Just rockin' it out!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Does that thing have an arpeggiator or are you getting the patterns with the LFO?

Gary ;)
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
Did this today to kind of show off the arpeggiator and sequencer. I like to play with the ping pong delay built into my mixer as well.

Oct 9, 2017
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I know this is absolute sacrilege, but I also play the other instrument! I'm just putting it up here because it's kind of turning into my own private page. That was never my intention but as long as people are enjoying my music, I think it might be okay.

Oct 9, 2017
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Well, it's been a mad mad week. My car had an expensive repair, my iPhone pooched out, my car needs another repair and my iPhone is, well, I really don't know but Apple might be giving me a new one next week. So I did this! Just some mad, I mean Mad! Mad, mad mad, synth noise stuff over a Moog Grandmother groove sequencey thing. Hope you like it as much as I do!

Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Oh I feel your pain.

My iPad is in bits after the the screen developed a mind of its own. The company that I ordered the lcd panel off did not include the touch screen so that also had to be sent, the GPS and WiFi aerials also need replacing since the ham fisted guy stripping the iPad damaged them softening the adhesive.

My car has a major service in a couple of weeks that will cost near on $1000 and it needs four new tyres at $400 each plus it has to have a MOT which is a legal roadworthy test so that is another $80 (US equivalent costs of £UK).

Great vid btw.
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
Oh I feel your pain.

My iPad is in bits after the the screen developed a mind of its own. The company that I ordered the lcd panel off did not include the touch screen so that also had to be sent, the GPS and WiFi aerials also need replacing since the ham fisted guy stripping the iPad damaged them softening the adhesive.

My car has a major service in a couple of weeks that will cost near on $1000 and it needs four new tyres at $400 each plus it has to have a MOT which is a legal roadworthy test so that is another $80 (US equivalent costs of £UK).

Great vid btw.
Thanks, Biggles! This whole year has been a massive poop in the pan and I don't just mean because of the Covid thing. I just got back from my brother-in-law's cottage and for some reason, the people across the river have decided that quiet is a bad thing. So now we have people who suffer from a cerebral rectal inversion making more noise than one would hear at a rock festival. Screaming, yelling, screaming yelling on boats, on jet skis. well you get the picture. We just want some serenity and the spot by the water used to be our sanctuary.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
brother-in-law's cottage and for some reason, the people across the river have decided that quiet is a bad thing. So now we have people who suffer from a cerebral rectal inversion making more noise than one would hear at a rock festival. Screaming, yelling, screaming yelling on boats, on jet skis. well you get the picture. We just want some serenity and the spot by the water used to be our sanctuary.


First world problems.

My apartment is directly next door to a GO Rail Station... :oops:

After a few years you won't even notice it. :D :D :D

The kids in the building go back to school in two weeks and my chances of covid death skyrocket due to some brat's snot bubbles in the elevator :p

Gary ;)
Oct 9, 2017
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My late mother-in-law used to call children "little germ bags". As for trains, I used to live 2 houses away from the triple tracks south of the Danforth at Coxwell. They were constantly running by but after a couple of days, I never noticed. Children should be kept hermetically sealed!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
I'm lucky enough to live next to a 4 track siding as well. Those idiots are constantly coupling and decoupling cars at 2 in the morning here.

If I wake up in the middle of the night from the crashing I have to figure out if it's thunder or the rail yard next door. :p

The second spike is going to be bad between October rain and cold, flu season, and the back to school rush...

Gary ;)
Oct 9, 2017
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I think I'm going to be learning how to play my synths for a long long time. Here's a quick little jam that I did this afternoon. Hope you like it and please feel free to share it, even if you don't like it!;)
I just threw together a looping bassline on my Moog Grandmother and played some chords and a fudgey melody over it. I had fun. Was a great way to spend a dreary drizzly day.



Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Great tune Jeremy. Basically it's what I do to relieve stress and boredom during Covid. I love the way you rock out towards the end. :) Summer's been too nice for me to spend it locked up in the studio all day though. I've been out soaking up the Sun for the past 5 months which is pretty much all the sun we get in Canada :p

Mind you, Jordan Rudess could have played the entire piece on the Korg alone. ;)

The MOOG does make a kickassed bass sequencer though, don't it? :)

Good to see and hear you keeping your chops up during the pandemic.

Keep your fingers crossed guys. Possibly less than a year til there's a vaccine and bookings can start opening up again. :)

Gary ;)


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Man, I would pay good money just to see you on stage with a drummer, a bass and no vocals. :)

Time to explain to your bandmates how they're "holding you back..." :D

And I gotta say, the King Korg really cuts thru the mix. :cool:

To be honest I've pretty much wasted the whole summer on not much else than practice noodling. Analog gear is Soooooooooooooo addictive when it comes to creating sounds but not so wonderful for recording them. :p

I've gotta start a few new fall/winter projects to keep me from hibernating this winter. ;)

Gary ;)
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
Man, I would pay good money just to see you on stage with a drummer, a bass and no vocals. :)

Time to explain to your bandmates how they're "holding you back..." :D

And I gotta say, the King Korg really cuts thru the mix. :cool:

To be honest I've pretty much wasted the whole summer on not much else than practice noodling. Analog gear is Soooooooooooooo addictive when it comes to creating sounds but not so wonderful for recording them. :p

I've gotta start a few new fall/winter projects to keep me from hibernating this winter. ;)

Gary ;)
Back in the early summer, I started having massive problems with my mixer and my Cubase 10 DAW. I can't get the 2 of them to talk to each other. Around about the same time I also found that my Soundcloud site was almost full and if I wanted to expand it, it would cost me a lot more money. So I'm paying a lot to get people to hear my songs. Aren't I the one who should be getting paid? Anyway, since Youtube is free, I started putting up little music videos. I have an old Zoom Q4 camera that I bought 7 years ago to record "home movies". I'm now using it and sometimes, when I can figure it out, my iPhone 7 to record music videos. Most of my gear is pretty muck maxed out. My Kronos' SSD is full so I can't save any more songs onto it. There is supposedly a way to clear memory but I haven't had any success in doing that. So my solution to getting my creative bug on, is too pretty much record to the camera live. Yes, analogue gear is very addictive. Very very very addictive. I especially like the lack of patch memory. It means to me that you have to get it right and record it. Or else it's gone bye bye forever. One day I'll get my old Minikorg and Polysix repaired. One day. I do have to admit though that I also really like virtual analogue. I'm very surprised that the King Korg received so little love. It's an amazing little synth. At this point in time I'm hoping to sort out my mixer/cubase issue but I'm not going to stop writing and making more videos. One day I expect to get some video editing software so that I can have my Zoom camera and my iPhone filming from different angles at the same time. I'm not in any hurry though. As soon as it turns into work and not play, I'm done.
Stay safe my friend! We're back in the Covideo again!

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