New To Forum and Keyboards

Sep 30, 2018
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I would like to learn how to play the keyboard. I am in So Cal and planning on retiring in Las Vegas.

I was doing a search on some questions that I had and it led me to this forum.

I am looking at a Yamaha EZ-220 that someone has for sale locally. I also noticed that Casio has their version
the LK-280. Both lighted keyboards for learning. So I was trying to decide between the two. Not sure if this is the
right way to go or just spend more cash and get an 88 key keyboard.

I'm older so not sure that I can even learn the keyboard. My memory is not that great. I thought it might be
a good thing to do when I retire.

I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks
May 19, 2018
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Emu Park, QLD, AU
I would like to learn how to play the keyboard. I am in So Cal and planning on retiring in Las Vegas.

I was doing a search on some questions that I had and it led me to this forum.

I am looking at a Yamaha EZ-220 that someone has for sale locally. I also noticed that Casio has their version
the LK-280. Both lighted keyboards for learning. So I was trying to decide between the two. Not sure if this is the
right way to go or just spend more cash and get an 88 key keyboard.

I'm older so not sure that I can even learn the keyboard. My memory is not that great. I thought it might be
a good thing to do when I retire.

I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks

Hi geneva54,

Welcome to the forum. In regards to the selection of a suitable keyboard other forum member are better equipped and qualified to assist in selecting a suitable keyboard. However, one of the areas I am qualified to speak on is life after retirement after practicing this daunting new lifestyle for over 3 years now.

Comparable to your sentiments expressed, I too had reservation in regards to having the capacity to learn the keyboard particularly after the odd memory lapse i.e. walking down to the shed (barn) to pick up a tool and once there not remembering what I was doing here.

Almost a year down the track I am happy to report that my initial concerns were unfounded. I am happily “pounding” away on my keyboard and with some assistance from forum members progressing nicely. As an unexpected bonus my physical and mental dexterity increases steadily.

In order to learn the keyboard, may I respectfully suggest modifying one of your statements to:

“I am older and I can learn the keyboard”

Best Regards,



Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
Hi @geneva54
Glad you found your way to the forums. Welcome!
I think the lighted keys on the keyboard will distract your learning. I would disregard those models for a start.
Just menorize each key and their position. There are only 7 to learn and eighth one is the same as the first one. Each eight keys are repeated up and down the key bed whether its 61, 76 or 88 keys, Just learn the 7 keys and you will be fine. Take your time. It does require patience. Start with removable letter stickers on the keys if you wish but you will want to remove them fairly soon.
I started playing keyboard at 55 yrs. I am 66 now and love my playing much like @Rafferty.
It is a worthwhile pastime and so rewarding.
I think there are many threads here to give you some good direction on which way you should go but it depends a lot on you preferences to play piano like or keyboard like with accomp.
People here will be very keen to help you. Maybe give us a clue to your budget and music genre desires. That could be a good start.
cheers from Australia . . Ray:)
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.

I have beed retired for four years and love my daily time learning new songs and practicing on my keyboards. So age has nothing to do with it, its a case of desire to play and learn.

If I can suggest avoiding the lighted keyboards and also the low cost ones these are aimed at children and they do not have the best of sound qualities.

A Yamaha PSR E463 or Casio CT X3000 will cost about $300 from Sweetwater Music, there is also a new keyboard coming out by Korg it is the EK50 and that will cost less than $400 this is probably a game changer in the market.

Either of these keyboards will give you years of enjoyment and despite there being a lot of switches they are very easy to get the basics up and playing. It is a case of turning on and playing the default instrument which is probably a piano.

As you get better with these Arranger keyboards your lefthand plays a chord and your right the melody line, the left hand can trigger an automatic music style playback so you then have your own full band accompanying you.

If you search online for reviews and video tutorials these will give you a good grounding in what to expect.

On top of the Keyboard you will need a good quality stand for it, I suggest a Z type rather than a double X type as a Z type is more secure. Additionally an adjustable stool (bench type) will be better than using a dining room chair.

You may be able to get a good deal by buying all these as a bundle.

Good luck.

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