Hey man, Don't Bogart That Beethoven! Gimme Those Headphones!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
BTW, "Pyromaniac's Orgasm" will be the title of my next tune. I've already decided.

(C) 2018 by Gary G. :D :D :D

Gary ;)
Aug 16, 2011
Reaction score
@m10538 I understand the sentiment that you were trying to convey, but it did not come across well. If you wanted to start a discussion about the benefits of listening to music, then that is what you should have done - instead your post was largely about how terrible drugs are. And yes, I agree with others that it came across as deliberately provocative.

We have not had to establish strict rules here on the forum, because it is a relaxed place and it just hasn't been necessary. However, the unspoken rule is that you are welcome to criticise opinions but not people. You will note that @happyrat1 was critical of your opinion, but you criticised him personally. This is not acceptable, and I am glad to see that you have apologised.

You seem to view your opinions as facts, which they are not. You have the right to an opinion, but you do not have the right for your opinion to be accepted. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.

If you are new to being online, then I hope you view this experience as an opportunity to learn. Please bear in mind that one more justified complaint will result in a ban.

To everyone else: Sorry I've only just seen this, I was busy over the weekend and wasn't online much. If you ever need to draw my attention to something then please feel free to hit the 'Report' button in the offending post - I will get an email (which I check regularly) and can check it out. If you don't want to see posts from a specific member then click on your name at the top of the page, then click on 'People you ignore'. You can enter member names there.
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
I was just in the New Posts section and happened to click on the Profile tab ans saw a message by the Op of this thread, it read like he is departing.

Thanks Becky for the info, the next Troll will get reported and then Ignore set.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Actually I'm sort of sad that he left.

Realistically speaking he's just another old geezer like us who was looking for some human contact.

Unfortunately he seems to be somewhat new to the internet and didn't realize that controversial threads are the war cry of the troll and the 13 year old noob.

Perhaps in another few months or a year or so he'll start to realize that controversy is not the only subject matter for discussion on an internet forum.

Potentially I think he's a good guy who just needs to sand off his rough edges before he starts to settle into the forum groove.

Right now he's trying too hard to be the life of the party and I'm sure we've all been there at least once in our lives. :D

Gary ;)
Jun 27, 2014
Reaction score
Adelaide, Australia
Actually I'm sort of sad that he left...
I agree with Col, Gary. Wise and mature words. A very well put post.

My less magnanimous view below:

Valuable contributors to an online community do not jump onto a forum they've just joined and call ANYONE an "ass hole" because they disagree with their position on social issues. Particularly the person who is the heaviest contributor to the forum.

Then when confronted about the totally inappropriate ad hominem attack, they don't shirk the matter by implying existing forum contributors are too immature to put up with the word "ass".

He was trolling alright. Typing garbage to provoke a reaction.

Had he pulled that stunt in one or two other forums I'm part of, he would have been so viciously attacked that he'd be in the corner rocking backwards and forwards sucking his thumb right now.

The cloak of anonymity provided by on line forums gives some people the illusion that they can behave however they choose without consequence. Not so.

No time for it. Fare thee well - you won't be missed (by me).
Aug 16, 2011
Reaction score
I was just in the New Posts section and happened to click on the Profile tab ans saw a message by the Op of this thread, it read like he is departing.

Thanks Becky for the info, the next Troll will get reported and then Ignore set.

Yup, they made a departing post on my profile (which I have removed). Essentially what it boils down to is that they could not see any fault in their actions, so my expressed hope that they learn from this experience is unlikely to happen. Oh well!

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