MODX users, How do you like this keyboard (or module)

Jun 25, 2010
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I have had the Modx for a while now. It is really a fantastic keyboard for the price. One problem I see is again the horrible way Yamaha produces the sounds for a B3 and Leslie effect. If you are looking for great B3 sounds it is not the ax to use. Otherwise it rocks.
It's relative... While the MODX is not as good as the more specifically organ-oriented boards out there, I think its organs are actually better than most of the other boards mentioned in this thread, i.e. Kross, Krome, Juno DS, FA. I'd say the PC4 mentioned is better, but hammer action is poor for organ playing. Nicely, though, they have a semi-weighted version (PC4-7) coming out that is supposed to be shipping soon.
May 28, 2020
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It's relative... While the MODX is not as good as the more specifically organ-oriented boards out there, I think its organs are actually better than most of the other boards mentioned in this thread, i.e. Kross, Krome, Juno DS, FA. I'd say the PC4 mentioned is better, but hammer action is poor for organ playing. Nicely, though, they have a semi-weighted version (PC4-7) coming out that is supposed to be shipping soon.
May 28, 2020
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Here a a couple things to consider. I have been using Yamaha products for many years now. When I jump to a different model it confuses me and there is a larger curve in learning them. I like the authenticity of most sounds Yamaha produces. I have a Hammond SK1 that blew a board and because the turn around is over 6 months for repair (never again) I bought a YC61. Holy crap does this thing have awesome organ and rotor settings! So now I use the YC as primary and MODX as secondary in my blues band. I'm sold on both.
OH, and since I am a "senior", weight is very important. MODx and YC both help me keep the lugging at bay.

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