How do I copy measures on the CTK 6200

Sep 12, 2014
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I very carefully followed the directions in the manual. My goal was to copy measure 1 through 8, to measures 9 through 16. Naturally, it didn't work. I entered sequence mode, then following the directions on page E-84 I entered the Event Edit mode. I selected the track I wished to copy. At this point back on page E-87 the manual says that I can perform a "song playback operation to check the range I want to select. I am assuming that "Range" refers to the specific measures to be copied. NO PLAYBACK WHEN I HIT PLAY AS INSTRUCTED. I should have known better than to continue, but I went ahead and selected the measures to be copied, or thought I did, as instructed on page E-88. Didn't work. If you look at the example diagram it seems to show measure 3 through 5 to be copied, but the destination point is measure 1. That just doesn't make sense, but I followed those directions for each track thinking it was working. I lost a half days work. Screwed the song up to the point that I have to start over now. Can anybody help me with this problem?


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Let me check the manual and see if I can figure it out.

I'm sorry to hear that you lost some work. It's a good idea to make a backup copy of anything you're getting ready to make changes to, just in case you don't like the changes and want to go back to the original.

Are you able to make copies of your songs and transfer them to a computer so you can work with them using a DAW? I'll look back at your other posts and see whether you said anything about your setup.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Okay, I've looked at the manual to see the pages you were referring to. I think the picture on E-88 that showed "001:01:00" as the destination for the copy is to show what the screen looks like after you press C-10 (COPY) but before you've done the next step (step 4) to select the desired destination point. So after you've done step 3 you need to be sure to press R-17 (<, >) to move the cursor (solid underline as opposed to the dotted underline) to the desired spot-- the measure number for the copy destination point-- and then use R-14 (-, +) to increment the measure number to 9. Then you can proceed to the next step (step 5) to accept the selection.

However, I definitely recommend that you save your work first so that if you make a mistake or don't like the results then you can restore to the previous version.
Sep 12, 2014
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Let me check the manual and see if I can figure it out.

I'm sorry to hear that you lost some work. It's a good idea to make a backup copy of anything you're getting ready to make changes to, just in case you don't like the changes and want to go back to the original.

Are you able to make copies of your songs and transfer them to a computer so you can work with them using a DAW? I'll look back at your other posts and see whether you said anything about your setup.
Sep 12, 2014
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I'm ashamed to admit to considerable ignorance when it comes to the latest innovations in electronic music technology. The last keyboard I worked with was a Korg 01W fifteen years ago, and I saved work over to floppy disc to protect it. I just got the 6200 less than a week ago and feel rather like a fish out of water. I have been using guitar for many years but because of a spinal injury last November which caused nerve damage in my hands, I was left unable to play. Guitar that is. Much to much pain in my finger tips. I do still have strength in my hands so I returned to keyboard in hopes of salvaging my career. I don't understand the language very well and feel kind of lost when I open the manual. It gets very confusing having to jump all over the book to learn how to perform one simple function like quantizing for example. Gary was able to walk me through it yesterday in a logical fashion and expressed his confirming opinion how confusing the manual is. I worked for a while last night starting with a simple 4 measure kick drum part that I then tried to copy to the next 4 measures. I was finally able to do it except that at the end of the last or 8th measure, the last note, which was on the 4th quarter note, was not copied. Yes, I did guantize the part before copying. I do not have a clear understanding how to set the start/stop points of measures, but I feel that I am close. Thanks for your insight. Mostly though, thanks for your patience and kindness. I have my first actual paid gig in 11 months this Friday, but that is just providing one song for a dance troop doing a program for the MDA. I was able to muddle through and get that done without copying tracks, but need this ability badly to continue. Next month starting on October 4th, I have to fill an hour for several functions and need desperately to get 10 to 15 songs finished and ready to go by then. I fear that because of the laps in current keyboard knowledge, I may have to cancel some dates, which would be a bit disastrous financially. So your assistance is very much more than just simply appreciated. It is so with considerable depth and gratitude. John Houston.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Sorry to hear your troubles John, and that was Michael who helped you out last night, not I.

Anyway, nowadays Youtube offers a lot of help in the form of video tutorials for the manual impaired.

Check these out.

The CTK and WK series models with similar numbers are fundamentally identical to each other except the WK's have 73 or 76 keys while the CTK's have 61.

Hope this helps you out...

Sep 12, 2014
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Let me check the manual and see if I can figure it out.

I'm sorry to hear that you lost some work. It's a good idea to make a backup copy of anything you're getting ready to make changes to, just in case you don't like the changes and want to go back to the original.

Are you able to make copies of your songs and transfer them to a computer so you can work with them using a DAW? I'll look back at your other posts and see whether you said anything about your setup.
Sep 12, 2014
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I was finally able to figure it out with your help. THANKS!!! Did I understand the guy on youtube doing the CTK 700 demo to say that I can record UP TO 16 measures? I can't go beyond 16 measures without copying measures?
Sep 12, 2014
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Never mind that last question. I just went in to my keyboard and recorded a track well beyond 16 measures so I'm not sure what he was talking about. But you might answer this question. What significant differences are there between the 6200 and the 7000 besides the number of keys?


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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From looking at the CTK-6200 manual last night, it's my understanding that you can record up to 999 measures. I haven't watched the videos so I don't know what the guy was talking about regarding 16 measures, but I see from the title of the link that the second video is about "pattern sequencing," so maybe that was it? Since I haven't watched the video I can't be sure what it was about, but "pattern sequencing" sounds like a reference to auto accompaniment patterns, which are a bit different than songs. The easiest way to think of this is that an auto accompaniment is like a short piece of music that keeps looping. It can be anything from a simple 1-measure drum rhythm that keeps repeating, to a longer group of measures consisting of drums, bass, guitar, organ, synth, etc. Since the auto accompaniment is designed to keep playing in a loop, there's usually a limit to the number of measures it can have before it must loop.

Regarding the 6200 versus the 7000, both are CTK models, so they both have 61 keys. The ones that have 76 keys are the WK models, which are generally the same as the CTK models except for the number of keys-- e.g., the WK-6600 and the CTK-6200 are the "same" keyboards except the CTK-6200 has 61 keys and the WK-6600 has 76 keys; likewise the WK-7500 and the CTK-7000 are the "same" except the CTK has 61 keys and the WK has 76.

I'm not sure what all the differences between the CTK-6200 and CTK-7000 are (or between the WK-6600 and the WK-7500), but you can download the manual and appendix for the CTK-7000/WK-7500 from Casio's web site to see their specs and list of available tones. Based on a quick, partial comparison of the specs for the CTK-6200/WK-6600 and the CTK-7000/WK-7500, the 7000 has more tones (800 versus 700), greater polyphony (64 notes at once versus 48 notes at once), and the ability to store more user tones and user rhythms. But one of the more significant differences between them is that the CTK-7000/WK-7500 has drawbar organ tones that can be modified using sliders, the way you can modify the sounds on an organ using drawbars for the different harmonics.

I think the latest/greatest CTK/WK model is the CTK-7200/WK-7600.
Sep 12, 2014
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Thanks again. Do you know if I can adjust the position of notes? In otherwise, perform my own quantizing by moving a specific back a 10th of a beat or forward a 5th of a beat? If so, where in the manual would you send me?
Sep 12, 2014
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One more question. Can I store songs to an SDGC card one at a time and can I store more than 5 on one card to be accessed later?


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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I think you should be able to adjust the timing of individual notes. Keep in mind, I don't have a CTK-6200, and the only Casio that I do have is such an old, low-end model that it doesn't have any recording features, so I can't try the steps from the CTK-6200 manual myself, and I'm unfamiliar with doing these operations on other Casio keyboards. In the manual on page E-92 it talks about how to adjust the "gate time" of a note event, and I think that might be it-- but I'm not certain what Casio means by "gate time." It could refer to the starting time of the note, or it could refer to the duration of the note. I actually suspect that it refers to the duration of the note, but I can't see any references to adjusting the starting time of the note (other than quantizing the notes).

In any case, it's easy to do this sort of thing in a DAW-- a computer program that lets you record tracks and edit them, or even control keyboards. The song sequencer in your Casio is like a simplified DAW built into the keyboard, whereas an actual DAW program would give you even greater control and more powerful functionality. You can spend several hundred dollars on a top-of-the-line commercial DAW, or a couple hundred dollars on a fair-to-middling commercial DAW, or less than a hundred dollars, depending on things like how fancy its features are and how many virtual instruments are included with it. There are even some free DAWs that are pretty good, especially for beginners who are just learning about DAWs and what they can do.

Regarding your second question, you should be able to save individual songs to a card. You should also be able to store more than 5 songs on a single card-- although this will depend on how much memory the card has and how large each song file happens to be. There may also be a practical limit-- i.e., you might be able to store several thousand song files on a card, but your keyboard might have a limit on how many song files it can "see" in the card's file directory.

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