Sequencing a song on Tyros 4

Oct 31, 2019
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I am an amateur sequence programmer, and I love my Tyros 4. However there are a few issues that I have never managed to solve when I sequence a song - perhaps someone out in this forum will have the right answers:

a) Suppose I have forgotten a bar in a song that I am sequencing how can I insert a single bar on all the 16 tracks so that I could punch in and punch out the data in that bar?
b) Similarly how can I delete a particular bar (say bar # 50) on all the tracks within the song?
c) Also if I have a midi file from another keyboard brand (not Yamaha family), how can I change the instruments (per track) in the song to make the midi file compatible with the samples from Tyros 4?

Thanks in advance.

Jay Franco
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
You are well how best to say it, shafted or you seem to be.

The Tyros 4 manual sucks, zero info in how to edit ( but that is pretty well how it is, Korg are as bad ) and it does get worst, it says that the file can only be played on your Tyros and outputted as a WAV therefore useless in a DAW.

If you do not get specific how to advice here then there may be workarounds on the PSR forum.

You can also just use the Tyros as a MIDI keyboard and record onto a DAW.
Oct 31, 2019
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi Jay,

My advice would to download a free copy of Cakewalk by Bandlab , and use that to move and delete things much easier


Thanks - that seems pretty much the best thing to do... however if the midi file is edited on Cakewalk, would it play back on the Tyros 4 as an XT3 or XT4 midi quality file? I know there are different types of Midi files out there, but once you try editing it on another platform, and bring it back to Tyros I am sure the sound samples may change... am I right in saying so? Thanks!
Oct 31, 2019
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
You are well how best to say it, shafted or you seem to be.

The Tyros 4 manual sucks, zero info in how to edit ( but that is pretty well how it is, Korg are as bad ) and it does get worst, it says that the file can only be played on your Tyros and outputted as a WAV therefore useless in a DAW.

If you do not get specific how to advice here then there may be workarounds on the PSR forum.

You can also just use the Tyros as a MIDI keyboard and record onto a DAW.

You're absolutely right - the Tyros manual is pathetic! I looked into the editing section and it does not tell me how to insert or delete a bar in the whole song. You can delete note by note per track, which is a real pain, especially if you have a not of stuff happening within the bar and most of the tracks.

Pardon my ignorance - what is DAW?
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
The thing about the manual for your keyboard is that it only says youncan export the MIDI file as a WAV which is not easily editable and that is an understatement. Yamaha use their own MIDI file format and even if you could extract it from your keyboard I am unsure if a DAW can read or edit it.

Software like Cakewalk, Ableton, Logic Pro are all in the DAW category which is short form for Digital Audio Workstation which is typically a sixteen track audio recorder/looper/sequencer.

A MIDI file is produced on a DAW and will have the extension MID but the file is basically a series of commands for each track rather than a series of digital audio recordings

Onboard sequencers in our keyboards are setup to work DAWish and it is the ish that is the important bit, in that they are not necessarily transferable as it depends upon the keyboard make and model.

On some keyboards the MIDI file is fully editable, yet on others it is not.

The next problem is that if you output a MIDI from your keyboard the soundfiles that relate to it have to be accessible. To get round it companies like Korg have inbuilt instruments that are GM compatible (GM = general midi) I am not sure how Yamaha deal with this.

My MIDI knowledge is not as extensive as other members here who hopefully can advise further.
Apr 9, 2024
Reaction score
I am an amateur sequence programmer, and I love my Tyros 4. However there are a few issues that I have never managed to solve when I sequence a song - perhaps someone out in this forum will have the right answers:

a) Suppose I have forgotten a bar in a song that I am sequencing how can I insert a single bar on all the 16 tracks so that I could punch in and punch out the data in that bar?
b) Similarly how can I delete a particular bar (say bar # 50) on all the tracks within the song?
c) Also if I have a midi file from another keyboard brand (not Yamaha family), how can I change the instruments (per track) in the song to make the midi file compatible with the samples from Tyros 4?

Thanks in advance.

Jay Franco

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