Newbie needing help using Yamaha Silent with Cakewalk Pro Audio 9

Dec 29, 2014
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Any help gratefully received - first time using Cakewalk - either I'm being dumb or it doesn't work ?
Previously used an Amstrad, with Steinway or Steinberg (?) software & a Roland Synth, back in the 90's.

I am trying to connect a Yamaha Silent piano to Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 on a Laptop (Win7x64), via a Midi-USB convertor (not sure which brand).
I'm thinking I missed something because I can't figure how to get the piano's output to arrive in the program.

(I'm not so interested in opinions on the equipment / software, unless you absolutely confirm this combination won't ever work together because... - its just what I've got, for now.)

So far I got Cakewalk installed (slightly surprised there were no reported problems with that on Win7x64).
Plugged the USB cable into the laptop, and the red light shows on the midi convertor lump.
Within Cakewalk, whenever the USB-Midi cable is connected, I can select that within the midi/instrument options lists.
Yamaha Silent (at least the one I have, built approx 1994) only has 2x 1/4-inch jack & 1x Midi 5-pin DIN output, and obviously for an acoustic no midi in. So USB cable 'midi out' connected to the piano.

I 'believe' cakewalk has an auto record-start function when it detects midi input occuring - could anyone confirm that? There is a record start button - but its greyed-out thus far.

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing, please?
I think as soon as I can get something recording, I will be able to change settings within Cakewalk (voices, notation, layout, etc), but its the first few notes I'm struggling with.
I was hoping to use this to write notation for improvised playing, more than multi-track or mixing, although that could be nice at a later stage.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
With MIDI you have to connect OUT to IN and IN to OUT. So your MIDI OUT on the Piano has to connect to the MIDI IN plug on the Interface.

At that point it should start recording as long as you have the red R box checked on the track and have the track itself highlighted with the mouse.

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