Yamaha PSR E433 or Yamaha PSR E443 or Yamaha PSR E453 or Yamaha EW400 or maybe psr E353 or ypt340?

Mar 10, 2017
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Friends tell me please about Yamaha PSR E433 or E443 or Yamaha PSR E453, or EW400 or maybe psr E353 or ypt340? Which one is best from all these for a begginer which is a pensioner? Which one I buy? Thanks!
Mar 10, 2017
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Thanks for very nice link
I want to learn to play at keyboard relaxing music such as Christian music, Messianic music. Still not decided for investment. I never had a keyboard.
In my youth I learned a few guitar chords, sang in several choirs least and not much more.
Now being retired, I have time and I want to learn to play at the keyboard a few musical arrangements.
I think of as good quality price ratio. Perhaps it would be better to start to buy something second hand. Even I found in my local city an Yamaha PSR 185. What do you advise? It would be a good start?


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
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Melbourne Australia
Hi Yankee,
I am in my mid sixties and semi retired. I learnt keyboard from scratch just a few years ago. I started on a PSR 2 would you believe? Just to learn basics and as well to learn to understand sheet music. I would recommend you do that. . learn the staves. Having said that I would agree that a PSR 185 would be adequate in the beginning. Upgrade later when you are ready. It may take a year or 2 or 3.
So nothing wrong with buying second hand but be careful you are not buying someone's faulty machine. Thoroughly check it over. Play every single key and try as many features as you can. See if you can get a manual with it.
Good luck.
and btw. . welcome to the forums here.
Mar 10, 2017
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Thanks for encouragement. I downloaded and printed the manual for PSR 185 . The Yamaha PSR 185 cost about 34 $ . It is included also the Power Supply. It had not the standler and the support. It looks like all functions are OK. So I bought it. Thanks again for the nice advices gave me dear friend. Now I must learn the theory and how to practice correct using the fingers from both hands. Would be very nice to help me with any advice and links in learning the music theory and learn how to practice using the fingers from both hands ...I think we should start another thread to achieve those objectives. God bless you


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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I was traveling and didn't see your post until tonight. Although you've already bought a used PSR-185 for a great bargain, you might eventually want to consider something newer. Since I have a PSR-E433 and a PSR-E443, as well as a YPT-400 (which is an older model, not one of the ones you mentioned), and I've also been thinking about getting a PSR-EW400, I'll post some comments tomorrow after I get back home.


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
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Melbourne Australia
Would be very nice to help me with any advice and links in learning the music theory and learn how to practice using the fingers from both hands ..
I think some people here can give you good advice on fingering. Not me! I found it most difficult in coordinating left and right hands. I taught myself and did it all the hard way. I learnt from books and some methods were unorthodox. I dare not give advice on this subject. Hopefully Cowboy or Fred or some others who are experienced may offer you suggestions on learning music theory as you requested.
As for the PSR185. . . So cheap!
After a short while I think you will want to upgrade it. SeaGtgruff will no doubt steer you to making the right choice on those other models. In the meantime . . . Just learn the keys with the psr 185 and embrace the challenge. Make it enjoyable.
Love life / Love music;)

Fred Coulter

Collector of ancient keyboards
Feb 15, 2016
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Central Florida
The first advice I give when asked about technique is to get a teacher. A human being.

Shop around. You're looking for a teacher that is willing to work with your age group and the type of music you want to play. And you can afford.

The bad news is that no matter what, you're going to start with dippy songs. Just stick with it, and your technique will improve. And as your technique improves, so will the music you can play.
Mar 10, 2017
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Hello dear Fred
I thought about it before searching keyboards. But I found on the Internet people who have learned to play the keyboards themselves alone without teachers. So I stopped looking for teachers. But your idea is good. I get this activity as a hobby. I have enough time, patience and (I hope) perhaps a bit of ability. Of course a teacher, I think, it would be more useful than to learn alone but also the individual work I think is important. I watched some videos about it.There are of course people who declare that they alone without the help of any teacher managed to learn to play keyboards wrong. So a little scarried me. I have some friends who teach about how to play music on keyboards but there is long distance between us, they live in other cities. So I do not reject any idea of finding a group of similar age to mine with a teacher to handle our learning to sing at keyboard. I am working on it...
Mar 10, 2017
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I was traveling and didn't see your post until tonight. Although you've already bought a used PSR-185 for a great bargain, you might eventually want to consider something newer. Since I have a PSR-E433 and a PSR-E443, as well as a YPT-400 (which is an older model, not one of the ones you mentioned), and I've also been thinking about getting a PSR-EW400, I'll post some comments tomorrow after I get back home.
Hi dear friend SeaGtGruff
Thanks for your patience with us, providing very useful information for those who need them in buying a wonderful keyboards.
I am expecting your recommendations for a wise choice in a near future for such a very wonderful keyboard.

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