OK, I have a play around today.
Connected up my MacBook Air to my Pa5X via USB.
In the Audio Setup there is no option for selecting output via USB.
Nor is there any new configuration that enables me to create one and use it. If there is I do not know what to do.
Within Logic, Mainstage and Garage Band I cannot find any output for the audio via USB.
Tried all with Local off and on.
Then I connected up my Behringer UMC audio interface by USB and connected it via MIDI cables to the MIDI sockets on the 5X. Connected the audio outputs from the Behringer to the Audio inputs on the 5X. Set up audio in Mainstage to feed via the Behringer.
I am getting the audio out of the MacBook being played through the headphones connected to the Behringer interface.
Playing the 5X gets the Vu bars moving on the MacBook, so there is communication but that is it.
Started to watch a “how to“ video, then realised I reached Brain Death, so will get back to it tomorrow, its late and I’m shattered.
Did you guys not read my post?
When I connect the Behringer audio interface to the MacBook and select it in the Apps I can hear the instrument sounds that are selected in Mainstage etc in the Headphones that are connected to the Behringer.
Ergo, the 5X has to have some sort of Audio via USB.
Or am I missing something?
Anyway it is now sorted.
I have a Behringer UMC204HD audio interface connected to my MacBook Air via USB.
As above, in Mainstage the instrument selected plays audio via headphones connected to the UMC audio interface and they play great.
All I had to do on the MacBook was send the audio output via settings in Mainstage to the UMC audio interface.
The Behringer UMC is connected via MIDI cables to the Pa5X, as is the Audio outputs from it which go to the Line In on the Pa5X.
In the Pa5X MIDI setup, Local is Off.
Now the Line In will not produce any sound unless it is turned on.
In the main LCD panel select Control, the fifth slider is the Line, tap under the slider to turn it On.
Using the Main Sliders select Main, and the fifth slider will not be illuminated, press its button to turn it on.
With the Classic Rock Organ selected in Mainstage its sounds are heard on my Yamaha monitors, they are heard via the headphones connected to the Behringer UMC.
No sounds are heard via the MacBook speakers but as I play notes on the Pa5X the Vu bars in Mainstage move.
If I display the Virtual Keyboard in Mainstage and play notes on it the sounds are heard on both the headphones and via the Yamaha monitors.
Now you know what needs to be done, buy an Audio Interface.
Job done.