I am trying set up my keyboard to play midi songs

Feb 3, 2019
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How do I play midi songs on my Yamaha EZ 220? Do I need to buy software? Is there a how to for dummies available for someone that needs help?

Thank you


Aug 27, 2018
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This gives a skinny on MIDI itself: http://morganstudios.com/Tutorials/MIDI.htm

I don't think you will need to "buy" software. You may need to download the Yamaha MIDI driver. I've never used this, but some of the folks around here are experienced on it.

Best.... enjoy....


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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I’ll have to double-check the manual for the EZ-220 later, but I think it includes a USB TO HOST port, although I’m not sure whether or not it also includes a USB TO DEVICE port.

If it does have a DEVICE port, then you can put MIDI song files on a USB flash drive, plug it into the DEVICE port, and play songs directly from the flash drive.

But if it does not have a DEVICE port, then you’ll need to install the Yamaha MusicSoft Downloader program on your Windows computer (in addition to the USB-MIDI driver for Windows) and use the MusicSoft Downloader to transfer the MIDI song files into the keyboard’s internal memory. After doing that you’ll be able to play the songs just as if they were built into the keyboard.

I’m on my iPad right now so it’s awkward to reply, but later when I’m on my computer I’ll check the manual and post some more explicit instructions.

By the way, if you have an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch then you can install the Yamaha MusicSoft Manager app on it and use that for transferring files to the keyboard— assuming you’ve got the keyboard connected to it.

PS — The Yamaha MusicSoft Downloader program, as well as the Yamaha MusicSoft Manager app, are free.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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I've checked the manual, and the EZ-220 has a USB TO HOST port for connecting to a computer or iPad, but not a USB TO DEVICE port for plugging in a USB flash drive.

However, I don't see anything in the manual about using "external" song files, so I'm not sure whether you're able to transfer song files to the keyboard's internal memory using the Yamaha Musicsoft Downloader program (computer) or MusicSoft Manager app (iPad). You can try using the MusicSoft software to see whether or not the EZ-220 has any internal memory space that the software can access, but I don't know if it will work.

If it turns out that you cannot transfer song files to the EZ-220's internal memory, the only other option would be to connect the keyboard to a computer or iPad, use a DAW or MIDI sequencer to play a song file on the computer or iPad, and have the DAW or sequencer send the song's MIDI data to the EZ-220 to be sounded.

Try the MusicSoft software first, and let us know whether or not it works. Then, if that didn't work, we'll give you some suggestions for a DAW or MIDI sequencer that you can try.

What would you be connecting the keyboard to-- computer, laptop, tablet, phone, etc.-- and what operating system does it use?

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