Second keyboard...

Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
If you have played the Kross 2 61 then you have played the same keybed as the PA700.

If when you next go to your Music Store and they have any Korg Arranger in the store try it, the sounds are very similar although the 4X being in a different league which reflects its price and the 76 keys are it has are semi weighted if I remember correctly and btw the price of a 4X is less than the combined price of the Vox and Grandstage, if keyboards were the only instrument I play then I would buy a PA4X.

The inbuilt Styles are not fixed, you can save them to the Songbook and customise them to suit or you can create your own.

This is Kris Nicholson creating a custom Style on a 700

Stereo 25W is more than enough headroom for home use and quite a few folks in the Korg Forum and Korg PA Fb groups gig with one without using extra amp and speakers
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Apr 26, 2019
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Well, if the keybed is the same as the Kross 2 61, then that’s MX61 territory, something that will put me off in less than 5 mInutes...

The thing is, the keys of the MX61, and the Kross 2 61 (although they’re just a teensy weensy bit better than the MX61) are clacky and just feel cheap, not a lot different from the dirt cheap Yamaha EZ-150 I have lying around (and that’s a board that cost around 100 euros or so). So shame on Yamaha, or Korg, or anyone else for putting cheap feeling actions on keyboards that cost almost ten times as much...

Something else I noticed (although something I’d never use) : video out is RCA...
RCA ? What’s this ? 1985 ? Why couldn’t they put HDMI on there ? I mean, this board was released in 2017 !
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Apr 26, 2019
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I read this in a post from you, from a couple of months ago, on another forum :
The 700/1000 keyboards both will feel far better than your Yamaha.

We can easily adjust the feel of the keys within the settings.

What do you mean by that ?
You do realize that the PA1000 DOES have semi-weighted keys, unlike the 700 ?
Don't suppose you can remove the 'clackiness' ?

In the same thread, someone said that the action feels like the one from a cheap $200 keyboard. If the PA700 keybed is like the MX61 and the Kross 2 61, I'd have to agree...
Apr 26, 2019
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Sorry for making three posts in a row, would have combined the previous ones, but editing isn’t allowed after a certain time (any moderators who can explain why, never had this on other forums)...
The PS1000 could be an option, but paying 700 euros more just to have some more sounds and semi-weighted keys, seems a bit overkill. If it had 76 keys, like the PA4X, I might consider it, but on the other hand, my budget isn’t unlimited.
In any case, I find it strange that quite a lot of online stores state that the PA700 has semi-weighted keys (f.i. Sweetwater, Gear4Music and others) while it just has synth action keys. How misleading is that ?
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
There is not much difference in keyboard feel between the K2 61 and the Juno 61 it just seems to me that that 61 keys in the majority of cases have the same synth like action at least those in the similar price pool. You get used to it, just like if I got hammer action Inwould feel thet my fingers are getting a workout every time I played and it would take time.

The key action adjustments on the 700 are related to the velocity sensitivity.

A 1000 has a very similar action but it has after touch as well to me the extra features of the 1000 just do not doit for me since I have both my 700 and K2 for a similar price to the 1000

Semi weighted the 700/1000 definitely are not and clacky, that is a Yamaha trait to me.

The Vox has a waterfall key action as does some of the Nords which is more like a semi weighted keybed to me.

What I am saying is a PA4X whilst expensive is the same price as what you will pay for the Vox and whatever Korg piano you are considering. Whilst you say that your budget is not unlimited that is not the impression I have, you seem to just research and buy, my Dad would say .... that money of yours is burning a hole in your pocket.

Buy whatever suits you.

I am done on this thread
Apr 26, 2019
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Your post seems to suggest that the 700/1000 have very similar keybeds, and that just the aftertouch on the 1000 is the main difference. Korg’s site and lots of others seem to state differently.
The MX61 and also the Kross 2 61 have clacky keys, in my book anyway. That’s synth action. Same as on that Yamaha EZ-150.

You’re done with this thread, I can understand that. I know I’m indecisive, but at the same time, a whole lot of people don’t seem to mind synth action keyboards. I do, and a keyboard can be the most technologically advanced and have the best sounds in the world ; if it has regular synth action, then I don’t want it.
Waterfall and sem-weighted don’t necessarily go together. Waterfall is just the shape, semi-weighted is how they feel. I know it’s all very subjective but for me the keys are very important.
And yes, my budget is limited : I may have had a number of keyboards over the past two months, but I have sent them back, i.e. got my money back...

I’m in a particular situation as well, having two ‘homes’ for the moment. I don’t HAVE TO buy a ‘two tier’ setup twice, but I said in the beginning that I can now finally afford the things I want to buy after a long period of ‘setbacks’... For one, my wife died in October 2016, which was a blow. Left me with teenage twins, which isn’t easy on your own.
Met my current girlfriend in December 2017 and all goes well. And then decided early 2019 to buy the appartment next to hers. So in a transition period now and everything’s going better, at work, my girlfriend, the kids, and the appartement is an opportunity for me to start ‘afresh’.

But hey, you don’t have to read my ‘whimsical’ posts if you don’t want to. I was just trying to get some information, and making some conversation in the process.

Back on topic : might blow the budget and get the PA1000 anyway, Not having clacky keys is worth 700 euros in my book...
Jun 25, 2010
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Sorry for making three posts in a row, would have combined the previous ones, but editing isn’t allowed after a certain time (any moderators who can explain why, never had this on other forums)...
It's common on lots of forums, though the length of editing time varies. It's ridiculously short on pianoworld. The benefits are that, at some point, a post is what it is and people can always find it again, and that more--let's say "emotional"--posters can't revise history. Personally, I'd prefer that one could always add new "ETA" content to the bottom of an old post even if at some point you can't change/delete what's already been written, but I don't think any of the BBS software permits that.

The PS1000 could be an option, but paying 700 euros more just to have some more sounds and semi-weighted keys, seems a bit overkill. If it had 76 keys, like the PA4X, I might consider it, but on the other hand, my budget isn’t unlimited.
I have and like the PA1000, though yeah, I wish it has 7x keys. And the one drawback compared to the PA700 is that there's less contrast to the control surface (i.e. black buttons on black background and some red printing), making operation more difficult in sub-optimal lighting conditions. But the PA1000 does have numerous advantages over the PA700 besides some more sounds (which are mostly in the guitar category) and semi-weighted keys (which do provide better velocity control compared to the keys on the Kross 61 etc.). There's also the aftertouch (which is very nice for expressivity, especially when your other hand is busy playing something else and can't be spared for wheel use), the tilt screen (which I think can be a particular advantage if the PA is placed above another keyboard, and probably if playing outdoors), more than twice the memory for custom samples, better speaker system, nicer feeling buttons, vocal processor/harmonizer. Yes, you can say it's a lot to pay for those things compared to what you get for the much lower price of the PA700, the PA700 is in that respect a better value, but if you can afford it, it's really nice to have the benefits of the 1000.

As for the mentioned PA4X, I haven't played one... I'm sure it's very nice... but as for taking the place of the Grandstage/Vox combo, you'd completely lose having a nice hammer action for piano. (And the operation/ergonomics are very different, of course.)

And as for choosing a PA1000 to put over a Grandstage (instead of the Vox), that's an interesting possibility. I'd probably lean toward the PA which gives you less sonic duplication and more sounds and total functionality overall (including but not limited to the arranger functions, which you might find you enjoy), but you lose the 73 key option, the tube character, maybe a preferable action (I haven't played the Vox myself), and the 9 touchstrips (though the PA does permit drawbar manipulation in screen), and that direct no-screen method of operation. But especially in context of using it in conjunction with the Grandstage (which itself can duplicate many of the Vox's advantages), I think you'd gain a lot more than you'd lose in making that switch, but again, you may find it just doesn't speak to you in the same way.

p.s. -- I have occasionally found errors in the specs/descriptions on Sweetwater pages... best to check the manufacturers' own.
Apr 26, 2019
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The PA700 or 1000 would be to complement the Kross 2 88. I just think that the Grandstage 88 and the Vox Continental 73 make a very irresistible pair, even if they have some overlapping in the sound department. They both have this ‘hands on’ user experience and that’s very important to me as well. These are two incredibly cool boards and my Laney AH150 will be perfect for the Grandstage/Vox combo...

As for the PA1000 : I got a 5% off voucher from the online store for my birthday (4th of July, I’m not American :p), which brings the price down from 1800 to around 1700 euros. Well worth considering, actually. There’s still a big price difference with the PA700 but I know for a fact that those synth action keys will make me send the thing back before you can say “Korg”. And I think the PA1000 will pair very well with my Kross 2 88, which has a keybed I just love.
Jun 25, 2010
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The PA700 or 1000 would be to complement the Kross 2 88.
Ah! Yeah, I think that would be a nice combo too. What are your other contenders? Is that where you were thinking about the Numa Compact 2X? Other than the lack of 88 keys and the 9 sliders, the PA1000 is far more capable and versatile than the Numa is overall (not surprising considering the cost difference).
Apr 26, 2019
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Ah! Yeah, I think that would be a nice combo too. What are your other contenders? Is that where you were thinking about the Numa Compact 2X? Other than the lack of 88 keys and the 9 sliders, the PA1000 is far more capable and versatile than the Numa is overall (not surprising considering the cost difference).

I’ve kind of forgotten about the Numa. Not considering it anymore, to be honest. Been looking at Kurzweil but not quite sure about those either. Their collection of keyboards seem to be in need of a refresh (I believe the SP6 and SP1 are the more recent boards) and I don’t feel like the other ones have any outstanding features for me.
Dexibell, don’t really know what to think, completely unknown brand to me, and they don’t really have anything that appeals to me. Clavia Nord, well, if I did have that kind of a budget, I’d know what to get :p
Kind of lost interest in Yamaha, as well. Their boards seem a bit ‘generic’ to me, without any real soul to them. Comparing Korg’s PA series to Yamaha, both the PSR-S775 and 975 have synth action keybeds, according to the information I could find online. Are the folks at Yamaha on drugs ?
Roland, well, I’m going to send two Roland boards back tomorrow, so... The VR-730 is ok, mind you, good keybed. But not keen on the FA series (for reasons already mentioned) and the Juno DS series look a bit more basic and to the point in terms of user experience ; just too bad the Juno DS 76 also has those wretched synth action keys...
But as Biggles says (I have to give this one to him), an arranger is really a good alternative, and the PA1000 certainly seems very capable. If it weren’t for the synth action, I would have gone for the PA700...


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Kurzweil have announced that they will be releasing the PC4 this year, which if I didn't already own a PC3K8 I'd be all over like Kirstie Alley on a cheesecake.

Expected List Price is about Par with the Roland FA-08.

You should perhaps cool your jets for a while until after Summer NAMM and Musikmesse have had a chance to release some new products this year.

Gary ;)
Jun 25, 2010
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PC4 looks like it will be great, though I'll be surprised if it's priced as low as an FA-08. It's a hammer action, though, and Kameda is looking for a semi-weighted to pair with his Kross 88.

ATM, the only Kurz option that may fit the bill is the Artis 7. Strengths include easy ability to select all your factory and user sounds and combinations directly from buttons without scrolling, 9-slider drawbar organ control, 4-zone MIDI controller functions, ability to switch to new sounds without held/decaying notes of your previous sound cutting off (usually), and the appealing character of many Kurzweil sounds. (Not obvious or well-publicized is the fact that it is also compatible with a large library of PC3 sounds you can download into it.) But the PA1000 has a lot to offer over the Kurzweil, too, if 61 keys is enough.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
According to the Rumor Mill over on VAST Forums, the PC4 is supposed to come in around $1800 Euros mainly due to Kurzweil going with plastic for the housing instead of the traditional steel housing and chassis.

Truth be told, about half the price of a PC3K was due to the metalwork involved.

Gary ;)
Apr 26, 2019
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I found something interesting in the manual:
Korg PA1000 models up to SN# 39999 have RCA video out, models from SN# 40000 have HDMI out.
Here's the link (pages 13 & 14) :

On all of the sites that they sell this model, images show the RCA out, and it's listed in the specs as well. I suppose there's no way of knowing which one I'll receive when I order, unless I get them to check the serial number before they ship it...
What's more, Korg's official site doesn't even mention HDMI...
I assume yours has RCA out ? Not that I would use it a lot (if ever) but I'd still feel a bit cheated if I get a model with the archaic RCA connector...
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Apr 26, 2019
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I contacted the distributor for my country. Apparently, between the RCA and HDMI version, only the connector has changed. The resolution of the video that is put out by the PA1000, hasn't changed, remains at 640x480.
So in the case of a PA1000 with RCA connector, you'd need a converter that can upscale an analog RCA 640x480 signal to a digital 1920x1080 signal. It's an extra cost to consider but not really that much of a hurdle...
Jun 25, 2010
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The external video mirrors the internal. So if the internal 7' display is 640 x 480, I'd expect simply a larger 640 x 480 on an external monitor. What would you be using the external display for? It's seems like a pretty unusual need.
Apr 26, 2019
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Wouldn’t be using it at all, I guess. But it would annoy me to get a board with RCA ( which is unusable without a not so cheap converter) when the next person pays the same price for the board and gets HDMI out of the box.
Again, releasing a board in 2017 and putting RCA on it, is beyond me. Who makes these decisions ?

But I’m nitpicking...
Jun 25, 2010
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OTOH, composite is more universal. Even my big HDMI TV has a composite video in. I don't know, maybe newer ones lack them? But a composite jack means lots of people can use any old thing they have lying around, so some people may find that to be an advantage, too. Similarly, if you need to plug into something at some venue, where the display might not be so new, you might be more likely to find composite than HDMI input. I'm not sure there's a clear better/worse here.

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