Yamaha PSR-EW410 outputs question

Oct 21, 2023
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I just purchased a Yamaha {SR-EW410 keyboard and have a question regarding outputs. Can style and voice be sent to separate outputs? Being able to utilize style for an on-tempo beat is nice when our music group is practicing without a drummer, but when it comes time for a keyboard solo I'd like to be using a volume pedal to boost only the keyboard voice output while the style beat output remains at its set level. I don't see anything in the owner's manual about separating the outputs, but it seems that sending one to the left output and the other to the right would be a sensible and desired feature. I know that I can use the "LIVE CONTROL" knob assigned to position 1 to increase the voice response in relation to style, but moving the control knob past the center of rotation causes the tone to become harsh, while decreasing voice volume by turning the knob to left of center mellows the tone output, so this seems to be mainly a tonal adjustment. Conversely, the style volume can be adjusted with the knob if assigned to position 5, and adjusts the style volume independently of the voice volume so that setting the knob to center (or to left of center) provides full style volume, while right of center decreases style volume (opposite of what you would expect). Thus, neither of those methods appeals to me. If there's a way to have just the style go to either the left or the right audio output, and voice separated to the other output, please let me know how to accomplish that. If there is no way to do this on the EW410 then that would also be helpful to know. I could create some basic drum beat patterns for practices using my DAW, which of course would not be affected if I use a volume pedal or A/B switch to boost voice volume during keyboard solos, but was hoping that there would be a way to utilize the styles built into the keyboard to simplify matters. Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can provide.

Aug 23, 2021
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I use the PSR-EW425 - no, the Left output is Mono and the Right output is Stereo. I have used a number of Korg, Roland, Yamaha, and Casio keyboards - all with stereo (L&R) outputs, and none doing what you are explaining above. I think you are talking channel outputs or MIDI (in / out / through)?


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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I was going to answer before but held off in case I thought of anything.

As far as I know, there is no way to separate the sounds coming out of the speakers/audio outs except by hard panning the different sounds left or right as desired.

You should be able to hard pan the keyboard's voices left or right (pan 0 or pan 127) using the function menu. But as far as I know, the only way to pan the style's voices is to create a custom style (external style file) that defines all of its voices as being panned to either 0 or 127.

On the other hand, you might be able to send the keyboard's and style's MIDI outputs to an external MIDI device and separate the various MIDI channels to different sound modules, but then you'll be using the sound module's sounds rather than the keyboard's sounds. Channels 1, 2, and 3 are used by the keyboard's voices, and channels 9 through 16 are used by the style's voices.

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