MIDI connection issues with Casiotone CT-460

Jul 17, 2020
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Hi everyone! I have this keyboard and I´ve been wanting to connect it to my PC so I can use it as a MIDI controller in DAWs such as Reaper or FL Studio.

The cable that I have is https://www.amazon.com/Interface-Adapter-Converter-Keyboard-Windows/dp/B01MDTDNC1

The problem comes when I plug it in, when I put it on MIDI mode on the keyboard, the IN LED only lights up when I press the first key, no matter what it is and it doesn´t light up anymore regardless of the ammount of keys that I press. This happens everytime I put in on MIDI mode, for instance if I put the keyboard in any other mode, and put it on MIDI again, the same thing happens over and over.
I downloaded MIDI OX and instead of only being the IN LED, both IN and OUT LEDs will light up only when the first key is pressed. I don´t really know how to use MIDI OX so I couldn´t figure out what the problem is.

I beg and thank you for your help !
Nov 16, 2012
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Start by going into your keyboard's MIDI settiings and turning LOCAL "OFF" to ensure that you do not have a MIDI "loop" going. Don't worry. Reaper and FL Studio will echo notes, coming from the keyboard, back to the keyboard to make its sounds, as you play the keys. You just don't want both ends echoing each others echos. Don't forget to turn LOCAL back "ON" when you disconnect FL and Reaper or you won't get any sound from the keyboard.

If the above is not the issue, then you may have a defective adapter cable.
Last edited:
Jul 17, 2020
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Start by going into your keyboard's MIDI settiings and turning LOCAL "OFF" to ensure that you do not have a MIDI "loop" going. Don't worry. Reaper and FL Studio will echo notes, coming from the keyboard, back to the keyboard to make its sounds, as you play the keys. You just don't want both ends echoing each others echos. Don't forget to turn LOCAL back "ON" when you disconnect FL and Reaper or you won't get any sound from the keyboard.

If the above is not the issue, then you may have a defective adapter cable.

Hi! thank you for replying.
I don´t understand what you mean by local, in any other mode that I set my keyboard the lights won´t even turn on


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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"Local" refers to "Local Control," which is a function on keyboards that determines whether a keyboard will make sounds of its own when you play on its keys, or whether it will be silent so you can use it as a keyboard controller for a separate sound module. "Local On" means the keyboard will play its own sounds, and "Local Off" means the keyboard will be silent while it plays the sounds of an external sound module.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Make sure you have the MIDI IN interface cable connected to the MIDI OUT port of the keyboard, and the MIDI OUT cable connected to the MIDI IN port.

When you run MIDI-OX, there should be an option to view the MIDI Input that's being received by MIDI-OX. What does it show while the keyboard is connected and turned on?


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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What I'm wondering is if the Casio is sending out "Active Sensing" messages. You should be able to tell whether it is by looking at what MIDI-OX is receiving-- assuming there's no issue with the USB-MIDI interface cable that is causing the problem.

Basically, Active Sensing messages are used by some MIDI equipment-- especially older equipment, and the Casio CT-460 is definitely an older model-- to tell whether there's a live connection with other MIDI equipment. The first machine keeps sending Active Sensing messages to the second machine, and if it doesn't keep receiving Active Sensing messages back from the second machine then it assumes that the connection has been lost and it stops transmitting its MIDI data.

If that's what's happening, you might be able to set up MIDI-OX or some other program to keep sending Active Sensing messages to the Casio so it doesn't think the connection has been lost. I'm not very familiar with REAPER, but there's an old thread at another forum site which seems to suggest that REAPER will echo the Active Sensing messages back to the sender, but that it might only do this when it's "idle," and not while it's "running," although I'm not sure what the poster meant by that-- and now I can't seem to find that thread with my internet searches, although I think it was at the GearSlutz forum.

In any case, if REAPER can't be set up to resolve the issue itself, you might be able to set up MIDI-OX to do it by echoing the Casio's MIDI data back to itself. But first you need to determine if that's even what the problem is. I've got a bit of experience with MIDI-OX, so I think I can help you figure out how to use it.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Go onto the Casio website and check the compatibility of your keyboard against the operating system you are using on your computer.

Casio have an issue with quite a few of their keyboards especially with Windows 10.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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In the long run, the best solution would be to get a newer keyboard or controller that includes a USB-MIDI port, so there's no need to gamble on a potentially faulty USB-MIDI interface cable. But if the problem is being casused by Active Sensing, there might be a way to get the old keyboard working.
Aug 23, 2022
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What I'm wondering is if the Casio is sending out "Active Sensing" messages. You should be able to tell whether it is by looking at what MIDI-OX is receiving-- assuming there's no issue with the USB-MIDI interface cable that is causing the problem.

Basically, Active Sensing messages are used by some MIDI equipment-- especially older equipment, and the Casio CT-460 is definitely an older model-- to tell whether there's a live connection with other MIDI equipment. The first machine keeps sending Active Sensing messages to the second machine, and if it doesn't keep receiving Active Sensing messages back from the second machine then it assumes that the connection has been lost and it stops transmitting its MIDI data.

If that's what's happening, you might be able to set up MIDI-OX or some other program to keep sending Active Sensing messages to the Casio so it doesn't think the connection has been lost. I'm not very familiar with REAPER, but there's an old thread at another forum site which seems to suggest that REAPER will echo the Active Sensing messages back to the sender, but that it might only do this when it's "idle," and not while it's "running," although I'm not sure what the poster meant by that-- and now I can't seem to find that thread with my internet searches, although I think it was at the GearSlutz forum.

In any case, if REAPER can't be set up to resolve the issue itself, you might be able to set up MIDI-OX to do it by echoing the Casio's MIDI data back to itself. But first you need to determine if that's even what the problem is. I've got a bit of experience with MIDI-OX, so I think I can help you figure out how to use it.

I think you are perfectly right: my CT-640 send two messages to MIDI : type of sound selected and the first note.

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