Sending usb to two MacBooks

Aug 31, 2021
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Hope this is the correct forum for this. I am in the process of moving to all computer generated sounds so I can fly to gigs without having to worry if I can get the backline I use. I am considering purchasing the Radial KL-8 to have a redundant system in case MacBook 'A' goes down I can seamlessly switch to MacBook 'B' with a foot switch. That looks like it will work well for switching outs but how would I switch the usb in from my keyboard controller to MacBook 'B' from MacBook 'A'? Is there there such a thing as a usb splitter? I'd rather not have to use a switcher as it's yet another button to press along with the foot switch, another thing that could go wrong, and would take my hands from the keys. So how can I send midi via usb to two Macs simultaneously from one controller?
Apr 4, 2012
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Hope this is the correct forum for this. I am in the process of moving to all computer generated sounds so I can fly to gigs without having to worry if I can get the backline I use. I am considering purchasing the Radial KL-8 to have a redundant system in case MacBook 'A' goes down I can seamlessly switch to MacBook 'B' with a foot switch. That looks like it will work well for switching outs but how would I switch the usb in from my keyboard controller to MacBook 'B' from MacBook 'A'? Is there there such a thing as a usb splitter? I'd rather not have to use a switcher as it's yet another button to press along with the foot switch, another thing that could go wrong, and would take my hands from the keys. So how can I send midi via usb to two Macs simultaneously from one controller?

usb splitter


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Not all MIDI devices require handshaking or active sensing acknowledgements, otherwise MIDI splitters/cloners and simple controller MIDI OUT to sound module MIDI IN connections would be impossible.

There are devices such as the Bome Box or certain MIDI audio interfaces from iConnectivity and others that let you split, merge, clone, or alter MIDI messages. As far as I know, most of them have just one USB for connecting to a device (and often another for connecting to a host, but those are two different types of port, A versus B). However, they usually allow connecting multiple USB-MIDI devices by using a USB hub.
Aug 31, 2021
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Not all MIDI devices require handshaking or active sensing acknowledgements, otherwise MIDI splitters/cloners and simple controller MIDI OUT to sound module MIDI IN connections would be impossible.

There are devices such as the Bome Box or certain MIDI audio interfaces from iConnectivity and others that let you split, merge, clone, or alter MIDI messages. As far as I know, most of them have just one USB for connecting to a device (and often another for connecting to a host, but those are two different types of port, A versus B). However, they usually allow connecting multiple USB-MIDI devices by using a USB hub.
Thanks for correcting me. Maybe it's just midi via usb that has to handshake? I've seen the iConnectivity products and they would do the job, however I've seen a bunch of negative reviews about them. It might just be people who can't figure out how to route properly as other forums users I've spoken to have said they're rock solid. iConnectivity may end up being the solution.
Aug 28, 2011
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Hope this is the correct forum for this. I am in the process of moving to all computer generated sounds so I can fly to gigs without having to worry if I can get the backline I use. I am considering purchasing the Radial KL-8 to have a redundant system in case MacBook 'A' goes down I can seamlessly switch to MacBook 'B' with a foot switch. That looks like it will work well for switching outs but how would I switch the usb in from my keyboard controller to MacBook 'B' from MacBook 'A'? Is there there such a thing as a usb splitter? I'd rather not have to use a switcher as it's yet another button to press along with the foot switch, another thing that could go wrong, and would take my hands from the keys. So how can I send midi via usb to two Macs simultaneously from one controller?

Great question, but given the reliability of my MacBook Air M1 (that M1 makes a huge difference), it's far more likely that something else in the chain will go down. I can see the efficacy of having a spare MacBook ready to go, but several things make a big difference in reliability over older versions. One is the lack of thermal throttling I've experienced with the new M1 versions. Another is the reduced need for RAM, and the last is the use of SSD memory as opposed to rotating hard disks.

I can certainly see the wisdom of having a spare (and identical) MacBook ready to go, but at this point the things power up instantly and simply unplugging one USB-C and plugging into a second MacBook (or even into an existing hub) would seem easier than adding complexity.

I think I'd be *more* concerned about iConnectivity.

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