Is there any way to change back & forth between your DAW and keyboard ?

May 13, 2024
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Orange County, CA
Hi everyone, pretty excited to join this forum. I'm a home player with a Roland FP60x which is great but lacks a good Hammond B3 sound. So I bought a Hammond VST for my DAW. When I'm playing with friends, I have to go over to my computer and disarm the Hammond VST in my DAW so I can get back to using my normal keyboard sounds. Does anyone know if there's a smooth way to switch between keyboard and DAW ? Thx for any advice!


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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According to the Owner's Manual, you can set the MIDI Transmit Channel to Off, or to 1 through 16. It also says the MIDI Transmit Channel setting gets saved to a Registration. So the easiest thing to do would be to set the MIDI Transmit Channel to Off and save it in a Registration that you can recall whenever you want to play using the keyboard's voices. Then you can save a different Registration where the MIDI Transmit Channel is set to 1 or whatever, for when you want to send the MIDI to your computer and play using a VSTi.
Jun 17, 2019
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Take a look at Gig Performer, you can play all of your VST's and live instruments together in a live music situation and even add backing tracks and midi.
Free trial is available too.
Aug 13, 2018
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The best way I use, is to have the keyboard local set to On, then turn down the volume on the keyboard to use the DAW, and when you want to use the keyboard, hit the mute button (you'll need to get a PC keyboard with media controls) , and turn up the keyboard.

Or, if your keyboard has a midi control parameter to enable/disable local midi, you can set that in your DAW, and assign a hotkey so that when you press it, it toggles the keyboard's local midi on/off, but there's also the problem of muting the PC when playing the keyboard.

On the other hand, the first option I suggested would only be useful when recording and not a good idea when playing live, so the ONLY alternative solution is to get 2 keyboards, one playing through the B3 VSTi, and the other playing raw.

I personally, prefer the latter, when I play live, I use 2 keyboards.
Jul 1, 2022
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I don't know about turning On or Off channels, locals etc. on your Roland FP60x, but! I had the same problem many years ago when I wanted to play VSTi using Right hand on my PSR and at the same time have the internal sounds of ACC. The problem was - when I turned off (or mute) the right-hand channel, or decreased up to min. the volume on the right hand - it returned exactly THE SAME settings in my VSTi. Because everything I did on my PSR keyboard was sand to VSTi. The only way I reach the effect I need was - to use any kind MIDI filter! With the help of MIDI filter you can forbid the translation of any MIDI messages. In my case I used MIDI filter of Volume - so I set the Volume on my right hand on PSR to "0", but it didn't take effect on the volume of VSTi. I don't know what king of VSTi-Host do you use to play your Hammond (it's seems that Cantabile VST-host has the MIDI filter), but I used the free and very powerful TransMIDIFier software
May be it will also help you!
Aug 13, 2018
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I don't know what kind of VSTi-Host do you use to play your Hammond.
I'm taking a stab at the possibility the OP could be using the B4-II VSTi from Native Instruments, which can also run as a standalone instrument taking MIDI directly from the MIDI driver, if that's the case, then all he has to do is to leave the local MIDI enabled on his keyboard with the volume down, then play through the B3 instrument, and when he wants to change to the keyboard raw sounds, just mute the PC and turn up the keyboard, (hopefully he's not using the keyboard's aux output, and using the main out to the mixer).

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