no replies rude replies and dead ends. I just don't get why the.... elitism that surrounds this controller.
I just want to use it with my DAW and/or microKorg again