Android Tablet chord chart selection to change keyboard performance/scene etc

Jan 30, 2020
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I am completely new to MIDI & SysEx but struggled to find a specific thread for this already so apologies if it exists.

I want to set up midi to when I select a chord chart, the relevant sounds pull up on both my keyboards. My set up for this is:

- iPhone or iPad
- iConnect interface to connect to iPhone/pad. This then has MIDI in and out
- Roland Juno DS, of which I will be wanting to select from user performances
- Roland VR09b, of which I’ll be wanting to select from bank numbers

I have set up and tried using the ‘OnSong’ app, creating SysEx with help from Google and chat gbt but I am not getting anywhere.

Would any midi whiz kids out there but up for providing some virtual tutorials (for a few) on this specific problem?

The overall aim is to have my full repertoire available on call at any point during a gig. I play in 3 function bands, and one in particular like to change it up last minute.

That said, I do need the option of ordering my PDFs into set lists without having to re write midi mapping every time

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