Semi-weighted Keys

Mar 2, 2018
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I did read that they think they have wrung all the performance they are likely to get out of the chip in the PA xX series, and that they are most likely to move to a new chip. I believe that the korg pa os is linux based, so (latency aside) it might be a straightforward process to do that, but I suspect that it (a) might be some time, during which minor updates will be made, and (b) the new product will have a different emphasis in terms of sequencer mode, but will more easily integrate with a DAW.
The MOXF series has done that, giving away a version of cubase, but I found the menus impossible to navigate (I owned a MOXF6 for three or 4 years but wanted to spend the time playing rather than programming).
And anyway, the 4X really does do everything that I am ever likely to want to do. and does it quickly.
Yes but PAX is 4k and MOXF8 is 1200$
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Yes but a PA4X is a top of line Arranger and the MOXF8 is a run of the mill low to mid price range Workstation with a cr4p Menu system.

The MOXF8 has a GHS keybed it is the 61 key version that is semi weighted

Chalk and Cheese.
Oct 17, 2020
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That is a consideration, but if the additional keyboard doesn't require much depth of its own, it may not be much of an issue. Keep in mind, for example, a Hammond B3 organ which has two sets of stacked keys, with all the controls up above the top keys... it's no problem there. In this case, the Yamaha CP300 can be almost entirely covered (except for its keys) by a keyboard stacked above it, with no loss of functionality/access.

This could be a good idea. Would look pretty awesome too.

Arranger functions would be a little less convenient but still within reach.

Also want to buy a Kronos or next model eventually (can you tell im a single guy w/ money to burn? ). Therefore trying to think ahead as well.

Stacking like you've suggested would keep the setup simple & compact, wouldn't need more speakers or another bench taking up room, etc.

Could make reading music books more difficult though (mainly just read chords & lyrics at this point).

A lot to consider. But fun to think about.
Oct 17, 2020
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Anybody know how long of a delay between when manufacturers announce a new model and when it's actually available for purchase? If they announce a PA5X in January, might it not actually be available until like June?

EDIT - I guess I'm asking about what we GENERALLY see for a delay. Obviously nobody can predict how covid might affect it.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.

The PA1000 and PA700 were both announced in about July 2017.

The 700 became available to buy in small numbers in the September which is when I bought mine.

The 1000 was a different matter, the small number availability was March 2018.

Typically the first batch are a bit over priced and they reduce by about 15-20% after about a year.

I too am keeping fingers crossed that a 5X will be announced next year.
Last edited:
Oct 17, 2020
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Good to know, thanks. I'm flip flopping every other day what to do. Might be smarter to wait, but I'm gonna be stuck inside by myself a lot this winter due to covid so would be nice to have sooner.
Oct 17, 2020
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I was able to negotiate $500 off the sticker price so I just ordered a new PA4X for $3700. I'm able to return it through end of Jan so if they announce the PA5X at NAMM I can still return the PA4X and put in a pre-order for the 5X, if I want to.

I'm going to buy a second stand for it and try using the semi-weighted keys. I can always change my mind and go the keyboard controller method at a later time.

Now that it's on order, I can't wait to get it!

Thanks again for the input from everyone.
Nov 22, 2020
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Hello all,

New to the forum! Looked around a bit and didn't see this question so figured I'd try posting.

I'm considering buying a Korg PA4X Arranger but I'm concerned about the keys being only semi-weighted. I have a medical condition that causes muscle tension so I tend to have a very heavy touch. I'm concerned if semi-weighted keys would wear down over time.

I had my parents old digital piano from the 90s at one point and I basically destroyed half the keys on accident by playing too hard. This is why I'm concerned.

I currently have a Yamaha stage piano for the last 6 years that I've been pretty rough on and the keys are perfectly fine. But I'm wondering if this is because they're fully weighted.

Anybody have any insight?
Nov 22, 2020
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Hello all,

New to the forum! Looked around a bit and didn't see this question so figured I'd try posting.

I'm considering buying a Korg PA4X Arranger but I'm concerned about the keys being only semi-weighted. I have a medical condition that causes muscle tension so I tend to have a very heavy touch. I'm concerned if semi-weighted keys would wear down over time.

I had my parents old digital piano from the 90s at one point and I basically destroyed half the keys on accident by playing too hard. This is why I'm concerned.

I currently have a Yamaha stage piano for the last 6 years that I've been pretty rough on and the keys are perfectly fine. But I'm wondering if this is because they're fully weighted.

Anybody have any insight?
Hi Rufus, I have a similar problem with weighted vs non-weighted keys. I've had Yamaha CVPs these last few years (509 then 609) on account of the plasticky keys causing RSI problems. The Yamahas are very weighted but I got no real problems from these. I then bought a Korg EK50L for something different but had to send it back as my arms started to play up after a few days of playing this. I've since sold the Yamaha and have bought a Roland FA08 because my research showed that the keyboard seemed to suit me (I wasn't able to try one out in the shops because of this lockdown lark) so decided to buy one. I'm happy enough with the keyboard action which is a bit lighter than the Yamaha but a satisfactory compromise for playing piano/synth/organ sounds. I originally wanted to stay with arranger keyboards and, like you, was going to go for a Korg PA4X or even a PA300 or 600 until I realised that the keys were not weighted and so might cause problems in the long-term. Anyway, I've got this Roland but it's doing my head in trying to work out what to do with it as I'm not familiar with workstations at all. I guess I wanted something quite challenging to take my mind off all this lockdown stuff that's also doing my head in! I've just managed to inadvertently delete some of the demo songs software and so far have not been able to do a factory reset nor download software from Roland to reinstall these lost demo songs so I've just given up for now. One thing I've done with the Roland is to experiment with the key sensitivity e.g. light, medium, heavy. I prefer the heavy setting if I'm playing piano particularly but when I switch to synth or organ, or putting in drum data or similar, I switch to light as it facilitates the playing or recording response etc. Anyway, I wish you all the best with your medical condition and hope you make/made the right choice.
Oct 17, 2020
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Got my PA4X today and all I can say is WOW. The voices are a significant improvement over my CP300. And the backing tracks are an absolute blast to play along with.

First thing I did was turn on some blues in C and go to town on an organ sound!
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Great choice Rufus.

If you have not already does so, format a USB drive in the 4X and create a full Backup File and also a SaveAll file, the latter is more important as it saves your User Data to it. If you update the OS or do a factory reset you will need to load the SaveAll file.

Korg Bonusware site has all the free expansion packs.

Korgforums is make specific and has a dedicated section for the 4X.

Search said forum for Reuben’s Piano voices, download and install them.

There are also Facebook Groups for Korg PA’s which even are Admin by Korg UK staff.

Finally, in Global there is the Eq section, it is off by default. Turning it on will increase the audio quality dramatically.
Oct 17, 2020
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Thanks Biggles. I've done the backup & save all. Great to start out with that advice rather than having to learn the hard way.

I'm actually loving the semi-weighted keys. For whatever reason I don't tense up as much when a lighter touch is enough so it's been great.

Having the PA4X as my first arranger is a little overwhelming but a heck of a lot of fun. I try to learn one new thing about it every day and it seems ill have to continue this for a while!

So far I've largely gone through the pre-set songs in the songbook and had fun learning how to use them. Next I'd like to try downloading midi files and converting them to styles.

Does anybody have recommendations of the best site to download MIDI files? I'm assuming you have to pay for them for it to be legal and I'm okay with that. Anybody have feedback on any of the sites listed in this article?

Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Glad you are enjoying the 4X

Korg’s own additions Styles, Sounds etc.

Also do checkout for more freebies, this is the official Korg UK website for PA Arrangers.

Search out the webinars for a host of free tutorials

As for loading third party MIDI files, it is a simple process but if the conversion works it makes a best guess at the instruments so some tweaking may be required.
Oct 17, 2020
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I downloaded Reuben's piano sounds yesterday and they are excellent. Especially the Honda Chateau piano, sounds just like Elton!

It looks like some of the MIDI sites in the link I posted are pretty shady, and Song Galaxy may be the most legit one. I'll probably buy a song or two and try the conversion and see how it goes. I understand it's not a perfect process but is probably still way faster than building from scratch.

I will download the freebies at some point but haven't got to it yet. So much to try and learn!
Oct 17, 2020
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Well I bought a MIDI file for Livin' on a Prayer as a test and converted it to a style and the first impression is not great. There are no intros or outros or drum fills. The instruments are all wrong, and the iconic bass line from the song isn't close to right.

I'll have to spend a lot of time customizing. It seems like this process may cut out a portion of the work in building a song, but not nearly as convenient as I had hoped.

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