Yamaha MX 61 Midi Transmit Channel

Oct 8, 2023
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Hello: I'm also a newbee on forums, but this issue baffles me.

I utilize "Mainstage 3" on my Macbook pro, to achieve using the Mainstage 3 sounds from a MIDI keyboard. I get the venues to supply me my 2 keyboards for gigs that we "Fly Into", to avoid airline damage to my keyboards. I am successful with a variety of keyboards, but the Yamaha MX61 does not seem to work correctly.

I utilize two keyboards in my rig. The top keyboard on my stand must be set to MIDI transmit channel # 2 & the bottom keyboard to MIDI transmit channel # 1. If the venue offers me an MX61 and another keyboard that has more than 61 keys, I usually want to use the MX61 as the top keyboard.

So (per Pg 34 in the MX61's manual) I set the "BasicCh" to # 2. (I cannot find anything in the manual that indicated how to select a "MIDI TRANSMIT" Channel?). I notice that the MIDI channel indicator on my Mainstage indicates that it is receiving channel # 1, but I believe it needs to indicate channel # 2. As an experiment I've tried setting this "BasicCh" to every number, from 1 to 16, but Mainstage still indicates channel 1 every time? At this stage I give up, and reverse the keyboards by putting the MX 61 on the bottom and select "BasicCh" # 1 and the other keyboard on top set to Transmit Ch # 2. This way the MX61 works. I just read in one of the manuals that Part # 1 is linked to Midi Transmit channel # 1. (unfortunately, my computer shut down unexpectedly and I can't remember where I found this statement??). I'm wondering that, if I set the Part # to # 2, then maybe the MX61 will transmit in Midi channel # 2? (I don't have an MX61 here right now, so I can't try this).

Any assistance would be appreciated.


Boe Pro
Jun 25, 2010
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Within a Performance, the 16 buttons on the MX change which MIDI channel it transmits on. So if you hit button 2, it will transmit on channel 2. (Make sure you don't have Split or Layer engaged, because then it will transmit on 1 AND 2.)
Oct 8, 2023
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Hello anotherscott:

Sounds interesting. I believe that the 16 buttons that you are referring to, would be the "voice category" buttons labelled as # 30 on pg 7 of the owner's manual? So button # 2 would be the "keyboard" button?

And I guess that the "Layer & Split" buttons (# 25 on pg 7 should be "un-lit" so they are not selected)?

Please confirm my questions (?) at your convenience.

I'll note this in my info & try it next time I'll be playing an MX61 with my system.

Thanks so much for your reply.

Boe Pro
Jun 25, 2010
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Yes, the voice category buttons, but those buttons have two operational modes... you can either use those buttons to select the Voices for the various Parts, OR you can use them to select from the 16 Parts that make up the current Performance. You have to be in the latter mode (which I believe you invoke by hitting the Part Select button). And yes, the layer and split buttons should be un-selected. But I haven't done this myself in years, so I hope I got it right. :)
Oct 8, 2023
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Hello again anotherscott:

Thanks so much for your very informative responses. I think I'll be able to get that MX61 goin', the next time. I'll let you know (might be in about 6 months).

This is a bit 'o fun.

Boe Pro

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