May 23, 2018
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Hello help sty file are loading properlly in the yamaha psrE 453 but the is no sound i*ve check style voluime in settings its at 100 i*ve tryed style fixer still nothing,


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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(0) You can transfer external style files from a computer to your keyboard's internal memory using the Yamaha Musicsoft Downloader program, but that isn't necessary, because it is simpler to just copy the style files to the root directory of a USB flash drive and load them from there.

(1) Press and hold the FUNCTION button to call up the FILE CONTOL menu.

(2) Use the two CATEGORY buttons (+ and -) as needed to scroll to the "Load STY" option.

(3) Press the 0/EXECUTE button to select the "Load STY" option. The name of the first style file found-- either in the internal memory or on the inserted USB flash drive-- will be displayed. (If "no file" is displayed, no style file was detected. In that case, check that the style files use only the ".STY" file extension and are SFF1 files.)

(4) Rotate the dial, or if preferred use the -/NO and +/YES buttons, to scroll through the names of the available style files as needed until the name of the desired style file is displayed.

(5) Press the 0/EXECUTE button to select the displayed style file. The message "Load To?" will be displayed, and a number from 221 to 230 will also be displayed to show the first available Style Number. If desired, rotate the dial or use the -/NO and +/YES buttons to display a different Style Number to load the selected style file to.

(6) Press the 0/EXECUTE button again to select the Style Number. A confirmation message will display. Press either the 0/EXECUTE or +/YES button to begin loading the style file, or press the -/NO to cancel.

(7) Press the STYLE button, then use the panel controls to select the Style Number you loaded the style file to. You can use the two CATEGORY buttons to skip forward or backward through the various style categories, or use the -/NO and +/YES buttons to scroll one style at a time, or rotate the dial to scroll more rapidly, until the desired Style Number and name are displayed.

(8) Press the INTRO/ENDING/rit. button to toggle between an Intro and a Main section. The display will alternate between either "INTRO->A" and "MAIN A," or "INTRO->B" and "MAIN B," depending on whether the A or B variation is currently selected.

(9) Press the MAIN/AUTO FILL button to toggle between the A and B variations of the chosen section. The display will alternate between either "MAIN A" and "MAIN B," or "INTRO->A" and "INTRO->B," depending on whether an Into or a Main section is currently selected.

(10) When you have selected the section you want to start with, press the ACMP ON/OFF button to turn on the auto-accompaniment feature (unless it's already on, which you can tell by looking to see if "ACMP ON" is displayed in the lower left corner of the LCD screen).

(11) If you want the style to start playing right away, even before you start to play anything on the keyboard, press the START/STOP button. However, note that only the rhythm will play-- until you press one or more keys in the accompaniment zone of the keyboard, at which point the other parts will begin playing in the selected key and chord type.

(12) Alternately, if you want the style to wait until you start to play, press the SYNC START button. The style will not begin to play until you press one or more keys in the accompaniment zone.
May 23, 2018
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Maybe I was not clear the style is playing properly a can tell by the screen the Only thing is the style volume is not there I tried to press the function button to check the style volume it's at 100 but still the sound is not there tried to fix it with style fixer nothing I don't know what's hepping but other internal style are giving out the sound properly


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Is it a style that you bought, or one that you downloaded for free over the internet? The reason I ask is that if you email the style file to me then I could take a look at it to see if I can figure out what the problem is-- but I wouldn't want you to do that if it is a style file that must be purchased.

There are at least three or four possibilities that I can think of as to why a style file might not generate any sounds:

(1) The voices used in the style file might not exist on the keyboard. When this is the case the keyboard might do one of two things, depending on the requested voices: (a) The GM1 voices which have the same Program Change numbers as the requested voices might be used instead. (b) The voices which are missing might produce silence. This appears to be dependent on the Bank Select MSB/LSB numbers of the requested voices, as was described in some versions of Yamaha's XG documentation. Normally at least some of the requested voices would have Bank Select MSB/LSB values which can "fall back" to GM1 voices-- or more properly to "XG capital tones," meaning XG tones where the Bank Select MSB and LSB are both 0-- so it would be a rare case if none of the requested voices could fall back to GM1 voices.

(2) The Channel Volume of each style channel might be set to 0. I think (but am not certain) that the Style Volume setting in the Function menu represents a percentage value to be applied to the individual Channel Volume settings, such that Style Volume 100 means play each style channel at 100% of its specified volume, 127 means 127%, 50 means 50%, etc. If the actual Channel Volume messages within the style file are set to 0, then it wouldn't matter what you set the Style Volume to, because 100% of 0 is still 0.

(3) All of the style tracks might be turned off. The PSR-E453 has TRACK CONTROL buttons which let you toggle the style tracks on and off, but there are also MIDI messages (Yamaha XG SysEx messages) inside the style file which turn each style track on or off.

(4) There might be some other problem with the style file, such as the Velocity of every Note event is 0, or there are no Note events, or the Text Markers which denote where the sections of the style begin are missing or invalid, or there is some kind of problem with the CASM data chunk, etc.

Without examining the style file, there is no way to know what the problem is. The primary reason I tried to list a few possible causes is in case you wish to examine the style file yourself to try to figure out what the problem is and then correct the issue using a suitable utility.

This is all assuming that the style file has been loaded successfully into the keyboard's system memory. If the style file is not even loading successfully then that is another matter. The typical cause would be that the style file is too large to be loaded. I believe the maximum size of a style file that the keyboard can load is approximately 50Kb-- the exact number varies slightly from model to model. If a given style file is too large to be loaded, you may be able to reduce its size by removing any sections that the keyboard can't use (such as the "Main C" and "Main D" sections), or by removing any messages that it can't use, or by reducing the number of Pitch Bend messages if they happen to be excessive, etc.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
For some reason your post came through in triplicate, so I deleted the two extra copies. :)

Thank you for the update, and I'm glad you got the styles working. Using styles that were created for another Yamaha model can be tricky, as you've discovered. Sometimes the styles will work as is without any apparent problems, but other times they will not work as is and will need to be converted for your model. And even if they seem to work with no problems, it's usually best to convert them, anyway.

The most common problem is with voices, since one model may have voices which don't exist on the other model. As I mentioned before, certain voices will be silent if they're missing from your keyboard, in which case the compatibility issues will be obvious. But other voices will "fall back" to the GM1 voices which have the same Program Change values, in which case the style may appear to work correctly. And another possibility is that the style might use GM1 or XG voices which aren't as good as your keyboard's "panel" voices, in which case the style will actually be working as programmed. But in all three of these cases, the style may sound much better if you "revoice" it so it uses the best-sounding voices and drum kits that your keyboard has to offer.

Another problem which can be less obvious is that the style may use effects types-- Reverb, Chorus, Variation, and Insertion-- which aren't available on your model. In the case of Reverb and Chorus, I think XG is designed to substitute a type which is available, although I'm not certain if that works in all cases or only for certain MSB and LSB values. But in the case of Variation and Insertion effects, The PSR-E models are XGlite-compatible rather than fully XG-compatible, and XGlite doesn't normally include Variation and Insertion effects, although they're considered to be "optional" such that they might be implemented to some extent on a specific model. Anyway, it's usually best to tweak the style as needed to convert the requested Reverb or Chorus types to ones which are available, and to either convert the MIDI messages pertaining to the Variation or Insertion effects as needed, or else just delete those messages entirely (since they're unusable) so the style file doesn't take up any more memory space than is absolutely necessary.

Other problems can include the use of SysEx, CC, and NRPN messages which aren't implemented at all on your model, in which case it's best to delete those messages to save space. In rare cases it might be possible to convert the messages in some way-- for example, the PSR-E models don't have Portamento per se, so if the style makes use of Portamento then it might be possible to add Pitch Bend messages which give more or less the same result as the Portamento, although I wouldn't recommend attempting that unless you're extremely familiar with MIDI messages, MIDI files, and style files.

Another problem which is perhaps the most obvious of all is that the PSR-E models can't use SFF2 styles, only SFF1 styles. ("SFF" means "Style File Format," and there are currently two types, SFF1 and SFF2.) The PSR-S models can use either type, but it's my understanding that they automatically convert SFF1 styles to SFF2 styles when the style files are being loaded, and that they will always save a style in the SFF2 format. That means if you've got style files which were created on and saved from one of the PSR-S models, they'll be in the SFF2 format and won't even load on your PSR-E453 model. In that case you'll need to convert them into SFF1 style files, then perform any additional tweaking (revoicing, etc.) as needed or desired.

And another possible issue when using external style files on the PSR-E models is that the PSR-E models can use only two style variations, A and B, whereas most Yamaha arrangers (PSR-S, Tyros, Genos, and many of the older PSR models) can use four variations-- A, B, C, and D. You might not even realize that two of the variations aren't accessible on your keyboard, unless you happen to know what the four variations sound like and are specifically wanting to use the C or D variation. Therefore it's usually a good idea to remove any style sections which your keyboard can't access, because there's a style file size limitation of (I think) about 50K on the PSR-E models (the actual maximum loadable style file size varies from model to model), hence any unusable sections are just bloating the file, possibly to the point where the file becomes unloadable. But another possibility is that you might want to split a four-variation style file into two separate two-variation style files so you'll be able to access all four variations.
May 23, 2018
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Thank you em extremely impressed by your wide range of knowledge in keyboards so far em not yet familiar with the midi programming staff... but I would like to create my on style during my holiday from scratch I don't have accès to any yamaha s series is it possible to make it from my PC and how? some hint or references to where I should start reading from. software to use all these staff etc.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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You can learn about the Yamaha style file format at the following site:

That site also has numerous free utility programs related to Yamaha style files and MIDI song files, including a program called "midi2style" which lets you pick bars of music from a MIDI song file and create a style file:

But note that it isn't quite as simple as it sounds, because style files are designed to vary the notes and chords they play in accordance to the notes and chords you play, whereas song files are designed to play the same notes and chords every time. The Intro and Ending sections can play specific notes and chords like a song file, but for the Main and Fill In sections you will need to convert the notes and chords from the song file so they conform to the CM7 chord (C Major 7). There are also other considerations which complicate things, related to various options in the "CASM" segment of the style file, such as restricting which octave the notes and chords will be played in-- but if you're lucky, you won't need to worry about those things unless you start to get really serious about making styles and want more control over the results.
Aug 14, 2018
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Hi Patrick..! I'm facing the same problem that u have faced before. I found some new sty files from a guy who is using psr s 770. I cannot play them in my keyboard (PSR E-443).can you please send me the link that you downloaded that converter? and can you let me know the format ?


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
That's great! Do check out Jorgen's other programs as well, because he has a lot of useful utilities for working on Yamaha style files and MIDI song files. :)
Dec 9, 2019
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I have used to right procedure to load styl files to Yamaha psrE 463 but there is no sound when I try to play. kindly assist with directions on how to make it work
Nov 16, 2012
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Welcome to the forum!

Just read through SeaGtGruff's responses to the other members above, on what can cause this problem, and you will probably find the answer you are looking for. The PSR "E" series boards have a lot of limitations, when it comes to style files, that most of the other PSR boards do not have. Not just any old ".sty" file will work on them, and I think SeaGtGruff has covered most, or all, of the possible issues above. Many (most ?) of the ".sty" files floating around on the internet are just modified styles from the larger PSR and Tyros models, and "as is" just will not work on the PSR "E" series boards. They need to be "cleaned up" and/or "sized down" a bit, and possibly "converted" first.

Good luck!
Last edited:


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
@jeff29, welcome to the forums, and sorry for the late response.

Where did you get the style files from? Did you have to purchase them, or did you download them for free from a website? The reason I ask is because the only way I can tell you anything about why specific style files won't make any sounds is if I examine them myself. If they're free, I can download them and see what they look like. But if you had to purchase them, I would also need to purchase them.

Other than that, all I can do is repeat the same information I've given to other people in previous posts, and hope that it helps you identify the problem and fix it.
Dec 9, 2019
Reaction score
@jeff29, welcome to the forums, and sorry for the late response.

Where did you get the style files from? Did you have to purchase them, or did you download them for free from a website? The reason I ask is because the only way I can tell you anything about why specific style files won't make any sounds is if I examine them myself. If they're free, I can download them and see what they look like. But if you had to purchase them, I would also need to purchase them.

Other than that, all I can do is repeat the same information I've given to other people in previous posts, and hope that it helps you identify the problem and fix it.
I got the style from yamaha psr s910
Nov 16, 2012
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To begin with, if the style file uses one of the PSR-S file name extensions other than ".sty", you will have to rename the file to use the ".sty" extension, or the PSR-E series board will not recognize it as a loadable file.

The PSR-S910 uses the new Yamaha SFF-2 Style File Format, while the PSR-E series boards still use the old SFF-1 Style File Format, so you will need to use Jorgen Sorensen's Syle File converter program:

but many (most ?) of the PSR-S910 style files may be too big to fit within the PSR-E series 52kb size limit. The S910 allows up to 3 intros, 4 main variations, and 3 endings (outros), while the PSR-E series allow only 1, 2 and 1 (actually 2, 2, and 2, but that is a separate discussion), so after conversion, you may need to use his "new-to-old" SFF-1 clean-up program *** :

Even with this, the S-910 has a lot of voices (tones) and effects that the PSR-E series boards just do not have, so you may need to do some (a lot ?) of manual tweaking with his Style Remixer and Style Revoicer utilities:

All of Jorgen's utilities use either the Microsoft .NET Framework or Java runtime programs, so if you do not already have those, you will need to download and install them first. Obviously, this means his utilities are strictly for the Windows environment,

There are several members over on the PSRTUTORIAL forum that have raised the art of style conversion to a truly professional level, but there is no magic to these conversion programs, so for us amateurs, it is still pretty much a hit or miss proposition. There are no guarantees. Good luck with your efforts.

*** Actually, having "too many" intros, variations, and endings, alone, is not cause for rejection of a style file by the PSR-E series boards. As long as the file does not exceed the 52kb limit, it will load the file, use what it can, and just ignore all the rest. That is to say, if a style file has 3 intros, 4 variations, and 3 outros, but still comes under the 52kb max size limit, the PSR-E series boards will load it , use intros 1 and 2, main variations A and B, and outros 1 and 2, and just ingnore all the rest. There are some style files where a major chord intro uses an entirely different melodic pattern from a minor chord intro. All other items being acceptable, the PSR-E series boards will reject those files, out of hand, and not even show them in the display as loadable, as they have special programming that the E series Auto-accompaniment engines just can not handle.
Last edited:


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you, Ted! :)

Jeff, how many style files are you talking about? And did you save them from a PSR-S910 yourself, or download them from somewhere? I'm wondering if I can download them myself.
Jan 15, 2021
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For some reason your post came through in triplicate, so I deleted the two extra copies. :)

Thank you for the update, and I'm glad you got the styles working. Using styles that were created for another Yamaha model can be tricky, as you've discovered. Sometimes the styles will work as is without any apparent problems, but other times they will not work as is and will need to be converted for your model. And even if they seem to work with no problems, it's usually best to convert them, anyway.

The most common problem is with voices, since one model may have voices which don't exist on the other model. As I mentioned before, certain voices will be silent if they're missing from your keyboard, in which case the compatibility issues will be obvious. But other voices will "fall back" to the GM1 voices which have the same Program Change values, in which case the style may appear to work correctly. And another possibility is that the style might use GM1 or XG voices which aren't as good as your keyboard's "panel" voices, in which case the style will actually be working as programmed. But in all three of these cases, the style may sound much better if you "revoice" it so it uses the best-sounding voices and drum kits that your keyboard has to offer.

Another problem which can be less obvious is that the style may use effects types-- Reverb, Chorus, Variation, and Insertion-- which aren't available on your model. In the case of Reverb and Chorus, I think XG is designed to substitute a type which is available, although I'm not certain if that works in all cases or only for certain MSB and LSB values. But in the case of Variation and Insertion effects, The PSR-E models are XGlite-compatible rather than fully XG-compatible, and XGlite doesn't normally include Variation and Insertion effects, although they're considered to be "optional" such that they might be implemented to some extent on a specific model. Anyway, it's usually best to tweak the style as needed to convert the requested Reverb or Chorus types to ones which are available, and to either convert the MIDI messages pertaining to the Variation or Insertion effects as needed, or else just delete those messages entirely (since they're unusable) so the style file doesn't take up any more memory space than is absolutely necessary.

Other problems can include the use of SysEx, CC, and NRPN messages which aren't implemented at all on your model, in which case it's best to delete those messages to save space. In rare cases it might be possible to convert the messages in some way-- for example, the PSR-E models don't have Portamento per se, so if the style makes use of Portamento then it might be possible to add Pitch Bend messages which give more or less the same result as the Portamento, although I wouldn't recommend attempting that unless you're extremely familiar with MIDI messages, MIDI files, and style files.

Another problem which is perhaps the most obvious of all is that the PSR-E models can't use SFF2 styles, only SFF1 styles. ("SFF" means "Style File Format," and there are currently two types, SFF1 and SFF2.) The PSR-S models can use either type, but it's my understanding that they automatically convert SFF1 styles to SFF2 styles when the style files are being loaded, and that they will always save a style in the SFF2 format. That means if you've got style files which were created on and saved from one of the PSR-S models, they'll be in the SFF2 format and won't even load on your PSR-E453 model. In that case you'll need to convert them into SFF1 style files, then perform any additional tweaking (revoicing, etc.) as needed or desired.

And another possible issue when using external style files on the PSR-E models is that the PSR-E models can use only two style variations, A and B, whereas most Yamaha arrangers (PSR-S, Tyros, Genos, and many of the older PSR models) can use four variations-- A, B, C, and D. You might not even realize that two of the variations aren't accessible on your keyboard, unless you happen to know what the four variations sound like and are specifically wanting to use the C or D variation. Therefore it's usually a good idea to remove any style sections which your keyboard can't access, because there's a style file size limitation of (I think) about 50K on the PSR-E models (the actual maximum loadable style file size varies from model to model), hence any unusable sections are just bloating the file, possibly to the point where the file becomes unloadable. But another possibility is that you might want to split a four-variation style file into two separate two-variation style files so you'll be able to access all four variations.
How to remove sections C and D?

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