Comparison.. Clavia´s Nord lead 2x Vs Roland´s JP 8000

Jun 14, 2007
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I currently own 2 keyboards: 1) Roland's Fantom XA 2) Waldorf´s XTk.

My XTk has given a lot of trouble to me, and i can´t find any support in order to buy parts that i need for it to work properly... I got it fixed but it remains delicate, so it is not suited for the road. (I´m thinking to leave it only for home studio applyances).
So, I need to get a new analog like keabord for my live acts, and I am in a dilemma....
I had in mind getting my hands on a Nord Lead 2x, which I consider a nice piece of gear, but I recently contacted a guy who is selling his Jupiter 8000, a legendary keyboard that I've never played before and don't know much about.

So I need to know, what do you think I should get?

My music style is mainly alternative rock. ( with punk and indie influences).

PLEASE! help me on this one

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