Can I attach a notebook + sheet holder + mic boom arm to an X STAND?

Jan 7, 2018
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First of all thanks to You all for the info and pics :). Now I will try to get head and tale of it all and give You my response.:cool:
Jan 7, 2018
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My X stand started out as a single tier.

I added one of these to it.

Again they are universal fit.

Gary ;)
Problem with this universal tier is that it seems useless if sitting down since it only streches so far. People have done all sorts of things to compensate including removind the stick/support in the middle that stabilizes it.

Else it would have seen a good idea also as a holder for a laptop, but when as said the legs are far apart on the stand then the space in between the 2. tier bars gets bigger. But well they might be useful to clamp something onto them. The 2. tier as a holder for another keyboard has no importance to me. I use only one synth. That's why I purchased the MOXF8. Well Gary and You others, I am not that hard core techie yet but more a minimalist piano guy. But that is going to chance now in this new world of synthesizers. Already bought a book about it :)

I more tend to look at this adaptor onto which on-stage extensions/mics/holders (laptop, ipad, iphone, Note sheet) can be attached (well already mentioned it but went back to read since I missed two days ;-) ):

Ohh and let me just mention a big reason why being in Europe makes it hard to decide on: Because much of the gear that is easy to find in the US, is simply impossible to find or hard to get ones hands on in Europe and if importing it, often the price tripples (x3) due to shipping and import/tax fees. Perhaps those budget gear suppliers prefer the home market to not tripple their prices and have to compete with locals. Or the big distributors like THomann favor certain brands (well K&M is german too ;-) ) and downplay say the universal budget spare parts. Probably more this.

I managed to track down the only distributor in Denmark of the Gooseneck 19" for instance:

Not even the big companies such as Thomann have got something similar from on-stage, but well I found something that might work but really not sure if it's compatible:

In short to assemble gear that is easy to purchase in the US and often free from shipping costs, is a pain in the neck in Europe. Perhaps Gooseneck from there then another thing from US that costs tripple the price and so on.

But really it comes down to choosing whether to remain loyal to say the more costly K&M 18950 table stand or the 18810 Omega and the tailor suited extentions. I can get a z stand for 1/3 the price of those K&M at gear4music (they make them themselves). This way getting the onstage universal extentions/holders and mic gooseneck might be worth it.

But then I need to return the sheet holder and the mic boom arm from Thomann. They cost me 120$ all together. A looot (pronounced as Jim Carrey: "I like it a looot"). I probably need to pay the return shipment. Those things are not budget ones.

D ;-)
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Jun 27, 2014
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Adelaide, Australia
Problem with this universal tier is that it seems useless if sitting down since it only streches so far. People have done all sorts of things to compensate including removind the stick/support in the middle that stabilizes it.
Bear in mind Dino that if you're only holding the weight of a laptop, that support in the middle is quite unnecessary. It was designed with keyboards in mind.
Jan 7, 2018
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Bear in mind Dino that if you're only holding the weight of a laptop, that support in the middle is quite unnecessary. It was designed with keyboards in mind.
Ok so would you say that I can remove them rather far apart the tier 2 arms then bend them towards each other to compensate and use them for holding a laptop? ALso thought I could cut out some transparent plastic plate myself, which I know where to find and saw :) That way it can work both as a laptop holder and a notesheet holder.

The alternative is the Onstage adaptor as said before (some days ago though) and then attaching the millenium noteholder stand onto it which carries a laptop too as mentioned in the reviews. A small one they say. I have purchased a 15.6 " so hope it won't fall.

And you say those second tier arms don't drop even at an angle?

Txs ;-)
Jan 7, 2018
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Oh, btw, I saw a really hot Berklee fusion group this summer in a dive near Fenway. First song, the keyboardists two-tier X stand gave out and dumped his micro synth across the room. His 88 landed on his knees and he just kept on playing. That's f***ing pro!

Now I'm starting to get paranoid about my Hercules, if it drops on my foot I'm gonna need major surgery and a new laptop. It's really ideal, but maybe I should look into finally buying that Spider. Maybe after tax season.
I had a Hercules z stand (up to 90 kg maybe) which I bought when living in Italy. I noticed the package had been opened before. It started suddenly dropping and one day nearly dropped onto my small son, aged 4 then. I don't know if it was a one timer but hell I returned it giving them a song, an angry one.

But there are other z stands like the Roland KS Z18 (perfectly stable, used it with the cp5 at 25-26 kilos) or those with 2. tiers mentioned. I also will stick with a Z one (but for now with the X). THe 18950 table is too heavy: 10 k. I need to be flexible.

Great getting Your commentaries and suggestions.

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Jan 7, 2018
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That's a problem with X Stands. You can't adjust the width without changing the height.

Personally it wasn't a problem for me because I play my keys from a standing position.

Maybe you should just break down and buy a two tier Z stand instead? They're a hell of a lot more stable and secure and things like this never happen to them :)

Gary ;)

FUnny, since nothing bad happened. Cool how in the second one, the guy continues playing.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
FUnny, since nothing bad happened.

Personally I don't even want to guess what sorts of problems they had after those keyboards dropped. Stuck notes? Broken keys? Cracked housings?

Personally I worry about my Kurzweil when it's being moved inside a TSA case. If I dropped it on concrete from 4 feet up I'd have a heart attack and would probably be looking at a $300 repair bill. :p

Gary ;)
Jan 7, 2018
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So good padding is essential. Maybe the x stands should be born with a foam mat underneath, just in case :p
Jan 7, 2018
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Cowboy ...
Ok so would you say that I can remove them rather far apart the tier 2 arms then bend them towards each other to compensate and use them for holding a laptop? ALso thought I could cut out some transparent plastic plate myself, which I know where to find and saw :) That way it can work both as a laptop holder and a notesheet holder.

The alternative is the Onstage adaptor as said before (some days ago though) and then attaching the millenium noteholder stand onto it which carries a laptop too as mentioned in the reviews. A small one they say. I have purchased a 15.6 " so hope it won't fall.

And you say those second tier arms don't drop even at an angle?

Txs ;-)

Dawned to me to ask if those support pins on the tier 2 that hold the keyboard/laptop will not loose their function when bending the tier 2 arms towards the center? Unless they can also be turned to stay upright? I mean those stoppers that block the keyboard from sliding.

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Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
If you're going to turn the upper tiers inward then you can fit them to a wider X Stand, but you should not eliminate the center support.

If possible, it may be necessary to simply attach a longer custom made bracing bar between the two.

Sometimes it's necessary to do a little custom metalwork to make everything fit the way you want it to.

Gary ;)
Jan 7, 2018
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If you're going to turn the upper tiers inward then you can fit them to a wider X Stand, but you should not eliminate the center support.

If possible, it may be necessary to simply attach a longer custom made bracing bar between the two.

Sometimes it's necessary to do a little custom metalwork to make everything fit the way you want it to.

Gary ;)

Problem is that the center support only streaches so far. At least the x stand (z is another thing) arms/supports are far wider apart. This is why bending the tier arms without the center support, in order to hold a laptop, would be the only solution in my mind.

Oh how I long for that z stand. I will probably get that one with tier 2 included where the tier arms bend everywhere.

About the metalwork, how handy to know someone to do that :D



Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
It's up to you if you want to trust a $1000 laptop to a stand that could collapse at any moment that's up to you.

Like I said, I don't trust X Stands as far as I can spit in the first place.

Gary ;)
Jan 7, 2018
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Why not create a solution with some thick absorbing foam all covering keyboards, possibly like a tight bag perhaps with some look alike thin phony metal on top of it. Maybe a removable top with a zipper to protect the top including the keybed and panel when travelling. Then that would be one hell of a worry less to a lot of people.

I imagine in these days one could make a niche producing such tight bags as ordered for all types of pianos.

Regarding the inlets and outlets: Easy. Just blow up the measures of a photo of the back side or front side of those. Then you have the measures and positions to cut those holes. Even easier if you have the piano or borrow it OR sneak into a shop and make a foam form. Then some nice plastic edges perhaps, easily foldable and clamped like foil or so.

Another easier solution for stage use is to simply cut out some foam mat, shock absorbing and glue (such as double sided tape/scotch) to the bottom of the piano of any kind. After all this is where the problem is if an x crashes.

However one needs to make sure that the tailor suited bags will still fit.

Why not produce the appropiate bag while at it. But easier to stick with the befirementioned niche and making sure enough space within thd gig bag for the foam padding.

What do You say: Good or crazy. :p
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Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
You're assuming it's going to fall flat everytime and not instead land on a corner cracking the housing like an egg.

It's idiotic to assume that your keyboard is GOING to fall when instead you should just make damned sure it WON'T fall.

And a running laptop will have a spinning hard disk with a bunch of feather light heads that will surely crash and crash badly at the first shock of any kind.

Instead of spending all this time, money and effort looking for half assed solutions why not just spend $100 more and buy something that works PROPERLY the first time and be done with it?

Gary ;)
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Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Something like this can be built for less than a $100 using simple hand tools.

It's up to you if you can't afford one build one.

If you can't build one then you have to pay market prices.

You could also take a look at your local craigslist to see if anyone is selling anything worthwhile.

Sometimes it's surprising what people will sell off

Gary ;)
Jan 7, 2018
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You're assuming it's going to fall flat everytime and not instead land on a corner cracking the housing like an egg.

It's idiotic to assume that your keyboard is GOING to fall when instead you should just make damned sure it WON'T fall.

And a running laptop will have a spinning hard disk with a bunch of feather light heads that will surely crash and crash badly at the first shock of any kind.

Instead of spending all this time, money and effort looking for half assed solutions why not just spend $100 more and buy something that works PROPERLY the fist time and be done with it?

Gary ;)
Jan 7, 2018
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Yes I thought about the corners but didn't mention it.

The spinning heads is of course yet another issue. Thats right.

Yes of course better to get stable stands which however we see is not guaranteed. But I think having some soft padding underneath might help and spare cracked skulls of tiny children: Get my point??

Not that I usually ever worry. But just hsppened to see my boy nearly being hit by a 24 kilo Yamaha that fell, due to a defect Hercules stand.

Only one life saved would make it worth while.
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Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Question re X stands.

Have those that failed been the type with friction locks?

I have a Roland Z stand at home which is rock solid, but a pain to disassemble.

I also have a double X stand that I keep at a venue to use there but when I bought this stand I made sure that the locking mechanism was via solid pin with a thumbscrew type of locking mechanism. The stand is pretty robust and I always lean on it to be sure it is locked OK before I put the keyboard on it. Alas I have very limited storage at the venue and it folds into less than half the size of the Z stand in about 5s.

Just a biit concerned after all this talk of stand failures.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Over the years I've seen all sorts of X stands with all kinds of locking mechanisms.

My favorite is a swinging cross bar with a thumbscrew lock.

Those don't go anywhere you don't want them to.

They stopped making those about 15 years ago.

Nowadays they use various sorts of locking spring pins and friction locks depending on price and manufacture.

I really don't trust those at all. Generally the locking plates are spot welded on and depending on quality control of manufacture I've seen spot welds completely fail and give out under heavy loads.

On most modern X stands I wouldn't trust more than 25-30 lbs.

Even then, all it takes is one lemon to totally ruin your day :eek:

Gary ;)
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