Thanks Biggles - I asked while waiting for Juno to be delivered - I already have the FC4 pedal for another Yamaha but it is now far too heavy for gigs - Juno seemed perfect - it has arrived, pedal works perfectly, but it plays like a disaster unless I have a rogue one - see my other post!Welcome to the forum.
Yes, it has a polarity switch such that if it operates in reverse when plugged in simply change the switch position.
It is expensive though, I use the M Audio versions on my keyboards.
Thanks GaryIs the FC4 a switch type sustain pedal or a Continuous Controller type?
I use an M-audio SP-2 Sustain Pedal on my Juno DS as well as on all my other keyboards.
It's a very robust pedal for not too much money. Polarity is easily switchable so it's universal.
If you plan on using someone else's CC pedal for a Roland though, make sure it's switchable polarity.
Both Roland and Yamaha tend to use Negative Polarity Pedals while pretty much everyone else uses Positive polarity. (ie. Switch ON when depressed)
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