Yamaha P115B

May 5, 2015
Reaction score
Just bought a new Yamaha P115B piano, very happy,but Yamaha advertised
the use of the Ipad (digital keyboard controller iosapp) with a Iphone or a Ipad.
You have access to almost all the command with that app, Problem is that
it is not available on the app store ??? only the Iphone version.

Any new P115B owner out there with the same problem ???

p.s. I wrote to Yamaha 4 days ago, no answer



I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
Which app is it? I know of at least two Yamaha apps-- Sound Controller and Synth Book-- that (if I remember correctly) are listed only for the iPhone, but they do work on the iPad. So my suggestion is to just go ahead and install the so-called "iPhone" version on your iPad. Both devices run iOS, and as far as I know an app that was written for iOS will work on either the iPhone or iPad. Even if an app's displays (screen size and screen orientation) were specifically designed with the iPhone in mind, I'd be surprised if it doesn't work on the iPad as well.
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
Which app is it? I know of at least two Yamaha apps-- Sound Controller and Synth Book-- that (if I remember correctly) are listed only for the iPhone, but they do work on the iPad. So my suggestion is to just go ahead and install the so-called "iPhone" version on your iPad. Both devices run iOS, and as far as I know an app that was written for iOS will work on either the iPhone or iPad. Even if an app's displays (screen size and screen orientation) were specifically designed with the iPhone in mind, I'd be surprised if it doesn't work on the iPad as well.

Good evening Michael.

As far as I know it's not possible to install iphone apps on a Ipad and vice versa,
all apps are in Itune listed differently in Iphone apps and Ipad apps,
I do have a Iphone also but lucky me it's a Iphone 4, and the apps cannot be install
on it.

By the way the app name is ''digital piano controller'' it exist for the P255 as well
It's a drag because I didn't want to buy the P115B because of all the primitive
system ( press this key while holding this one press the a#............. )
the Ipad app changed all that. You can see many tutorials on the web where
you see the app working on a Ipad, so I don't get it.

Thanks for taking the time Michael.



I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
So did you try to install it on your iPad? If you didn't, you should.

Edit: The description on Yamaha's web site says the app works with iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. It also says the app is optimized for iPhone 5. In my experience, an app that works with both iPad and iPhone, but which is "optimized" for iPhone, is usually listed in the app store as being an iPhone app, despite the fact that it also works with iPad. And there usually aren't multiple versions-- the one and only version works with iPad, iPhone, and (if applicable) iPod Touch.

Digital Piano Controller.png
Last edited:
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
So did you try to install it on your iPad? If you didn't, you should.

Not possible to do that,
All apps are store in Itune, iphone apps are available only to your Iphone
the same for Ipad apps
So did you try to install it on your iPad? If you didn't, you should.

Edit: The description on Yamaha's web site says the app works with iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. It also says the app is optimized for iPhone 5. In my experience, an app that works with both iPad and iPhone, but which is "optimized" for iPhone, is usually listed in the app store as being an iPhone app, despite the fact that it also works with iPad. And there usually aren't multiple versions-- the one and only version works with iPad, iPhone, and (if applicable) iPod Touch.

View attachment 541

I finally did, found a way on google to install a Iphone app on a Ipad
you have to do it with both device open............ to tell you the
truth I still dont really understand how I did it, but I did.
It's a great app and makes all operations on my 115B simple and
I hope that Yamaha will offer both versions on the app store, il will
simplify things for evertbody.

Thanks again .


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