Keyboard for a beginner

Apr 26, 2019
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If in the future, you'd like to use a DAW, the Kross 2 has a handy editor that you can download for free. The standalone application is 32-bit only for the moment, so it won't work on any of the latest versions of Mac OS (and I assume it won't work in a 64-bit version of Windows 10 either), but the neat thing is that it comes with a plug-in for your DAW that does work on 64-bit.
So basically, you have the whole instrument and all of the sounds, drums and arps as a VST or Audio Unit for use in any DAW : I've tested it, it works with Logic, Garageband, Ableton Live, Presonus Studio One, Cubase...
May 19, 2021
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I might misunderstand the original post, but I saw "symphonic" and immediately thought of Garritan Personal Orchestra $149.

Hey, it's the 21st century! Who needs a keyboard with internal sounds? Use your existing computer / laptop / notepad.

With a software synth, all you need is a decent MIDI controller. And since you're not relying on internal sounds, your controller doesn't go obsolete or become orphaned because of technology change.
MIDI controllers come in all sizes - from 25 key minis to 88 key piano-action boards.
You can also use them to control digital audio workstations (DAWs).
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Bare bones controllers will have a USB output to feed into your host computer. Standard 5 pin DIN MIDI in/out/thru is a plus, if you have older MIDI modules you wish to control / connect with.
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Depending on what you want to control, in real time, your options run from pitch wheels, joysticks, continuous controller dials, buttons, sliders, and velocity sensing pads.

If portability is vital, and you're using a laptop, a small 25 key controller makes sense.
If you want to play piano pieces, a 61 key or larger controller is advisable.

_Audacity (audio only, no MIDI tracks)
_Garageband (iPad, iPhone)
_Ableton Live Lite
Tracktion Waveform Free (upgrade to Pro)
_Ohm Studio
_Cubase LE (light version of Cubase by Steinberger)
_Cakewalk (Sonar) by BandLab

Last word - if you don't mind used instruments, many keyboards will do a decent job as a MIDI controller, even Casios.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Most definitely I do not agree that a PC and a DAW system is the best for a noob.

A keyboard with onboard sounds and easy access to them is a good starter.

A 76 or 88 key Roland Juno DS will last for years without the need to upgrade, add in a pair of $200 Monitor Speakers and a stand and after learning the Op has almost a gig ready system.

Want to go a different route with a keyboard with inbuilt sounds piano action, onboard speakers and arranger functions the a Yamaha DGX 670 or Korg XE20 or Casio S3000 will give years of service.
Apr 26, 2019
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Hey, it's the 21st century! Who needs a keyboard with internal sounds? Use your existing computer / laptop / notepad.

Not everybody has a computer that’s up to the task. Some virtual instruments and daws can be quite demanding.
Also, you’ll need some basic computer skills to get everything up and running, and certainly when one or other plugin starts acting up for whatever reason.
Computer skills, even the most basic, are sorely lacking with most people, I’m sorry to say… You’d be surprised.
Not that I'm implying that TS doesn't know how to operate a computer...

Personally, I'm late to the party with DAWs and virtual instruments, and I prefer it to using a fiddly built-in sequencer, so now wish I had gone that route sooner, but it's not everyone's cup of tea.
Last edited:
May 19, 2021
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If noobs have plenty cash, $800 for a Roland DS61 is a good start - or a Medeli AKX10 (if ever restocked).
If noobs have not so plenty cash, like moi, a controller + software (especially FREE software) is da bomba.
If one has an iPhone / iPad, one has GARAGEBAND included. Add controller + you can rock.
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"if you don't mind used instruments, many keyboards will do a decent job as a MIDI controller, even Casios."

A used Casio WK-6500 or 7500 (one version behind latest 6600 or 7600) can be found for under $150.
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I agree that PROGRAMMING SKILLS are lacking. Many guitarists who bought expensive "programmable" FX devices rarely used anything but FACTORY supplied settings. Some of the "killer sounds" of the Police were due to stock settings of a Digitech GSP2101. And you wouldn't be wrong if you guessed that 99% of the users never tried to wade through the nested menu labyrinth to program it. The latest / greatest are offering simple stomp boxes instead of all-in-one programmable FX arrays.
(Excepting those new fangled digital VSTs, and such, like Peavey Revalver, etc)
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I lucked out when I found a used WK-6500 for $50. Its internal registers and song memory were all unused, but it hadn't been reset to factory specs, so the previous owner probably couldn't decipher the manual. I had to write my own shortcut crib sheet, to crack it. But my DAW does recognize the notes, so it is useful as a basic MIDI controller. Now, if I could map other controls to operate the DAW, that would be even better.
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Other "MIDI controllers" that aren't keyboards, are also coming available in the used marketplace - like the Behringer BCR2000 (out of production) and the Novation Launchpad. They can be added to augment any basic keyboard interface with a DAW.
Of course, Novation's own MIDI controllers already are geared toward ABLETON LIVE (and if you buy one, they include a LITE version).

Here's an older version of the LaunchKEY, with sliders, knobs, and touchpads, that are useful in ABLETON LIVE.


The LaunchPAD, is an array of velocity sensitive pads.


That is what the "new kids" are using instead of a KEYBOARD....
Scares the beejeebers out of old timers like me.

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