yamaha psr E433 or yamaha i455 or yamaha E423

Aug 12, 2014
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Friends please tell me About Yamaha Psr E433 or yamaha i455 or yamaha E423. ......which one is best from these 3.......which one I buy .......

Thank you


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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The three keyboards you mentioned are very similar to each other, since they're basically different versions of the same model. But if you want to compare them then I think you should include the PSR-E443 as well, since it's the newest version. Following is a summary of most of the differences between these four keyboards.

Year Released
PSR-E423: 2010
PSR-E433: 2012
PSR-I455: 2012
PSR-E443: 2014


Number of Panel Voices
PSR-E423: 183
PSR-E433: 206
PSR-I455: 214
PSR-E443: 234

Number of Drum/SFX (Sound Effects) Kits
PSR-E423: 15
PSR-E433: 23
PSR-I455: 27
PSR-E443: 24

Number of Arpeggio Voices
PSR-E423: 40
PSR-E433: 40
PSR-I455: 46
PSR-E443: 40

Number of XGlite Voices
PSR-E423: 462
PSR-E433: 462
PSR-I455: 466
PSR-E443: 457

Total Number of Voices
PSR-E423: 700
PSR-E433: 731
PSR-I455: 753
PSR-E443: 755

In theory, panel voices are better than XGlite voices, because the assumption is that panel voices are of a higher quality than XGlite voices. In any case, the number of voices can be deceiving, because some voices aren't "unique"-- i.e., they're the same as other voices but with specific effects or features applied to them. For example, some voices are layered ("dual"), meaning they're a combination of two other voices-- a "main" voice and a "dual" voice. Some voices have one of the harmony types applied to them, and some voices have one of the arpeggio types applied to them. Since you can combine any two non-layered voices together, or apply any harmony type or arpeggio type to a voice, it doesn't really matter whether a given layered, harmony, or arpeggio voice is present on one keyboard but not another, because you can always just set up that particular voice yourself and save it to a registration. Of course, having it provided as a preset voice means you don't need to use one of the registrations for that particular voice setup. So when you compare the numbers above, you must weigh how many of the "new" voices really are new voices versus how many are existing voices with a harmony or arpeggio type applied, or two existing voices layered together. You should also weigh how important the new voices or setups are to you, since some of them might be voices or setups that you aren't much interested in using anyway. Note that the PSR-I455 has some voices that are specifically aimed at Indian musicians, and while a few of them were included on the PSR-E443, some of them weren't-- but it might not matter much. For example, the PSR-I455 has two new sitar voices that weren't included on the PSR-E443, but the PSR-E443 (and PSR-E423 and PSR-E433) already have three sitar voices, anyway (which are also on the PSR-I455-- i.e., the PSR-I455 has five sitar voices in all). The only new instruments on the PSR-I455 that aren't on the PSR-E443 at all are the sarod and sarangi, whereas the PSR-E443 has some instruments that aren't on the PSR-I455 at all, so you just have to compare the voice lists carefully to determine which voices you care about the most.


Number of Preset Styles
PSR-E423: 174
PSR-E433: 186
PSR-I455: 206
PSR-E443: 200

Number of User Styles
PSR-E423: 1
PSR-E433: 5
PSR-I455: 5
PSR-E443: 5

Total Number of Styles
PSR-E423: 175
PSR-E433: 191
PSR-I455: 211
PSR-E443: 205

Again, the numbers can be deceiving, because you can load style files to the keyboard. The most important difference is that the PSR-E423 lets you use ("register") only one additional style at a time, whereas the other keyboards let you use five additional styles at a time. Also, the PSR-I455 has some preset styles that are specifically aimed at Indian musicians.


Number of Patterns
PSR-E423: 0
PSR-E433: 10
PSR-I455: 16
PSR-E443: 20

This is a more significant difference, because pattern files can't be loaded to the keyboard the way style files can. The PSR-E423 has no patterns at all, and the PSR-E443 has twice as many patterns as the PSR-E433. The PSR-I455 doesn't have "DJ patterns" per se-- instead, they're called "tabla/tanpura patterns" and they work differently, with some additional features for controlling them. You'll need to decide which is more important to you, "DJ patterns" or "tabla/tanpura patterns."


Number of Preset Songs
PSR-E423: 30
PSR-E433: 100
PSR-I455: 110
PSR-E443: 30

Number of User Songs
PSR-E423: 5
PSR-E433: 10
PSR-I455: 10
PSR-E443: 10

Total Number of Songs
PSR-E423: 35
PSR-E433: 110
PSR-I455: 120
PSR-E443: 40

The number of preset songs isn't really important, because you can load and play additional songs as MIDI files. The more important consideration is the number of user songs, meaning the number of different songs you can record and store in memory. The PSR-E423 lets you store only five user-recorded songs at once, whereas the other keyboards let you store ten. However, you can save your recordings to a computer and load them back at a later time, so this difference isn't as significant as you might think. Also, the keyboards' song-recording features aren't as sophisticated as using a DAW would be, so in the long run it's probably better to use a DAW to record songs.


Number of Reverb Types
PSR-E423: 9
PSR-E433: 9
PSR-I455: 9
PSR-E443: 9

Number of Chorus Types
PSR-E423: 4
PSR-E433: 4
PSR-I455: 4
PSR-E443: 5

Number of Harmony Types
PSR-E423: 26
PSR-E433: 26
PSR-I455: 26
PSR-E443: 26

Number of Arpeggio Types
PSR-E423: 150
PSR-E433: 150
PSR-I455: 162
PSR-E443: 150

The more important consideration here is the number of arpeggio types, since there's no way to create or load new arpeggios on the keyboards. The PSR-I455 has some extra arpeggios that are aimed at Indian musicians.


Number of Slots
PSR-E423: 16 (8 banks X 2 buttons)
PSR-E433: 32 (8 banks X 4 buttons)
PSR-I455: 32 (8 banks X 4 buttons)
PSR-E443: 32 (8 banks X 4 buttons)

This is another significant difference. The PSR-E423 has only half as many registrations as the other three keyboards, which means you can't save as many setups for fast recall. What's most important is the number of buttons, because that determines how many registrations (setups) you can quickly recall without having to select a different bank number. However, if you don't have a pressing need to switch back and forth between different saved setups-- e.g., if you aren't using the keyboard to perform live-- then this difference might not be as important to you.


Number of Function Assignments
PSR-E423: 9 (5 for Knob A, 4 for Knob B)
PSR-E433: 10 (5 for Knob A, 5 for Knob B)
PSR-I455: 12 (6 for Knob A, 6 for Knob B)
PSR-E443: 12 (6 for Knob A, 6 for Knob B)

The number of assignable functions is less important than what they do. The PSR-E423 doesn't have multiple "wide stereo" types, therefore it doesn't need any function assignments for that. The PSR-E443 has an extra jack for Aux In (auxiliary audio input), so it has some function assignments related to that. And the PSR-I455 has some function assignments for controlling its tabla/tanpura patterns.


Number of User Files
PSR-E423: 0
PSR-E433: 100
PSR-I455: 100
PSR-E443: 100

This is another major difference separating the PSR-E423 from the other three keyboards. All four keyboards let you save and load a backup file that contains the user songs, user style(s), user setups (registrations), and the various settings that are preserved when you turn off the keyboard. However, such a backup file can be saved or loaded only via the Musicsoft Downloader program while the keyboard is connected to a computer, and it must have a specific filename. In contrast, user files can be saved or loaded directly from the keyboard using a USB "thumb drive" plugged into the back of the keyboard, and up to 100 different filenames may be used. A user file is similar to a backup file-- it contains the user songs, user style(s), and user setups (registrations), but not the various other settings that are preserved when the keyboard is turned off-- so user files are more convenient to use than backup files are.


If you have the option to purchase either a PSR-E423, PSR-E433, PSR-I455, or PSR-E443, I would advise against the PSR-E423 unless (1) money is a significant factor and the PSR-E423 is considerably cheaper than the others and (2) you don't care about the features (voices/styles/patterns/etc.) that it lacks. Also, I'd choose the PSR-E443 over the PSR-E433 if they cost about the same, since the PSR-E443 is newer and has more voices and other features-- including the ability to custom-tune the scale. I'd choose the PSR-I455 over the others only if the specific Indian music features (particularly the tabla/tanpura patterns) were the deciding factor-- especially since (as far as I'm aware) the PSR-I455 costs a good bit more than the other three models.

But that's me. Since you're the one who's buying, it's really up to you to examine each keyboard's features, weigh each keyboard's price against how much money you have to spend, and decide which one best suits your needs, wants, and budget.
Oct 1, 2014
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Thanks SeaGtGruff for the nice explanation.
It it still bit difficult for me to decide between E443 & I455.

I need tabla/tanpura styles and would like to have AUX-IN too.
Can those Indian styles be purchased and copied to E443?
If so, can you please provide details.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Styles, patterns, and voices can't be copied from the PSR-I455 to the PSR-E443, but you might be able to purchase Indian styles from Yamaha or other sources. I believe there are some Indian musicians who enjoy creating styles-- for example, http://ragatracks.com/styles3.htm sells some style packs that include numerous Indian styles. If you look at the descriptions you'll see that the styles are said to be suitable for a number of Yamaha keyboard models, including the E413 and E423. Since those are earlier versions of the PSR-E443, any of the styles that work on the E413 or E423 should also work on the E443. I found that site by searching the web for "Indian styles for Yamaha keyboards." :)
Jun 27, 2014
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Adelaide, Australia
Thanks SeaGtGruff for the nice explanation.
It it still bit difficult for me to decide between E443 & I455.

Mate if you can't make a decision after what Michael posted there, I'm amazed you're able to leave the house! :)


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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And please let me know about buying a second hand PSR-1500 over above

After looking at the specs for the PSR-1500, it would certainly be a better (more capable) keyboard than the PSR-E443 or PSR-I455, so if you can get a good price on it and it's still in good shape, it would be a good buy.

First, here's what it doesn't have:
  • It doesn't have any "DJ" or "tabla/tanpura" patterns like the PSR-E443 ("DJ") and PSR-I455 ("tabla/tanpura").
  • It doesn't have assignable control knobs for modifying the cutoff/resonance, reverb/chorus, or attack/release of voices.
But what it does have is better than the PSR-E443 and PSR-I455:
  • It has 96-note polyphony (the PSR-E443/I455 have 32-note polyphony).
  • It has a modulation wheel (the PSR-E443/I455 don't).
  • It can play more advanced styles-- 3 intros, 4 mains, 4 fill-ins, 1 break, and 3 endings (the PSR-E443/I455 have 1 or 2 intros, 2 mains, 2 fill-ins, and 1 or 2 endings).
  • It has a style creator (the PSR-E443/I455 don't).
  • It has (virtual) drawbars for modifying drawbar organ voices (the PSR-E443/I455 don't).
  • It includes GM, XG, GM2, and RS voices (the PSR-E443/I455 include GM and XGlite voices).
  • It has DSP effects (the PSR-E443/I455 have only a few effects).
  • It has 8 registration buttons and "unlimited" banks (the PSR-E443/I455 have 4 registration buttons and 8 banks).
  • It has a more sophisticated LCD display.
There are many other differences, but those are some of the ones that I personally consider to be significant.

I don't think the PSR-1500 has a lot of Indian styles, but you could certainly purchase some, and possibly find free ones on the internet.
Nov 28, 2014
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unfortunately, yamaha psr e443 hasnt been launched in India yet
n i455 costs less than e433 and e443 by the presnt rates
could u tel when e443 is gona launch in india or atleast the prices of all these??


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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unfortunately, yamaha psr e443 hasnt been launched in India yet
n i455 costs less than e433 and e443 by the presnt rates
could u tel when e443 is gona launch in india or atleast the prices of all these??

I don't have any idea when the PSR-E443 might be available in India, or how much it will cost. Your best bet would be to contact Yamaha customer support to see if they can tell you, or simply order it from an online store and have it delivered. That's what I had to do here in Georgia, USA, because the PSR-E443 wasn't in stock yet at any of the local music stores.

If the PSR-I455 is available for less than the PSR-E433 or PSR-E443 then it should be a good buy, especially if you're interested in the Indian Voices and Tabla/Tanpura Patterns. It doesn't have the scale-tuning feature and Aux In jack that the PSR-E443 does, but the PSR-E443 doesn't have Tabla/Tanpura Patterns.

So if you're torn between mail-ordering a PSR-E443 or buying a PST-I455 in person at a local store, you'll just have to weigh which feature is more important to you-- the ability to tune the notes of the scale for non-equal-temperament scales, or the ability to play Tabla/Tanpura Patterns-- as well as how much you're able and willing to spend.

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