My Yamaha PSR-E463 not connecting to my computer

Aug 9, 2021
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Hi My name is Johan,
So about two years ago I got a Yamaha PSR E463 as a present, and started playing.
So I started to play live in church but In our Church we play with styles, and use different voices is hard as the Keyboard doesn't have the freeze functionality.
So I thought what if I could pre record my songs, which I successfully did but the only limitation was I had only 6 tracks with one only for Beats.
So I thought I could use cakewalk to record? and I bought a usb a to b connector and tried connecting my keyboard but my laptop doesn't recognize that the Keyboard has been connected.

Is there anything you guys suggest I can do?

(I know its not the problem of my cable as I connected a Yamaha MO6 to my laptop and it was Recognized.)


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Are you trying to use it with the Steinberg USB driver, or without a driver?

I think it should work without a driver, but if you have to use a driver then it must be the Steinberg USB driver, not the Yamaha USB-MIDI driver.

If that sounds odd, Yamaha owns Steinberg, and several of Yamaha's keyboards and synths use the Steinberg USB driver because that driver is able to handle USB audio as well as USB MIDI, whereas the Yamaha USB-MIDI driver cannot handle USB audio.

The PSR-E463 has USB audio in its USB data stream, in addition to USB MIDI, hence it needs the Steinberg USB driver if you use a driver-- which shouldn't be required if you're using only USB MIDI with the PSR-E463.

On the other hand, using the Steinberg USB driver would let you use the PSR-E463's USB audio as well.

You mentioned that the PSR-E463 doesn't have a Freeze function. That is true, but it does let you exclude the style-related settings when you save a Registration, so you should be able to create Registrations which change the voices you want to use without also having the style change. There are threads in this forum about how to do that, so if that's what you're trying to do then you might want to look at those threads.
Last edited:
Aug 9, 2021
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So are you saying I don't need the Steinberg Driver, do I?
And could you also explain what you said about the freeze again.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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My understanding is that you should be able to connect without using a driver-- or, more specifically, using the built-in USB-MIDI drivers which are part of your computer's operating system. You should be able to tell whether a driver is needed by connecting your keyboard with a USB cable and seeing if your music software knows that your keyboard is there.

If your music software can't detect your keyboard without a special driver installed, then you'll need to use the Steinberg driver rather than the Yamaha driver. There should be a link to download the Steinberg driver on your keyboard's downloads page at Yamaha's web site; it might "Steinberg" or it might say "Yamaha-Steinberg," but I think it should be the only driver listed, so it should be easy to find.

As for the "freeze" functionality, as you've said the PSR-E models don't have the "freeze" capabilities that the higher-end lines do-- PSR-S, PSR-SX, Tyros, Genos-- but the PSR-E models do allow you to save a registration without including the style-related settings in it-- the style number, style volume, style variation, and tempo. To save a registration without including the style settings, all you need to do is set up all the settings that you do want to save-- voices, effects, etc.-- but press the SONG button before you save everything to a registration. This will change the display so it's showing whatever song is currently selected, rather than whatever settings you were changing in the Function menu, but that's okay-- just go through the steps you normally would to save a registration.

Now you should be able to select a style, start playing it, and recall that registration without the current style being affected. If you select a different style, you should be able to recall the registration again without changing the new style. And if you select yet another style, you should be able to recall the registration without changing the style. This lets you set up the registrations so they'll change the voices you're playing with no matter what style you happen to be using at the time.
Aug 9, 2021
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So, Will it work if I save a style and Voice on my 1st memory and only voice on the other three?
when I change the voice, will the Style or any parameters of the style change?
and am I able to use other bank and their memories too?


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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It works on a per-registration basis. What I mean is, you can save a registration "normally" with the style-related settinfs in it, or you can save a registration without the style-related settings. Thus, you could save a registration that will set the keyboard to a specific style, variation, and tempo along with the voices, and save others that will change the voices without affecting the style and tempo.

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