Advice needed on 76 key keyboard with weighted keys.....

Mar 19, 2019
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I have restricted space for a keyboard so considering a downsize from 88 keys to 76. Need:
- weighted keys
- shortest possible width, so no extra speakers or extra bits at either end. Looking for 110cm approx.

Open to any make of keyboard, but can be completely basic since it feeds a Mac software setup (Garageband).

Recommendations please!!
Jun 25, 2010
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I believe the only 76 fully weighted (hammer) action board that fits into 110 cm is the Kurzweil Forte 7, but it's expensive.

But if you can get by with 73, there's the Studiologic SL73 Studio, at 104 cm. It has no sounds, but since you just want something basic to trigger a software setup, it should do the trick.

If you want it to have some sounds, as Biggles mentioned, there's Yamaha's P121 but it may be a bit too wide at 111.4 cm. Their CP73 is only 108.6 cm but it's a lot more to pay just to lose those 3 cm. (SV2 doesn't really make sense, it's 2 cm wider than the P121 and a lot pricier; and the Nord, while narrowest, is a lot pricier than the CP73 which is already narrow enough.) You may have some more options if you look at used gear, and/or go with a semi-weighted instead of hammer action board.
Mar 19, 2019
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Hi Biggles - the SV2, CP73 and Nord are very nice but expensive. The P121 is in my price range, like around £400. How is the touch on the P121 - does it feel like weighted keys? Right now I have a Roland FP3 which has a nice weighted action. How does the Yamaha compare to other "weighted" keyboards?

Tell me more about the Studiologic SL73 Studio - it looks perfect! It says hammer action.
Last edited:
Jun 25, 2010
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Broadly speaking, Yamaha P121, Studiologic SL73 Studio, Roland FP3 are all in the same category of action, i.e. they use hammers (aka "fully weighted"). But they do feel different from each other. I'm not sure there would be any consesnsus about whethere P121 or SL73 has a better action. Neither is top tier, both are found acceptable by many players. The Yamaha action will probably feel a bit lighter. As a controller, the Studiologic is more capabale (e.g. pitch/mod controls, aftertouch, internal zoning, 5-pin MIDI jacks).
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
I had a Yamaha P121 for a year or so and as a DP it is OK but limited in onboard sounds. The action was for me pretty good but I will add that my skills are limited but compared to the other DP's in the same price range the action of the P121 was not quite as good as the action of the Roland FP30 that I tried. connectivity, the P121 only has USB Host and no 5 pin MIDI. Cannot comment on the FP3 that Scott quotes as it is showing a discontinued in the UK wher I live.

I have not tried a Studiologic SL Studio which has the Fatar TP/100LR Premium Hammer Action, but I do have a Studiologic Numa Compact 2x myself and for its price point the build quality is pretty good. Mine has a different semi weighted action hence no comment on the action of the SL.

I took a punt and bought my Studiologic without playing it and I am please that I did and would say go with the SL73 but do buy from a source with a favourable returns policy just in case.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Your FP3 has their PHA keybed but I do not know the iteration number, whereas the current 30X has the PHA 4 action. So of you go get chance to try an FP30X you will possibly find it similar to your FP3 and this will give you reference to work from.

I assume that by your use of £400 you are in the UK.

If you can do take a trip to your well stocked Music Store and give the keyboards in your price range a try.

The SL Studio 73 is c£321.50 at my local Music Store which is Music Matter has them listed as available to order

Anderton’s have 10+ in stock at £329.

Gear4Music (based in York) also have them in stock at £321.50
Feb 6, 2015
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The Kurzweil Forte 7 fits but, as mentioned, isn't cheap. A good Fatar is hard to beat. You can get used to semi-weighted keys, but if you need the full action, look into some used gear. Otherwise, you'll probably have to work with 73 keys.
Apr 6, 2017
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I've recently purchased a Yamaha P121 (73 keys) and am very happy with it. Connectivity is great (one usb cord does midi and digital audio back to the keyboard) so while it has only a limited number of sounds you can easily expand them with an iPhone or iPad. The speakers are nicely placed to not increase its width with big speakers facing down and tweeters facing up but some sound from the bigger speakers does go up through the top grill as well. It is a little deeper than some other keyboards of similar size. It weighs only10kg so is pretty light. I'm liking the Graded Hammer Action and I've come from a spring semi-weighted keyboard.
Apr 7, 2008
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I've recently purchased a Yamaha P121 (73 keys) and am very happy with it.

I have a Yamaha P121 and I think it actually has the BEST acoustic piano sound in it of ANY keyboard I own - including a Kurzweil PC4 and a Korg Kronos!
It weighs only10kg so is pretty light. I'm liking the Graded Hammer Action and I've come from a spring semi-weighted keyboard.

It is DEFINITELY a small, compact, lightweight machine - I use it on certain small acoustic gigs (meaning acoustic guitars, no drums) cuz of its tiny little compact form factor.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
The Kurzweil Forte 7 fits but, as mentioned, isn't cheap. A good Fatar is hard to beat. You can get used to semi-weighted keys, but if you need the full action, look into some used gear. Otherwise, you'll probably have to work with 73 keys.
The Op has not been here for two years but as this thread has been resurected then its worthwhile pointing out to the Op or to anyone interested.

Forget Kurzweil if you live in the UK or in any Country where the Manufacturer does not have a strong distributor and repair base.

Kurzweil have effectively ZERO presence in the UK.
Apr 4, 2012
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Bought a Kurzweil Forte 7 (i.e. 76 key) @ a GREAT price a few months ago. Has Kurz's largest piano samples of ANY of their boards, including their flagship K2700 which only has a derivative of the Forte's pianos. Great keyboard ......
Jan 10, 2014
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I have restricted space for a keyboard so considering a downsize from 88 keys to 76. Need:
- weighted keys
- shortest possible width, so no extra speakers or extra bits at either end. Looking for 110cm approx.

Open to any make of keyboard, but can be completely basic since it feeds a Mac software setup (Garageband).

Recommendations please!!
Love my Dexibell Combo J7, you have the option to download sounds from their website, killer B3 SOUNDS too

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