My second AKX10 is on the way!

Apr 22, 2022
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My first I regretfully had to return due to what I think was a rom problem, I replaced it with a Yamaha PSR SX900 that I love! I was needing another keyboard/sound source so I decided to give Medeli another chance.
I was impressed by the sounds and features of my other AKX10 and understand that they’ve done an update so this proves at least to me that they’re trying to listen to owners and making it better. Time will tell.
I look forward to learning from other AKX10 owners and hopefully being able to help anyone with a question that they couldn’t find the answer to in the manual or just wanted help even if the manual did cover it.
Onward and upward!
Feb 2, 2021
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My first I regretfully had to return due to what I think was a rom problem, I replaced it with a Yamaha PSR SX900 that I love! I was needing another keyboard/sound source so I decided to give Medeli another chance.
I was impressed by the sounds and features of my other AKX10 and understand that they’ve done an update so this proves at least to me that they’re trying to listen to owners and making it better. Time will tell.
I look forward to learning from other AKX10 owners and hopefully being able to help anyone with a question that they couldn’t find the answer to in the manual or just wanted help even if the manual did cover it.
Onward and upward!
OK, serious question... :)

I received my AKX10 5 days ago... and am not too impressed with the voices - especially the piano voices...

And fear I made a big mistake by trying to save some money and not getting a PSR-SX700 instead...

Can you share your reason for wanting another AKX10 - after having purchased the PSR-SX900...?



Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
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Melbourne Australia
I saw this review . .
Must admit, I don't have a Medeli so I have not read this. Trust you guys appreciate it.
Last edited:
Apr 22, 2022
Reaction score
OK, serious question... :)

I received my AKX10 5 days ago... and am not too impressed with the voices - especially the piano voices...

And fear I made a big mistake by trying to save some money and not getting a PSR-SX700 instead...

Can you share your reason for wanting another AKX10 - after having purchased the PSR-SX900...?

Can you please explain what about the sounds you don't like? Sound is so subjective, I liked the sounds but will they hold up against the SX900? I won't know until they're side by side. Our iPad Pro's Sampletank sounds are great until...
Apr 22, 2022
Reaction score
(I saw this review . .
Must admit, I don't have a Medeli so I have not read this. Trust you guys appreciate it.
I agree with his review! The latest update may have fixed his timing issue.
I bought the first Ensoniq sampler to come into Dallas (according to the dealer) and had to send it back to Ensoniq 3 times for repairs, it was never a Fairlight or a Synclavier but at a fraction of the price it was too cool! Given time, a lot of patience and interaction between the company and customers the AKX10 may be cool too.
Feb 2, 2021
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Can you please explain what about the sounds you don't like? Sound is so subjective, I liked the sounds but will they hold up against the SX900? I won't know until they're side by side. Our iPad Pro's Sampletank sounds are great until...
Well... I realize sound is subjective... but after having the AKX10 now for almost a week - I can say they are not good, lol.

Seriously, after watching Jeremy See's promo video (no matter what he says) multiple times - I thought the AKX10 would be on par with the Yamaha PSR-SX700 - and close to the PSR-SX900.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The acoustic piano sounds are not very good at all - and the rest vary from being bad to OK+.

I was just expecting more from the AKX10 - especially because of what some people were saying (mostly because of Jeremy See's videos saying that it was on par with (PRS-SX700) and close to (PSR-SX900) the much more costly Yamaha(s)).

Is it "worth" $699 - sure - if you can get over the sounds - and the piano ones in particular.

Is it a PSR-SX700 at 60% off - and close to a PSR-SX900 at 70% off - not even close.

Feb 2, 2021
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Yeah, I saw that before I purchased the AKX10...

He is "comparing" the AKX10 to the Yamaha PSR-SX600...

He is just playing one, or two, or a few notes to "compare"... not a good "comparison".

Here is a demo of the PSR-SX600 - and I can tell you that the AKX10 sounds no where near.

Feb 21, 2022
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Yeah, I saw that before I purchased the AKX10...

He is "comparing" the AKX10 to the Yamaha PSR-SX600...

He is just playing one, or two, or a few notes to "compare"... not a good "comparison".

Here is a demo of the PSR-SX600 - and I can tell you that the AKX10 sounds no where near.

It is silly to make a legit conclusion about sound quality by ear watching a Youtube video unless two sounds are compared in the same video by the same reviewer with his own verdict.
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Feb 2, 2021
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It is silly to make a legit conclusion about sound quality by ear watching a Youtube video unless two sounds are compared in the same video by the same reviewer with his own verdict.
I own the AKX10 - do you...?
Feb 2, 2021
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Then tell us what you think about the voices/sounds...?

Can you compare it to anything...?

All I have to go on is my personal experience with the AKX10 sounds and the YouTube videos I have seen/heard regarding others like the PSR-SX 600/700/900, and Pa700/1000... etc.
Apr 19, 2022
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Well... I realize sound is subjective... but after having the AKX10 now for almost a week - I can say they are not good, lol.

Seriously, after watching Jeremy See's promo video (no matter what he says) multiple times - I thought the AKX10 would be on par with the Yamaha PSR-SX700 - and close to the PSR-SX900.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The acoustic piano sounds are not very good at all - and the rest vary from being bad to OK+.

I was just expecting more from the AKX10 - especially because of what some people were saying (mostly because of Jeremy See's videos saying that it was on par with (PRS-SX700) and close to (PSR-SX900) the much more costly Yamaha(s)).

Is it "worth" $699 - sure - if you can get over the sounds - and the piano ones in particular.

Is it a PSR-SX700 at 60% off - and close to a PSR-SX900 at 70% off - not even close.

Apr 19, 2022
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I like the sounds. I guess that's what makes the world go round. I found the keyboard to be entirely entertaining. I will probably buy another.
Apr 22, 2022
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Then tell us what you think about the voices/sounds...?

Can you compare it to anything...?

All I have to go on is my personal experience with the AKX10 sounds and the YouTube videos I have seen/heard regarding others like the PSR-SX 600/700/900, and Pa700/1000... etc.
Hopefully you bought from a store that will accept returns. I’m not sure that other people’s ears and opinions should or will matter at this point,you seem to have decided and you’re the buyer so that’s all that should mean anything.
My AKX10 should arrive to so I will have a chance to make a direct a/b of the $2200.00 Yamaha PSR SX900 and the $700.00 Medeli AKX10. What I decide won’t change anyone’s opinions of the two and shouldn’t, the idea will be if the two keyboards fit my needs, my expectations and my insatiable gear lust Lol!
Lest anyone get the wrong idea…
‘My review WILL NOT be scientific, I don’t have oscilloscopes, access to wave and sample data, a sound proof room or anything but the ears of a person who played rock keyboards in LOUD bands for 40 years so if I say, “huh?” a lot when you write me? Okay that didn’t make sense and neither will my review but I‘ll tell you what I think anyway.
‘Hopefully as my experience with the AKX10 matures I will be able to offer the help that maybe the manual was vague or missing the information on. I will never say,”Look in the manual dumbbutt!”! I will be an owner/operator and someone willing to help.
Stayed tuned!
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Feb 21, 2022
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There are people and there are professionals. I'm from the people's side so I rely on what professionals, not talking heads, say. Though professionals also may be engaged with some brands and be less objective and free in expressing a not biased opinion.
Apr 22, 2022
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There are people and there are professionals. I'm from the people's side so I rely on what professionals, not talking heads, say. Though professionals also may be engaged with some brands and be less objective and free in expressing a not biased opinion.
I agree. My definition of a professional isn’t too complicated ( if it was I sure couldn’t understand it!). To me being a professional no particular order:
1-taking money for whatever you do.
2-an attitude of wanting the whatever done with skill and a desire to do whatever to the best of whatever to the best of your ability.
3-an attitude of always being open to learning, almost everyone has something to learn from! I don’t believe ability is fixed point, it’s a lifelong journey. To me talent is way overrated but maybe only because I don’t have any!
Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
My first I regretfully had to return due to what I think was a rom problem, I replaced it with a Yamaha PSR SX900 that I love! I was needing another keyboard/sound source so I decided to give Medeli another chance.
I was impressed by the sounds and features of my other AKX10 and understand that they’ve done an update so this proves at least to me that they’re trying to listen to owners and making it better. Time will tell.
I look forward to learning from other AKX10 owners and hopefully being able to help anyone with a question that they couldn’t find the answer to in the manual or just wanted help even if the manual did cover it.
Onward and upward!
Well, I always thought the Medeli AKX10 sounds were inferior to the entire Yamaha PSR-SX series sounds. IMHO, there's no contest there. The AKX10 may have some features that best the Yamahas, but its tones are not one of them. Perhaps in the fullness of time those sounds will evolve competitively, but right now as far as tones are concerned the Yamaha PSR-SX900/700/612/600 win hands down. Unless the AKX10 soundset has been significantly updated in subsequent iterations, it should be abundantly clear to anyone who owns both devices that a AKX10's sounds are inferior to the PSR‐SXxxxs.
Dec 15, 2012
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OK, serious question... :)

I received my AKX10 5 days ago... and am not too impressed with the voices - especially the piano voices...

And fear I made a big mistake by trying to save some money and not getting a PSR-SX700 instead...

Can you share your reason for wanting another AKX10 - after having purchased the PSR-SX900...?
I think the
I think the idea of having a supplemental PSR-SX-type arranger keyboard at a fraction of the cost of the Yamahas is not a bad calculation. But for the inferior sounds, what you get for a relative pittance in the Medeli is a decent arranger keyboard that can supplement the Yamaha when used together. I can think of a few possible configurations for such a pairing, including:

1. Using the Medeli intermitently as a controller for the Yamaha.
2. Using one as a drum box and the other as a pitched tonebox
3. MIDIing them together for expanded auto-accompaniment

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