DGX-660 Users-> PLaying styles

Oct 13, 2020
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I am having problems when playing styles on my new DGX-660. It often will not play a different note when I change, say from C to B. IF I hit the B a second time, it may play. Check out the video:

A video showing the problem here-> LINK

Are any of you having this problem? Do I just need to learn to pound the keys to make it work?

FYI...I've been working with Yamaha support, and they agreed it was a problem and to exchange it. I did, and I think this one is worse.

Thanks for any thoughts you can share.
Oct 13, 2020
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Thanks @Biggles.

I did notice that after I recieved the second 660. I'm sure I can return the 660. However I'm concerned that the 670 would also be problematic as per the video above.

I'm a bit surprised that there's no feedback about if that is common for this unit, or that I happened to get the only 2 with this problem.

I may investigate of there is a similarly capable unit from a different brand.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
At this price point there are only three 88 key DP's that I am aware of with Arranger features, the Yamaha DGX, the Casio S3000 and the Korg XE20.

We do seem to have had pro rata more DGX issues but as Yamaha are the market leaders I suppose the sheer numbers involved equate to more potential issues.

Out of interest, why did you choose the DGX?
Oct 13, 2020
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@Biggles, I appreciate your feedback.

Interestingly, I just 5 min ago finished reviewing comparisons between the 660 and the XE20.

Below are a few things that drove my decision for the 660:

  • As a new learner, I wanted a keyboard that had a lot of features to provide improved music enjoyment, such as styles, accompaniment, and mixing (I presume I'm using correct terminology...by mixing I mean possibly getting some sheet music that I can record multiple instruments)
  • From my minimal knowledge about different brands, Yamaha seemed to be respected
  • Seemed that the DGX gave good bang for the buck
  • Reviews with comparisons seemed to consistently put the DGX-660 on top
Right now I am pretty bummed out. I don't feel very inclined to try a 3rd DGX from Yamaha. For a quite a while i have feared that the problem I am experiencing was due to me somehow. But especially with the results from the latest one per the recording, I cannot believe I am just hitting the keys too softly.

I have sent an email with the results to the tech at Yamaha that has been working with me. They are slammed (busy). So not sure how long it will be before I hear back.

I need to decide the path I want to go next. I have 2 660s that I need to get back to the vendors. <sigh/>.
Oct 13, 2020
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BTW...At first mention I was tempted to send it back and get the 670. But now I have faith I wouldn't have the same problem
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Interesting and very sorry to read of your woes with Yamaha or as I often refer to them as Yamahaha.

I am not a fan of Yamaha kit at all despite having a basic P121 myself, it is an OK DP with imo the second best action but the best piano voices.

The DGX on paper is a great DP with arranger features and in the very limited market segment there is only the three makes and models that I know of. Being a Yamaha, I do not think that I could get to like the Menu system, I have never played any Yamaha with an LCD screen where I even remotely think that I would like the Menu system. It is like Yamaha want a batch of keyboard players developing RSI through rampant button pressing such is their dire Menu design.

I am a Korg fan but have not tried the XE20, nor will I as I have played their B2 piano which has the same keybed and (1) the keybed sucks and (2) piano voices are fourth behind Yamaha, Roland and Casio, at least these are imo, subjective yes but the XE would not work for me.

Roll on the Casio S3000, I have briefly played one, it sounds good, looks fantastic, is small and just over half the weight of a DGX. Adverse comments about the action maybe but my playing did not notice anything other than the action of a Roland FP and Yamaha P series were better but not by much.

I know I want a change, the Yamaha P series is to basic for me I want an Arranger or rather I want Arranger features but I do not want one with just 61 keys so I have a dilemma. Do I buy a better DP and a 61 Key arranger or by a DP with arranger features there is not an Arranger with 76 or more keys available for less than £2500.

If I go the latter route for a DP with arranger features I would most certainly go for the Casio.

Life was so much easier with my guitar, wanted a change of sound, just change the patch on the pedal unit and go for it.
Oct 13, 2020
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Well, at a minimum, I will return the 660 and get a 670, although I expect it to have the same problem. I am beginning to look at different brands. I have briefly browsed the Korg-XE20, and the Casio PX-S3000 (your comments was on Casio S3000, but what I find is PX-S3000, I presume that is the one you meant).

I have become quite happy with the features the DGX-660 offer. I need to determine which features I consider a must have, and list them to compare.

BTW...I had some communications with Yamaha, and we are still chasing the issue here.
Oct 13, 2020
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J just to provide an update: I returned the DGX, and got another. It has the same problems.

The green gentleman supporting me at Yamaha has been pretty good, acts actually, and we've communicated a few times.

His first reaction to the news that the second one has the same problems was that he is leaning toward user error. I actually don't blame him, as what are the chances that a new user would get 2 bad ones in a row is pretty remote.

That being said, he provided me with 3 specific tests to try to see if it can be narrowed down.

Without going too far in nj the weeds, I found the problem only happens when a style is active with do g Fingering setting is at 1. Didn't seem to happen if it is set at 2 or 3. It also happened if Smart Cord is on. Works perfectly if played without the fancy features.i provisos him with 3 videos of the tests. I have to say that given that the issue can be duplicated when using certain features, but works fine w/I then, and that native playing is fine, I have a hard time believing it is just eerie. I mentioned that and he said that's why he's bringing in the managers.He is bringing in his manager and the service manager in on the ticket. I'll see how it goes next week.

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