So there you go! 2 down 8 to go!
Tell us about yourself. I see in your profile you are an old guy with lots of keyboards. You must have some stories to share.
Btw . Welcome
No, an old guy that had 3 keyboards. The Casio MT-100, CT-390, and the Yamaha PSR-190. I don't actually play anymore. I just played for fun back in the '80s, '90s and made recordings that I'm making videos for on YouTube. My stuff is just simple and fun, I never intended for it to be heard by other people. So before I jump into the crypt (ha ha) I thought I'd share it.
I'm probably the least social person you could know, I don't have much to say. I certainly don't have professional or technical knowledge to give to anybody. It's interesting to hear other peoples music and see some comments on mine. I agree with happyrat1 that music is supposed to be fun. That's why I'm here. Hmm, I think the same as a guy with a rat costume on. That's disturbing.