So I'm a complete midi newbie, and I have a few questions. Context below.
I have an Akai Mpk261 and a Yamaha MX49. I would like to be able to play 2 or more instruments simultaneously (layered) on the MX49 from the Akai.
So here's the deal - the MX49 has pretty good sounds*, but a crap keybed. I bought it intending to use it as a module, with the added benefit of being able to schlep it to smaller gigs or even to sit in with other bands. But for my primary band, I need a more nuanced controller (which the brain in the MX49 can actually make use of, surprisingly**) - ergo, mpk261.
I've never tried to program a controller before, and it's been a cool learning experience, but pretty frustrating at times. I've finally come across a problem I can't solve, though - I fear it's unsolvable, given the architecture of the MX49.
Because the MX49 puts all the instruments in a given patch on different midi channels, even if a patch is set to "layer," the Akai still only triggers one sound. I can't find a way to have the instruments respond to one midi channel, and I can't find a way to set the Akai to send on multiple channels at once.
The good news about that setup is it made it pretty darn easy to set drums (or in my case, synth bass) to the pads on the Akai. Pretty cool. The bad news is that I need a big honkin' horn section for funk tunes, and a piano with pad for ballads...and that's got me stumped. Anyone have any ideas? And if this is blatantly obvious, is there a resource you could recommend me for learning how to program a midi controller to control a module (as opposed to a daw)?
*Don't buy the hype - there's not 2000 or whatever motif sounds in it, more like 50 with 2000 preset edits. But don't buy the haters either - it's 50 good sounds.
**Brain - supports aftertouch. Keybed - doesn't have aftertouch..... 0.o?
I have an Akai Mpk261 and a Yamaha MX49. I would like to be able to play 2 or more instruments simultaneously (layered) on the MX49 from the Akai.
So here's the deal - the MX49 has pretty good sounds*, but a crap keybed. I bought it intending to use it as a module, with the added benefit of being able to schlep it to smaller gigs or even to sit in with other bands. But for my primary band, I need a more nuanced controller (which the brain in the MX49 can actually make use of, surprisingly**) - ergo, mpk261.
I've never tried to program a controller before, and it's been a cool learning experience, but pretty frustrating at times. I've finally come across a problem I can't solve, though - I fear it's unsolvable, given the architecture of the MX49.
Because the MX49 puts all the instruments in a given patch on different midi channels, even if a patch is set to "layer," the Akai still only triggers one sound. I can't find a way to have the instruments respond to one midi channel, and I can't find a way to set the Akai to send on multiple channels at once.
The good news about that setup is it made it pretty darn easy to set drums (or in my case, synth bass) to the pads on the Akai. Pretty cool. The bad news is that I need a big honkin' horn section for funk tunes, and a piano with pad for ballads...and that's got me stumped. Anyone have any ideas? And if this is blatantly obvious, is there a resource you could recommend me for learning how to program a midi controller to control a module (as opposed to a daw)?
*Don't buy the hype - there's not 2000 or whatever motif sounds in it, more like 50 with 2000 preset edits. But don't buy the haters either - it's 50 good sounds.
**Brain - supports aftertouch. Keybed - doesn't have aftertouch..... 0.o?