How To Connect Ipad to Yamaha MX88 Midi Hammond B3X

Oct 23, 2012
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Hey guys. Good gosh I need help. I’m a newbie to this technology and need advice. I have a Yamaha MX88 and I’m wanting to use my iPad with my keyboard. I have purchased a cable with a type B end and lightning end. I’m assuming with this cable I don’t need the so called Camera Kit that was needed prior to this New cable? Ok, so do I need some type of midi controller or am I good to go?
When cable arrives I’m going to try and connect if the cable is all I need. If this works I’m going to purchase the Hammond B3X app for $99. I know it can’t be that easy??? Any guidance in doing this will be greatly appreciated. I’d also like to have an App that would allow me to use with iPad to set up songs for live performance. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help in advance and I will pay it forward.

Thanks again,
Tim C


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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As far as I've ever heard, you need to use a Camera Connection Kit or the Lightning equivalent, which I think has a slightly different name. If Apple has changed something on their newer iPads such that this is no longer necessary, that would be great to hear, so do let us know whether that cable lets you connect without needing the kit.

Regarding your second question, you might want to look into the SongBook+ app to see if it will meet your needs:

Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
I suggest you suck it and see with the cable, if it works that is great if it does not then buy a Camera Connection kit but do only by the one with a USB socket and a Lightning socket.

Another App for you to look at is OnSong.

You may like to also head over to the Music Player Network as there is a very long thread on the B3X

Finally do have a look at the reviews of Galileo Organ 2, it is way cheaper than B3X and works and sounds great.
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
As far as I've ever heard, you need to use a Camera Connection Kit or the Lightning equivalent, which I think has a slightly different name. If Apple has changed something on their newer iPads such that this is no longer necessary, that would be great to hear, so do let us know whether that cable lets you connect without needing the kit.

Regarding your second question, you might want to look into the SongBook+ app to see if it will meet your needs:

I suggest you suck it and see with the cable, if it works that is great if it does not then buy a Camera Connection kit but do only by the one with a USB socket and a Lightning socket.

Another App for you to look at is OnSong.

You may like to also head over to the Music Player Network as there is a very long thread on the B3X

Finally do have a look at the reviews of Galileo Organ 2, it is way cheaper than B3X and works and sounds great.
Thanks Mr. SeaGtGulf! I have already been using Songbook+. I will try the chord I ordered. The new chord has a lightning connection on one end and Type B on the other. Would the adapter be needed for any reason other than making the connection to the iPad? Those adapters aren’t cheap! Thanks for your help. Greatly appreciate it!
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
I suggest you suck it and see with the cable, if it works that is great if it does not then buy a Camera Connection kit but do only by the one with a USB socket and a Lightning socket.

Another App for you to look at is OnSong.

You may like to also head over to the Music Player Network as there is a very long thread on the B3X

Finally do have a look at the reviews of Galileo Organ 2, it is way cheaper than B3X and works and sounds great.

Thanks Biggles! I will try it and will surely check out Galileo Organ 2.. Does it have the Hammond sound?
Appreciate your help so much! I asked Mr. SeaGtGulf if the Camera kit adapter had any purpose other than giving you the two ends of the cable required to use. The cable I ordered is Type B on one end and. Lightning on the other?
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
The Camera Adaptor does have two way comms, you do get audio out of the iPad via USB.

Hopefully your cable will function but a person posted a thread somewhere in that they had a similar cable and were having problems. Of course I am not sure if it was the cable being at fault or if it was a problem with the keyboard.
Aug 12, 2008
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South Carolina
1) Welcome to the forums ! 2) Be sure to check if that app will run on your particular Ipad and OS revision. 3) Lightning to USB3 Camera adapter - this replaces the older Camera Adapter with one which will allow you to connect your charger to the Ipad while you are using it. Recommended. Don aaka B3

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