Current Yamaha owner considering a Korg

Nov 22, 2020
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Southern Maine
Greetings, I have a Yamaha PSR S950 and am thinking of upgrading to either the PSR SX900 or the Korg PA 1000. I've watched videos on both and have a couple of questions. (1) When operating in a fingered chord mode, how would one get the bass note, i.e. if you wanted a C chord with an E bass on the Yamaha you'd play e-g-c-e, or a full octave chord to get the bass note you want. Is this the same with a Korg? (2) I'm assuming the PA 4x has no internal speakers, correct? I like the operating system with the 4x but want the internal speakers. Is the OS similar with the PA 1000? Thanks....
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.

The PA4X has what Korg calls their Next OS, it is expected that similar versions will be released in due course for the 700 & 1000.

That said there is very little difference in the way the OS system works on all the newer PA models, the Next OS is primarily cosmetic, but it did unlock additions features and functions like increasing the memory.

Re fingering modes, there are options you can set in the Global Menu.

The PA4X is like the Genos, no internal speakers, with the Korg an optional bar type speaker system in their PAAS is available which clips onto the 4X and makes the connections.
I am no fan on Yamaha PSR S series, I dislike the plastic and flimsy build quality, as for the sounds apart from pianos the rest of Yamaha’s inbuilt sounds are not to my liking. The SX series are a quantum leap in quality but the onboard sounds are imo not as good as you will find in a PA.

Adjust EQ in Global by turning it on and selecting one of the six presets and any Korg PA will sound even better, the presets are fully user customisable.

Download the Korg manuals and have a look through them.

You will find a PA has a steep learning curve but once learned operating a PA will be quick easy and very user friendly.

Me I would go for a 4X any day over a 1000, btw below is what a PAAS speaker system looks like.
Jun 25, 2010
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If your left hand is busy with accompaniment, the ability to add expressivity to your RH line with aftertouch as you can on the Korg is really nice.

ETA: Here's another sound comparison. You might like certain sounds better on one, other sounds on the other...

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Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.

I would be interested to hear your views on the sounds on your own PA1000 and in particular how Eq settings change the overall sound quality.
Nov 22, 2020
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Southern Maine
Good responses and videos, thanks. I had a PSR S710 and then the 950 with which I've been very happy, but am always open to new ideas. My favorite registrations are Hammond organs, and while both of these are ok, they could be better. I presently use a Roland VK-8M module with my 950 which sounds remarkably good for almost 20 year old technology. It would be nice, however, not to have to use it (one less thing to carry around when gigging). Let me clarify about the base "Whiter Shade of Pale," key of C, the base line walks down an octave. If you throw standard chords at the 950 (C, G, Am, C, F, Am, Dm, F) the bass line will be wrong. If I use a full octave chord I can manipulate the bass line so it's correct. I also do that with a version of "Yes, Jesus Loves Me,", which I recorded here:
I don't know if I can do that with the Korg.

Unfortunately neither of these keyboards are in any dealerships nearby (so I can try 'em out), or even within 250 miles, so I'm leaning to the Yamaha only because I'm more familiar with the OS.
Jun 25, 2010
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I would be interested to hear your views on the sounds on your own PA1000 and in particular how Eq settings change the overall sound quality.

Sorry to say I have not played with EQ, so I have nothing to contribute there.

I'm lucky enough to have a stable of boards, and the PA1000 is one of a number of boards that has some of my favorite sounds in it. For the sounds I mostly use it for, I can't unequivically say it's better or worse than my Roland, Yamaha, or Kurzweil... all of these are "good enough" and each has some favorites that I prefer over equivalents in another. As good as the sounds are, though, that's not what prompted me to get a PA1000. For me, it was more about filling a functional purpose than a sonic one.

I wanted something lightweight that had good enough speakers that I could easily carry nothing but the one board if I were doing a drumless rehearsal, getting together with a friend to jam/compose, play solo at a party, do a solo/duo wedding ceremony/cocktail hour, etc. As a bonus, its sounds and interface also make it well-suited to be a top-board over an 88 at events where I move from cocktail hour to full-band reception, meaning I could take two boards to that kind of gig instead of three as I sometimes did. It also meets my requirement for having an interface/design that makes it easy to do quick sound changes mid-song. And I liked the tilt-screen, which can make it easier to operate when on a top tier, or in the sun at an outdoor gig. It's not perfect, I wish it had 7x keys and weighed even less, and booted up a bit faster, but it basically fills the bill.

My first attempt at getting a board to fill this purpose resulted in the purchase a a Casio MZ-X500, which I liked quite a bit, I think it's under-appreciated. But the PA1000 was a nice step up in action, quality of sounds, and fullness of speakers (you couldn't really push much low end out of the Casio), plus had aftertouch, so I made the move. It also seems to have better MIDI functionality, which would be useful to me, though I haven't made use of it yet. The Casio gives you a ton of functionality with a nice interface at lower price and lower travel weight, and still has above average speakers, but it's not really in the Korg's league, and while its sounds were quite usable, it probably has no sounds I'd particularly miss, unlike the Korg. Some day, I intend to finally getting around to playing with the PA's arranger features, something I've never done on any board but seems like fun and could open up some other performance capabilities. I also haven't played with its vocal processor functions yet, which also interests me.

I had a PSR S710 and then the 950 with which I've been very happy, but am always open to new ideas. My favorite registrations are Hammond organs, and while both of these are ok, they could be better. I presently use a Roland VK-8M module with my 950 which sounds remarkably good for almost 20 year old technology. It would be nice, however, not to have to use it

One nice feature I only just discovered about the PSR-SX900 is that it has auxilliary assignable outputs. I"m thinking you should be able to use that to send its drawbar organ ("organ flutes") sounds out to a rotary pedal (e.g. Neo Ventilator), to potentially get a much better organ sound without the complication of driving/integrating a whole separate sound source like the VK-8M. Another nice use this feature could be to send your left hand "bass guitar" to its own output, something I like to do if I can send it to a bass amp, or if there's someone doing sound and I want to give them independent fader control over the "bass guitar." Assignable outs is a great feature, that's something else that could improve the PA1000.

ETA: This might also be a nice enhancement to the Yamaha's organ capabilities...
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Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Thanks Scott for the write up.

Adjusting the Eq on a PA does make a tremendous difference, try switching it on in Global and try the six presets. I tweaked a couple of them on my 700 and had the Eq on all the time.

I know what you mean about the limited keys, 61 just is not enough which is one of the reasons a PA4X with 76 keys is at the top of my list.
May 31, 2020
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Greetings, I have a Yamaha PSR S950 and am thinking of upgrading to either the PSR SX900 or the Korg PA 1000. I've watched videos on both and have a couple of questions. (1) When operating in a fingered chord mode, how would one get the bass note, i.e. if you wanted a C chord with an E bass on the Yamaha you'd play e-g-c-e, or a full octave chord to get the bass note you want. Is this the same with a Korg?(2) I'm assuming the PA 4x has no internal speakers, correct? I like the operating system with the 4x but want the internal speakers. Is the OS similar with the PA 1000? Thanks....

I had a PSR950 that I replaced with a Yamaha Tyros 5. Since doing that I have added a Korg PaX4 with the Paas speakers to my studio. The Tyros 5 was a great improvement over the PSR950 and the Korg PaX4 is better with more user features available and once I got familiar with the Korg software I can do more the PAX4 than the Yamaha Tyros 5. Both keyboards sound great and I enjoy playing them. Before buying the Korg PaX4 I considered replacing the Tyros 5 with the Yamaha Genos. The trade up price from the Tyros 5 to the Genos was $4,000. I paided $3,800 for the Korg PaX4 with the Paas speakers. I now have two great keyboards. When assembled the Korg PaX4 with the Paas speakers looks like a single unit and sounds great.


May 29, 2023
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The chord mode, that is called AI fingered, is also in Korg, there it has the name Expert and reacts the same way, so you can force some bass tones.
So you could do the same on Korg, the only point would be, are you pleased with the organ in Korg.
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
The chord mode, that is called AI fingered, is also in Korg, there it has the name Expert and reacts the same way, so you can force some bass tones.
So you could do the same on Korg, the only point would be, are you pleased with the organ in Korg.
Seeing you have resurrected an old thread an update could be useful.

The Korg Pa700 & 1000 are still available but zero updates have been issued.

The Korg Pa 5X has been released but that seems to have bugs and is feature limited compared to the outgoing model. They have had none months since its release and still no significant update to the new OS, just a minor bug fix.

Combined with major changes in Korg management their focus at present is cloudy and the future uncertain.

I hate to say this but I would not presently buy any Korg.

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