Height from floor to top of keys with Kawai ES110 and the HML-1 Kawai stand?

Oct 24, 2022
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Following on from my previous posts in late October I decided to buy the Kawai ES110 (sight unseen and never having played a digital keyboard - quite a leap of faith on my part). It arrived a few days ago and I must say that I'm very pleased with it, given my price constraints. I didn't expect that it would play like my Kawai medium grand but, at least, it is something I can practise on. When I bought the keyboard I didn't give any thought to buying a stand and thought that I could simply play it on the top of a console table that was just a bit deeper than the keyboard and about half a metre longer. Unfortunately, I now realise that this is not the way to go. The height of the top of the keys in this setup is 86cms. I'm sure that the height from the floor to the top of the keys on my piano would be more like 73 cms (just guessing here). I have now ordered the Kawai HML-1 stand so that I can use the keyboard comfortably. If there is someone on the forum who has a Kawai ES110 with the HML-1 stand, I would be very, very grateful if they could take the time to measure the height from the floor to the top of the keys in this setup - metric or imperial measure is fine with me. Many thanks, Tricia
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
In the spec it says the height is 82cm so simply measure the desk to keytop dimension yourself and add the two together.

So it looks like your new stand will make it even higher.

Had I seen a post asking about stands I would certainly have suggested buying an adjustable one. I have a K&M and it is set at 70cm to the keybed.
Oct 24, 2022
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Yes, I saw the specs for the stand but I've noticed in the photos of the assembled stand that there seem to be two metal 'shelves' (for want of a better description) that are quite a lot lower than the height of the top of the stand. I'm assuming that the keyboard sits on these two shelves and that someone who owns such a setup might be able to say what the actual height is to the top of the keys. 82cms (more than 32 inches) would seem to me to be much higher than any keyboard height on an acoustic piano. It's not the sort of mistake I imagine that Kawai would make.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
I does not look like you have leeway with the stand, there are brackets which attach to the ES and the top of the stand then sits under the lip of the keyboard. I have attached an image from the Kawai website so you can see how the two sittogether.

I hope you got a good price for the 110 as it is mow discontinued and replaced by the ES120.


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