MIDI- Mod Wheel from Yamaha KX5 not recognized by Yamaha CK61


Jul 24, 2023
Reaction score
NY Finger Lakes Region
Hello all-

I have been using my Yamaha KX5 (one of the pair of them I have gigged with since the 90s) as a controller for myriad keyboards and rack keyboards for years (actually decades). However, while using it with my new Yamaha CK61, the mod wheel does get recognized. Volume, pitch bend, sustain, patch change- they all work fine, as expected; it's just when I use the mod wheel, nothing happens. I tried it with each KX-5, so it's not a problem with the unit- and the mod wheel works fine with all other midi applications.

Does anyone out there have a possible fix for me?
Thank you.
Nov 15, 2023
Reaction score
Hi Rob, if it were me I would be initialising the CK61 and then intercepting the midi messages concerned with your favoured Third Party midi software, and then compare and contrast:-
•1. Check the Midi Implementation chart in the CK61 to be sure that the machine's spec does indeed include receiving Mod Wheel Commands, which I would fully expect to be YES ~ but if it's NO then game over.

•2. Insert half a dozen or so manually typed-in Control Change 1 events in to your midi software, and then send them to the CK61 to see if it (the CK61 ~ as set up) is receiving the Mod Wheel messages.

•3. If that is successful, hook up one of the KX5s and intercept and record its Midi Out signal whilst transmitting Mod Wheel action from the KX5 to your midi software and then interrogate the recording's event level messages and establish what the KX5 output messages are relative to its mod wheel, which should., of course be CC1. Do the same on the other KX5. Compare these event messages to those that you created at 2. above. If one works and the other doesn't at least the issue will be narrowed down to the scope of the messages, channel, controller message level etc. The hope here is that you can literally see what's going on message wise.

•4. If 2 above is unsuccessful check the settings (particularly the part settings and channel numbers concerned) for the Mod Wheel on the CK61 as I believe it is assignable, although that should not affect it if being used as a Slave as the assignment to my mind would only be valid as an internal setting on the CK61, nonetheless if I can happen it will and it would be good to eliminate CK Mod Wheel Assignment from the equation.

•5. Check that the CK61 Midi Realtime Messages is set for Mod Wheel ~ Enabled (or ON)

I hope this helps ~ let us know how you get on, and if there is still a problem we will need to drill a bit deeper!

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