Ctk 6000 sd card

Aug 7, 2022
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Hello and thanks for letting me use this forum. I have got a casio Ctk 6000 which I got for my 60th birthday, I love it especially the step sequencer which I use quite often to record my music. I did take piano lessons when I was a kid so I am reasonably knowledged with music notations but am no expert, when I got this keyboard it was a godsend for my later years especially with the step sequencer from which I have recorded hundreds of my music rhythms, songs ect onto sd cards. As I approach 70 after ten years I want to to upgrade to a new casio keyboard but it MUST have the step sequencer facility on the keyboard. I was looking at the casio wk 6500 but it seems to be unavailable now or maybe like my ctk 6000 out of date. I am looking for a keyboard with the sequencer as stated earlier. My main question is can i use and load my existing sd card music into a newer model? as a lot of keyboards now have USBs, it would be pointless me buying a keyboard if I cannot use my sd card. Any recommendations and help will be gladly received. Thanks Michael
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Welcome Mick.

In reality USB is the de facto standard for memory devices in most keyboards and all is needed is to copy your SD card contents onto a USB memory stick.

If you have not done so it is recommended that you copy the contents of your SD card to another storage device so you have a backup should there be oroblems with your SD card.

As to your questions.

Casio released this a few months ago.

Which to me shows the direction the company is heading so alas we cannot really say what is likely to happen with their keyboard.

I did have a CT X5000 for a weekend but returning it as the menu system was dire and it would not reliably save registrations. The thing is that this is their top end arranger keyboard.

My advice would be to look at a Korg 700, that certainly has a Step Sequencer inbuilt.
Aug 7, 2022
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Thanks sir for your quick reply, could I get one of them usb sticks what as a slot for the sd card and do it that way? Or do I have to do it through my computer? I will look at the keyboards you have posted too thanks. So for example if I were to get another keyboard like korg would all my sd card/usb data transfer that I made play the same on a new keyboard? I hope you understand what I mean as I don't want to start all my music files from fresh on a new keyboard, thanks again by the way I live in the UK. Thanks Michael
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
You will need to be specific about the type of music files you have.

ie MP3 files will play, MIDI files will probably play but may need tweaking anyway as they look for the selection of sound files that they were referenced to in their creation and said sound files may not be on the new keyboard even if it is a Casio.

As you research the Korg be aware that this make have a MIDI to Style convertor Bot inbuilt that can be triggered if and when one desires.

You will need to transfer the files on the SD card onto a USB via a PC or Mac.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
CMS is Casio’s own proprietary file format.

Converting could be a long winded multi step process.

You will perhaps need to seek out a specialist program/app to convert each file.

If you can take your SD card to a music store and see if it will load onto wk6600 or buy one from a location that has a no quibble full refund return
Aug 7, 2022
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Thanks for your help, I am not very computer orientated however I have managed to save my sd card info to a USB stick this morning as you mentioned thanks for that at least I have achieved somthing. The wk 6600 is one of the nearest thing to my own keyboards and it uses the same sequencer as I downloaded the manual, but as you say it will be a good idea to try the sd card first if I can. I am quite happy with my own keyboard I just want to upgrade to better version with more keys. Thanks again
Aug 23, 2021
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If you want to remain Casio, like Biggles states the CT-X5000 was a disappointment - I also had one and was very dismayed at its sound engine compared to the CTK-7000 (which I still use live). I can't comment on the CT-S1000V as I've never tried it.
Aug 7, 2022
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I decided on the Wk 6600 upgrade from my ctk 6000 but both similar to use and the sd cards are compatable . I don't have to start looking at instructions either on how to use the functions I just got on and played it with the added bonus of 76 keys. Perfect and easy to use for my 70th birthday. Thanks for your help

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