Keyboards for Recording?

Sep 18, 2015
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Hello, I am new to this but I need some help. I am not a keyboard player by any means. I am new to this instrument, however I am looking to make a purchase soon. I am in the process of working on a small time film and need a keyboard to help with sounds and effects and layering. I have looked at different options and have narrowed it down to a few. I am intrigued by the Roland FA-06 because of its capabilities, but I have also looked at others like the Korg Krome. What is the best type of keyboard for this situation. I like the idea of a workstation and like the concept of being able to sequence and record right to the built in DAW. What are the opinions? Or would it seriously be a better option to buy a controller keyboard with some software and layer that way?


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Can you give us a better background on your abilities? Do you play any sort of musical instrument at all? Do you have any music theory under your belt?

What sort of sounds are you trying to achieve in your film? Schmaltzy romantic? Sci Fi eerie? Rootin Tootin Western? Film Noire detective?

Both machines you listed are in the $1000 to $1200 range. Have you budgeted for extra production software as well?

Answer these questions and we'll be better able to help you.

Gary ;)
Sep 18, 2015
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I have been in music for 12 years now. Play guitar bass, singer songwriter. Music theory a bit rusty but always can be brushed up. Went to school for music business so I have used and recorded with ProTools, Logic, Cubase, etc. The film is a documentary so a lot of the sounds will be backing tracks to voice over lays. I am also a worship leader however, so I will be using the keyboard for live performing as well during services. So that so that is where my lack of knowledge of keyboards come in to play. I have researched all kinds of keyboards from arrangers to synths to just regular pianos and I have no idea the best option. The filmaker I am working with wants to have sounds included from all areas such as electronic and then even strings and such.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
I think the Roland has a slight edge in terms of popular sounds and playability mainly because it is a much newer model than the Krome.

That being said though, they are overall pretty much in the same class of workstation instrument.

CowboyNQ, a regular here owns a Krome and can go into better detail of it's capabilities and shortcomings, but he's on Australian time so you might have to wait 24 hours for a response.

My own uneducated opinion is that the Roland FA series would be easier to work with than than the Korg. At least from what I've seen in the Youtube tutorial videos.

Gary ;)


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
BTW, no matter which keyboard you ultimately decide on, any shortcomings in the voices can be supplemented by using the board as a MIDI controller and adding hardware modules or soft synths.

Gary ;)
Sep 21, 2015
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You can use Yamaha MOXf6 or MOXf8
there a tons of sounds that you can use on this keys, you can use this as MIDI controller too in your software intruments.

Hope this will help you.

God bless bro.

Jay :)
Jun 27, 2014
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Adelaide, Australia
Moxf, RolandFA, Krome, in my view all very impressive bits of gear for the price.

As Gary mentioned above I'm a Krome owner (that's it in my profile pic), I don't own the others (although have fiddled around with them in shops) so I'll restrict my commentary to the Krome.

Sound wise - it's absolutely excellent and exceptionally versatile. The sound editor is incredibly deep which gives plenty of flexibility, unfortunately the price you pay for this is that it is rather complex too. I'm pretty comfortable with it now but it took me a little while to get there.

It has an on-board sequencer too, which is again pretty impressive, but not terribly intuitive to use. To be fair I hardly use it as I'm really a live player only, I don't do any form of recording. So maybe it gets easier to use with practice.

I note you'll use your keyboard live. I highly recommend the Krome for this purpose - it's lightweight, bulletproof in construction (mine's been kicked, had gear dropped on it, sat in the extreme cold, been covered in dust), and sounds killer. However the action on it is not great, I recommend you try one out if you can to see if you can get along with the action. Both the weighted and synth action versions leave quite a bit to be desired. Personally I can tolerate this because I love the way it sounds so much, but for others it would be a deal breaker.

Hope that helps - I'll leave it for others with more knowledge to discuss the merits of the other 'boards you're considering. Good luck!

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